Is this a joke? What’s your source? I barely recognise anything. Even the Vanguards are completely changed.
Well it is certainly a re-work if true. Thanks for sharing. interesting with SMGs. What’s the usual discount?
I get having different weapon options to avoid too much overlap with people owning the stuff that's going OOP, but is the Rasyat with smg a useful profile?
I think the most interesting thing is that all the models listed with SMGs have the old Morat Combi Rifle in the box art. The Vanguard and Baktorak (the presumed Zerat Killer Hacker remake) both have the old style of Combi, while the Trenchcoat Monkey some people are predicting to be the Arbok has a new gun to represent his Combi Rifle. The implications of SMGs being a unique faction-wide basic weapon, kinda like the Haqq Rifle+LSG or Ariadna basic rifle, is interesting. It would really shorten their rangebands, but also reduce their unit costs by a lot. I'm excited to see how this goes.
New Lupe Balboa? I'll probably stick with my old one (Dire Foes mini are too much of a PITA to get), but I hope her rules get updated.
Some are so different I can't tell if they are re-skins of existing or totally new. That's a lots of SMGs, two medium range, one long range. I'm glad I didn't get too far painting my Morats and get more like I was planning. But I feel what I did paint is now gone (Sogorat and Rodoks) Tinbot D? Isn't that an old term? Now its' Tinbot (Firewall, etc)
I don't know how to feel about a complete rework of the MAF. But I'll hold judgement until the box and new units, etc...for the sectorial is revealed at a later date.
Personally I find it a little difficult to swallow that the entire Morat sectorial has been rewritten. I would expect a few new troop types and/or a re-skin of older troop types. Possibly maybe even an amalgamation of two troop types into a single profile (like the Caliban in SEF or the Teutonic Knights in MO). A full overhaul would be pretty drastic and whilst not outside the realms if impossibility, I expect a little less likely. Either way I'm super-excited for the release and regularly remind my FLGS to ensure the necessary orders are placed...
I guess we could be surprised but that list seems a bit fishy to me. Hopefully I'll be at Adepticon when it opens and will try to post something.
I think a Shasvastii-like remake is more likely (Note that Shas was a very thorough remake, with some profiles dissapearing, new ones coming out, and some stuff changing completely) than an MO-Like remake which was more subdued. However, I do believe that list seems odd. The names are too short for the CB standard (It should be something like 'Arbok Armored Snake Chasers'), so it's quite possible this is a very early list that doesn't reflect the current setup in all but the broader aspects. I do like the idea of SMGs being the standard for Morats, as it opens points and space for more agressive loadouts and hopefully more elite statlines too. But let's wait and see. I would love if Vanguards got their combis swapped for SMGs and dropped to 10 points, but that's just me.
Sounds like a lot new units in MAF, interesting if it's true. Is CB going to kill off some old units to make way for new ones? Orvodot seems like the heavy guy. And Combi +2 B seems like a mistake. I hope ;) PozdRawiam / Greetings
Unfortunately, it is probably fake info. Ref. Numbers from news letter don't match eith ref numbers from the leaked list. Also Lupe Balboa's Dire foe box was't discontinued and I don't think they will realease her second model.