Do you take asparas + dakini or asparas+zayin in vanilla. Or for almost same price taking a dakini hmg plus zayin instead.
I never take the asparas. I think you definitely can and that they're ok, but I prefer to bring an EVO hacker. I also think TR bots are incredible in aleph because of the very consistent and cheap proxy mk1 engineer.
I would prefer to take the Apsara Cyberdancer + Zhayin Combo, because I am a defensive player. I can still see the benefit of boosting the Dakini with HMG. In the end, I often can't afford the necessary points to get the Apsara. And I do prefer 2 Zhayins. I love trying to shut my deployment zone completly down.
As OSS player when i want total HMG domination on the table - i take apsara+evo and core link hmg dakini. When you make brrrr on 19 it's perfect, but it's very boring
What i believe is asparas is over costed for one time buff. When ever you loose the buffed rem, you loose her abilities too. And also not sure if i need her in already buffed dakini link. Bs16 which doesnt care about cover is already damn strong. I would love my asparas can change her rem.
I was thinking about this and a key weakness of OSS, their lack of firewalls. If the apsara did what she does, and also gave the model she buffed, and anything in that Fireteam, a firewall, I think she’d be a solid piece. I still think you should be able to move her bonus to a different remote. I’m really confused why that ability was entirely stripped. I think it was a little too good in N3 when you could bounce around a fireteam and everything had number 2. But being able to spend an order to buff and different remote seems reasonable.
I like the aspara but 1 SWC is a hard price to pay. It is probably good on a dakini or a zayin but I tend to go with a remdriver and save the SWC. For 15 I can get to a bs 12 and that is often good enough or if I want to go attacking with a Rudra I take the 12 point one and make the K1 marksmen damage 14.
I really hate the fact that Apsara cannot move her buff now. For me this completely killed the unit, and very fluffy part of this army/sectorial :(
They could actually make Dakini link special ability that Apsara's buff can be moved in a link, if moving it between TR drones and others is too strong/unwanted.
I didn't saw the point in the past, I din't it in N4, even it was worse in N4 regardless the opportunity to give the bonus to a REM with marksmanship thanks the "EVO hacker", too many things to take a +1B in one model... But now, with the fireteams rules changed maybe apsara open to Aleph players a way to "have the best linked shooter" or close to it. Even a reason to use it to have "a BS bonus" in links without "composition bonuses requirements". I still have to play more with the new links rules to have a well formed opinion, plus to play more with SSO for example, I'm right now to focused in others armies.
The skill was fun, useful and fluffy, it made sense that you had experts capable of jumping through different remotes.
meanwhile after new fireteam rules and thinking a dakini hmg with marksmanship can reach bs19 5 burst still while it has mimetism. I no longer demand something. best link in the game is the dakinis.
Sure, but you're reaching HI link prices for all of that (110 / 1,5 at minimum). Not saying it's bad, don't get me wrong, but it's not that far our from more normal options.
Based on the price and SWC, EVO Hacker to give it Marksmanship? ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 7 APSARA (RemDriver [CC=15, BS=13, WIP=14]) Submachine Gun / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 22) PROBOT (Hacker, EVO Hacking Device) ( ) / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0.5 | 15) DAKINI Heavy Machine Gun / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (1 | 21) DAKINI Combi Rifle / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 13) DAKINI Combi Rifle / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 13) DAKINI Combi Rifle / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 13) DAKINI Combi Rifle / PARA CC Weapon(-3). (0 | 13) 1.5 SWC | 110 Points Open in Infinity Army
Just to resurrect an old thread, what is the possibility of the Apsara getting an update into relevance? I think there's a reason to take it in OSS (not a great one) but in vanilla, with the remdriver as a cheaper alternative, not a chance. Please, CB! Help us out! Not all that useful, but since I'm typing anyway, I'll muse. My proposed fixes would be: 1) Allow the cyber dancer (one who dances through cyberspace to different remotes) to bounce around within a fireteam again, or at least get the ability to spend an order to move to a different remote. 2) Give the Apsara a tinbot that it applies to the remote it's activating, and any fireteam that remote is in. It's possible it'd be a little busted for the Asura, but it's very killable by fire, long ranged shooting, white noise shooting, and any level of CC, so I don't think it's too much. This is my favorite solution. 3) Give the Apsara flex bonuses. I don't love this, but it'd at least be interesting. 4) Since the bonuses are no longer tied to the base attribute of the model, lower some of those high stats to reduce the cost significantly. Mostly BS.
It definitely feels weird that the bonuses are static, rather than the Remdriver's additive bonus, changing her to BS(+2) WIP (+1) would make her more useful with something line a Rudras. Having said that, with this Season's ITS bonuses she is enabling a TacAware BS13 Marksman Remote that auto-passes Sensor Sweeps, which is pretty neat.
Sadly she has very few roles now to fill. Apart from vanilla, where you just use her mini to prox an low mercenary that will do the job cheaper than the elite Aleph cyberdancer, you can use her to max out your Dakini HMG. Or to push one single REM in addition to the one you buff with EVO. Normaly I just regular EVO and that was it. The cyberdancer is too stiff to dance. The flex boni would be a nice start. She definitly should get the ability to dance between the REMs, wasn´t her name something like Jumper X - she needs that or she will only cyber your shelf. 22 pts vs 15 + 0,5 one may think you pay 7 pts more and save a half swc but no, you shuffle your list until you free that 0,5 swc its just more efficent.