Infinity PbP - Sunz of VaudeVille

Discussion in 'RPG' started by Solodice, Feb 10, 2022.

  1. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    [This is the In Character (IC) thread for Sunz of VaudeVille. Out Of Character (OOC) questions should be directed to the OOC chat or presented in brackets like this piece of text here.]

    About four months ago Loren Dixon, the 17 year old daughter of prominent Golden Depth lobbyists Margret and Nathaniel Dixon, had gone missing. It was later discovered she had made her way from her Varuna residence to Bakunin using a series of fake IDs and accounts. The Dixons tried to get the cooperation of the Moderator Corps to help locate their daughter. The indifference from the Mod Corps on locating runaways and the strong arm tactics from the Dixons caused more problems then it solved. Enter the Sunz Detective Agency and its agents tasked by the Dixon family to bring Loren home.

    There was no ride on one of the SDA's privately owned vessels this time around. The team would have to enjoy the company of others, and abide by O-12 regulation and laws, on the C1 Circular from the Shanxing System to Sol. All told it was 2.5 weeks worth of travel before the team caught up to Bakunin which was making a long and lazy burn around the Sol System.

    Security and customs checks were cleared (with a little bit of smuggling aided by some SER star power on Ric's part to bring in some AP ammo). Even just the docking piers of Bakunin were an assault on the senses in reality and in AR. Vibrant, chaotic, and sure as hell unapologetic. Kenn and Igor weren't for the first time the center of attention. Compared to what else was passing through or calling Bakunin home the Tohaa and Chaksa were rather forgettable.

    It was only just a taste on what was to come as the nickname Neon Bazaar was turned up to 11 the further one ventured into Bakunin.

    SDA had booked the team an indefinite stay at the Mesmer Inn in Sunset Boulevard. They were placing you right in the heat of VaudeVille. How nice of them. The Mesmer Inn was a standout with its early 20th century architecture and slender design that would of been right at home on one of Paris' streets. The stray cats mewling about or lazily flopped over only added to the aesthetic. However one remembered the words of Eddie Macayana when it came to the cats of Bakunin. Look, feed, but do not touch. Not so much a cultural or social thing but as a health advisory. The average Bakunian alley cat was a festering hive of alien tapeworms.

    To the left on the corner of the walk path was Faust's Boutique which was packed full of new and used electronic equipment (and hacking devices, repeaters, and programs if you knew how to ask nicely). To the left was the Izing Lounge and Gallery. Obviously the partner building of the Mesmer Inn. One could partake in any of the drugs and drink on the menu and enjoy the gallery pieces which ranged from live nude acts (paint not always included) to extravagant AR experiences. Across the street and taking up the same frontage as all three buildings across from it was Son & Sons Diner. Famous for its ingenious and mad scientist like food fusions from around the Human Sphere.

    The time on Bakunin was 1800. In 2 hours time the most famous spectacle on Bakunin would take place on the sky-blue dome above the district.
    #1 Solodice, Feb 10, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2022
  2. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    The call came in the morning while Saito was out and about in one of the leisure centres of Tunguska on his supposed day off. He sighed, so much for his week off work. Oh well, he thought, i still have time before the briefing, still enough time to finish his spa.

    Getting home and changing into semi business attire before heading into the office for the briefing he encountered Eddie at the entrance to the briefing room talking with the Tohaa Ken. Judging by the exchange the ex ninja assumed it would be about the culture shock the Kumotail would suffer on this latest mission. Shortly he was joined by some new faces with only Ric and Ken being familiar faces, Saito scanned them to try to get their measure. Eddie started the briefing shortly thereafter, explaining we were going through a runaway retrieval, Saito had his giest run any information from gossip/ celebrity sites on Arachne with a subcommand to search Maya once the crew connected with it.

    Bakunin. the sound of it made him frown. Even more so when he wasn't getting shipped there on company expense and he would have to bankroll any bribes to get equipment through customs. Sighing again at just spending a large sum of his income to upgrade his giest for the next big mission meaning he couldn't bribe like he would love to. Knowing this meant he would have to leave the 'big guns' at home this time and play with his basic equipment. After listening to everything and gearing up with the others he made his introductions to the three new members of the team and set about getting ready to leave.

    The journey was uneventful, which meant he could dig as much as he wanted on the Dixon family. Arriving on Bakunin brought some wonder lust to the Japanese man as it was his first time on this mothership and the assault on his AR display was jarring to say the least, turning down the intensity of notifications flying at him from out of Arachne he soon made it to their destination, the Mesmer Inn. He decided to settle in and take in the sights as a 'tourist' this night, after all.... He was supposed to be on vacation.
    Golem2God, DrunkCorsair and Solodice like this.
  3. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Walking into the briefing room Samira got a first look of the team for this mission trying to keep har charms under control.
    At least three of them seem to knew each other, as if they had already worked together.
    Sitting there Samira tried to get a feeling for her new teammates but the oddest one seemed to be the Alien. He may be a good diversion in the future and with his odd behavior a hinderance when it comes to talk to people. Hopefiully the others knew how to keep a low profile with him.
    Not that it mattered on a unending mad carnival ship like Bakunin.

    And with the briefing it seemd, Samira had to invest first to get more lucrative and interesting jobs with the Sunz agency.

    The journey itself was rather uneventfull, just the normal offers of company for the night, when people saw her, minding her own business.
    Nothing she couldnt solve with a few words or a knee.

    Going through Bakunin customs was hard. Somehow the got wind of her PanO identity which made her feel not realy welcome, but at least her personal charms helped with personal encounters.
  4. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    When Ric got pinged about the job, his first thought was relief: thank frak this one was in space. If he never saw open sky, or - Our Lady protect us - a tree bigger than a person, again it would be too soon.

    Bakunin was all about not being so much of a dick that anyone notices: a good reputation and some faked serial numbers and you can get things through customs easily. Just show enough effort that it's clear you care about the rules and aren't going to fuck with the social energy and you're golden.

    Ultimately, this was about a missing person. A missing person who's a Lub and a relatively fresh faced Lub at that. This makes her a prime target for the seedier sides of Bakunin. Someone - probably multiple someones, and not just mean Svengali - must keep an eye on new arrivals.

    The familiar faces were mostly welcoming, all except the Tohaa: still hadn't worked out what the guy was good for, other than as a distraction. New people seemed to be welcome additions: Mew in particular had a good reputation, which was remarkable for a Lub Hacker. Must have done something to get recognised like that.

    @Team. I'm going to see if I can get us a contact. Someone who, discretly, watches the comings and goings.

    @Mew. It'll be worth checking out her Quantronic footprint, no way a Lub like her didn't leave a trail when she arrived.

    It was a little bit of a suck eggs comment, but Mew was a Lub so it's hard to know how familiar they were with Bakunin.

    Ric dumps his gear in his room, and heads out. There's an ease to his movements, he flexes his toes on his J-tabby socks and effortlessly glides down the corridors: showing off minimal effort it takes someone born in low grav can take to move.

    First though, he's drawn to Fausts: you can take the tech-head out of Corregidor, but you can't take the tech-head out of the Corregidorian.
    #4 inane.imp, Feb 13, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2022
  5. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Kenn Ta'al: "Ed was right about this place."
    The Tohaa said to himself as he took in the new surroundings of Ed's birthplace. It was a colorful assault on the mind & eyes. But any interest of these new surroundings was hindered by the thought of the Dixons. From what info was available on them Kenn could not help but wonder if the girl would be better off if she was not return ed to her parents. Thinking back to his own life or what he could still remember of the time he spent with his people, Wished at times he could run away from the society that he didn't seem to belong in. But when you are a species that need social interaction & friendship is necessary for your health running away to live by yourself is akin to mental suicide. A feat he almost ended up committing when he got lost on Paradiso those years ago and was saved by a Human patrol.
    And there was that. One would think that after surviving Paradiso Kenn would be free of perilous wildlife at least for a time but nope. Now the cute furry creatures Humans kept as pets were dangerous to touch. What else in this enclosed experimental habitat was deadly when on any other planet would be considered safe to touch?

    During his off time from revisiting the emerald hell, Kenn had invested the salary he got on two things. First was buying a Geist. A Vizier to be precise. The Tohaa had spent most of his earnings on obtaining the program. He felt that it was a part of the Human experience that was missing. Now he could afford one and integrate into Humanity more smoothly than before when he lived a little better than Ateks on a appalling sum on money. His excitement turned into puzzlement when his new Geist came online it berated him on his purchasing decision of buying, well, itself. The Vizier than advised Kenn to use what little salary he had left to purchase some stun ammo. As that type would be easily accepted past customs & might be useful on any beast they may come by. The Geist then lamented at the financial choices the Tohaa made. Remarking that next time a buying spree was coming he'd make sure to oversee what the Kumotail was planning to purchase.

    Kenn named his new Geist Ed Kranepool. One for it being an obscure name of an ancient Human baseball player. Two it sounded weird & funny. Kenn, Edd, Igor. Short simple syllable words. The Tohaa didn't realize until later that his Geist shared the same name as his superior Eddie. Talk about a weird coincidence.

    Speaking of Igor Kenn reach out with his pheromones and made contact with the zombie-like beast. Standing very close nearby. Good. Best to keep him near in this obtrusive lightshow of an environment. If the cats are to be avoided what does that say about the Humans? Speaking of which wasn't their a new team members on this mission? Females of the species? Hopefully they are nice and trusting considering the sea of people they walked through didn't strike the Tohaa as friendly at a glance.
    #5 Golem2God, Feb 20, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2022
  6. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    [Posting on behalf on @Mewcular ]

    When she got the call that she had a job for a missing girl with a new team, she suddenly realised that she would once again be working within a team, and with that comes a lot of expectations.

    The ride itself was all but uneventful, but when your an Aleph AI heading to Bakunin, uneventful is exactly what you need. Hopefully the rest of the team are all about that low profile operations or this could become uncomfortable real quick. Figuring slipping her gear though customs would be more hassle then worth, and instead opting for a light kit, anything else that was required for a missing person would have to either be "found" or bribed on site.

    Still laying on the bed in her room, sends a green acknowledgment light to Ric. Interlacing her fingers in front of herself, she stretched them out an and let out a slight groan. Then with a quick flick of the wrists, she watched as her fingers danced across the roof while searching for our missing girl, an Alias, bank records, known associates, call records... anything that she could get her hands on that might at least shed some light on where our missing girl went after arriving.
    DrunkCorsair and Golem2God like this.
  7. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    After the long time collating all the data across both Arachne and Maya, Saito's shadowy ball of well... Shadow popped into his AR to give the results. He begins to skim through the results while checking his room for wires and bugs. The usual spy games played when entering 'public' spaces. Saito was never too careful.

    The results, especially the rumours, peeked his interest. Sending the results of his investigation to the other member of the team for their own benefit, Saito dressed down in somewhat 'normal' garb compared to everyone else here. Hid his pistol in his mod coat while keeping his blade at his side. His Spektr armour tucked up against the small of his back in dormant mode ready to encase his body if the situation arises. Then he got up and got ready to tour the sites of Bakunin.

    Hello all. Sending some files pertaining to the Dixons over to you all to review. Some interesting and frankly, chilling stuff in here.
    DrunkCorsair and Golem2God like this.
  8. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Mewcular backtracks Loren's movements to get a grasp of her quantronic movement. If she had the means of a fake ID and account it's not out of the norm that she might have had her quantronic shadow obscured. Mew narrowed down shuttle traffic on November 30th from the C5 Circular that transited their way to Bakunin and kept a lookout for anything unusual. She found it. There was a manifest that did match the amount of quantronic signatures aboard. This was a popular shell tactic used by intelligence groups of the Human Sphere and not something that Loren could not have done herself. This was either a pro or someone with some insane talent. The problem came when the shuttle got to Bakunin. Those fake signatures did not simply move out and disappear. They've lived full lives and are still active. Trying to narrow down who was real and fake from that shuttle would take weeks or months.

    The single automatic door slides open for Ric and the first thing that catches his eyes is an Order of the Temple banner gracing the wall behind the employee counter. Behind that counter was a man with a slightly greying beard and a bald head that betrayed the neural hacking socket behind his left ear.

    He was working on a compact circuit board [Tech D2 to know what it goes to] with the help of a overhead mounted engineering waldo that rode on a track system in the ceiling. Two other waldos were moving throughout the store using the same system. Those must be Faust's "employees".

    It was a small shop but the shelves were stocked and meme-tags were available on the used items for those curious about modifications, fixes, and any wear and tear. The one thing that was apparent with Faust's Boutique was that the man wasn't in the mood for haggling by the amount of AR messages stating the shop's no haggling policy (and no returns).

    [Store Goodies: Recorder (Corebook), Repair Kit (Corebook), TinBot (Corebook), GT Bracelet (PanOceania), Sniffer 1 (Haqqislam), Trips X (Mercenaries), Loudcast Box (Yu Jing), Quantronic Lockbox (Paradiso), Geepal X (TAGs), Quantronic Paints (O-12), and some Jitterbug Rations (Mercenaries) at the employee counter.]

    Shadow propagated a list of locations Saito might have been interested in. It also listed them from closest to farthest from the Mesmer Inn.

    The Gaslight Cafe (Sunset Boulevard): The coffeehouse lounge where almost every up and coming musician in the Human Sphere plays at least once. Huge acts like Terror, Horse People, Questionable Ethics, Scr@pe K!ng, and G.F.A.D have played here. Doesn't matter the genre of music. The Gaslight Cafe lets anyone play and express themselves.
    6 Toes (Sunset Boulevard): One of the Human Sphere's most famous clubs (bitter arguments about top 10 or top 5). The sticker shock for the entry fee isn't as astronomical as its competitors but it's still a place where you'll need to be in or know someone in the upper or higher social classes to get in. Even if you can't get in, celebrity watching or schmoozing with those waiting in line is a common pastime.
    Tanuki (Deck 34/VaudeVille): A Japanese themed bar. The home to Japanese dissidents (the lucky ones as Nomads call them) from Yu Jing and a rumored meeting location for the Tatenokai (doubtful as even the Black Hand would be keeping tabs on them). Outside of Yu Jing societal issues, Tanuki is popular for its menu and drink selection as if it was ripped right out of Tokyo and implanted into Bakunin.
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (Deck 42/VaudeVille): Bring a towel and skip the wait (or get a free drink if that isn't possible) and see the next best spectacle on Bakunin after Sunset Boulevard's namesake sunset.
    The Finger (Dome Two): The tallest megascraper on Bakunin. Also looks like an extended middle finger with the other buildings surrounding it looking like a fist... no surprise that this area is known as the Fist District.
    #8 Solodice, Feb 21, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2022
  9. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Saito knew he would regret it later on but he felt the pang of homesickness at the mention of Tanuki. Figuring he might be somewhat safe if he manages to keep a low profile and avoid the whole, "on the run from Yu Jing thing." And even if he was found out, it'd be by people not sympathetic to Yu Jing so at least the threat of assassination was off the table.

    And also... The task of finding out his mysterious benefactor of blades was in the back of his mind if what his Intel on the place had anything to do with it. Knowing this and group pinging his desired location to the team in case things did go south, Saito heads towards the bar.
    DrunkCorsair, Golem2God and Solodice like this.
  10. Mewcular

    Mewcular Member

    Jan 27, 2022
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    "Hmmm" Mewcular muttered to herself as she was looking at the information infront of her tapping on her forehead as the notification from Saito comes in with the files.

    Just also to piggy back off Saito's discovery, here is the trace on her Quantronic's, not much but we at least have a date, Nov 30th. Might be worth cross checking both sets of data and see what stands out from there.

    Standing from the bed, Mewcular starts to stretch and move around, she isnt quite use to this L-Host, its alot more sluggish, and lacking in protection that she has become accustomed to.
  11. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    After getting to her room, Samira changes her clorthes to something mor fitting the nomad mothership and heads out tho have a ight dinner at the restaurant across the street.

    While eating there Samira starts to ask around a bit about the gallery next to the hotel.
    With the informations the other team members unearthed Samira sends her Geist to look for possible locations of Helots at bakunin.
    Golem2God likes this.
  12. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Son & Sons Diner

    The best place at any diner for casual chit chat was at the diner counter. The counter spanned the length of the establishment with booths for those that wanted them but many patrons took up a squeaky, red leather, swivel chair at the counter.

    The Izing Lounge and Gallery is more of your weird artists hot spots. It doesn't attract many tourists or big names of the Human Sphere. However, the locals of Sunset Boulevard and Bakunin in general love the place. It's a place where you can rub shoulders with Praxis scientists and designers from LoroLocco.

    Samira only got the basics of the place. No one was really interested in reveal anything juicy. Most just recommend she go and experience it for herself. The rumors write themselves in that place as many put it.

    Bakunin was the the home to many people. Some of those people include Helots. The numbers were quite small and they were a minority among minorities. Many Helots just don't leave Varuna and travel the stars. With their small numbers and being an aquatic species made narrowing down locations easy. Most called the TopGun module home. This was a module that contained many of the Neo-cateanens who are active or retired starswimmer pilots. It was basically a gigantic aquarium. Other places you'd find Helots would be at Field Test Module (FTM) 4 and 6 which feature aquatic environments.


    Saito traveled his way out of the domed heart of VaudeVille into its many tributary like and cramped corridors. It was like walking down in an underground city center or alleys but with a low slung ceiling instead of sky above. While the sounds and sights still took some getting used to these corridors were also an assault on the nose. It was a metropolitan mix of foods and other scents that clashed and/or melded together. The renowned Bakunin air filters did there job of keeping it from being overbearing. One could only imagine the smell if those air filters weren't in place.

    A few strap-loop and slideways later he was at Tanuki. The description of it being ripped straight out of Tokyo was apt. This place was an izakaya with its inviting AR menus and floating lanterns surrounding the exterior. Inside it was small. Maybe only seating for about 28 people.

    Taking a seat Saito was immediately poured a glass of sake and served a small plate of edamame from a Japanese waiter named Riku. "On the house for those that don't have land they can call home or come from a home that doesn't want them."

    The meaning was hardly subtle. Seems that slight halo change was already working for Saito.
    #12 Solodice, Mar 1, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2022
  13. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Not knowing what he should do in this situation and feeling that resting would be frowned upon by his Human companions Kenn decided to lend a hand at helping his fellow man.

    Over team's secure communications:
    Kenn: "Excuse me...Does anyone need help with their tasks? I'm currently at a lose of what to do and who to help."

    Then the Tohaa remembers the newest member of the team. As someone who is fairly new to the Sunz he understood the feeling of being the new guy. Worried if you are wanted or if your presence is a pain to those around you. Perhaps Samira was experiencing that emotion right now. Having been a veteran of being distanced by those who were supposed to be your comrades in arms Kenn felt that he must prevent Sammy from going through the strain & stress of such a notion. He would not leave a fellow newbie in need.

    Over team's secure communications to Samira:
    Kenn: "Hello? Greeting newcomer Samira. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind me accompanying you on your task. Perhaps I could be of help in your search? Maybe a non-Human presence would settle any submerged Helot aggression & loosen lips that hold info we seek."
  14. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Thanking Riku in Japanese and asking for a glass of imported Japanese beer as well, Saito gives a genuine and appreciative smile to be amongst homely environs.

    As Riku leaves to bring Saito that drink, Saito glances at the menu while also taking in the surroundings.
    DrunkCorsair and Solodice like this.
  15. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Saito's eyes focus beyond the AR menu and sweep across the bar. There were more than a few lucky ones who openly flaunted their escape from Yu Jing on their halos enjoying each others company. They were in small groups ranging from 2 to 5. None of them were alone. There were a few Nomads ranging from a group of 4 to a couple of loners. Then there was the lone Japanese man in the back of the bar sitting alone at a two person table. He didn't flaunt his heritage on his halo. He was also much higher social standing than the other Japanese dissidents. His clothes and choice of drink spoke to that. As if instinctual his gaze moves towards Saito...

    Riku returns with Saito's selected Japanese beer. It wasn't the only thing to return with Riku.

    [Spending 4 Heat to introduce a major complication]

    Five Ikari soldiers of fortune took up seats right next to Saito. Their affiliation to the mercenary company was apparent on their clothing, halos, and even tattoos. Most of them were also of Japanese descent from what Saito could tell.

    "Don't mind us, countryman." The one with bright red irises said as he took a seat.

    "Whatever he's having we'll have." Barked the one with a bionic arm replacement done up in the Ikari company colors.

    Red Eyes narrowed those pretty reds at Saito. "You. I know you from somewhere." He snapped his fingers. "You were one of those high speed, low drag types. Was a JSA op on Svalarheima."

    Those red eyes... red eyes that pierced right through that blizzard before disappearing behind goggles.
  16. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Samira isnt sure if she should frown or chuckle at the proposal of her new alien colleague.
    Sure he works for an detective agency but information gathering doesnt seem his specialisatio.

    Over team's secure communcation to Kenn:
    Thank you for that offer, but i dont intend to visit the Helots right now. There are many ways the girl we are looking for could have vanished.
    There are alots of others, so we should start narrowing down the most likely options. Thats why hope our hackers can find a change in the pattern of this moduls since the girl vanished, like less traffic, etc.
    So after i finished dinner i will have a look at the gallery next to our hotel to get an impression of the people there. So if you want you can join me there.
  17. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Over the team's secure network to Samira:
    Kenn: "Ok, I'll meet up with you later then."
  18. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Now Kenn had to figure out what he was going to do in the meantime. He felt lost in this new crazy place he had set foot in. Despite having Igor at his side he was not sure of walking about on his own. Sticking to one of his Human mates seemed like the better idea until he got familiar with the surroundings. If he ever did get familiar with them.
  19. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    After all there was Mewcular. I strange name to be sure especially amongst Humans. maybe he could give her a call and see if he could join he in tackle a single challenge. If she said yes he would give Samira a ring to explain the situation to her.

    Over the Sunz private secure network to Mewcular:
    Kenn: "Greetings, no wait I already used that one. Uhhh...Salutations teammate. Is it alright if I join you on a shared task? As a fairly new member of the Sunz I understand that integrating into the group & blending in can be tough. Therefore I'd like to offer my assistance in helping you. What do you say?"
  20. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Picking up his beer, Saito looks at it. Sapporo, an old timey beer from Earth. A classic. Looking at his new companions, Saito, unfazed, takes a swig of his beer and offers to pay for the round. The threat was there. These guys are testing me, he thinks to himself as he takes another "phantom" swig of beer and leans onto the tabletop with his right forearm and tucks his legs in, ready to spring into action should the situation demand it. Making it look as natural as he can so it looks like he's resting casually on the table as drinking buddies are wont to do.

    "Not at all," Saito remarks. "It's good to chat to fellow country men." Bringing a smile up but a practiced, puzzled look to his eyes, Saito continues. "Huangdi. Haven't been there in forever. Sorry sir but you'll have to jog my memory a bit." Saito ever so slightly bows his head but doesn't break eye contact with 'red eyes.'

    He didn't want to outright play stupid. Everyone at the table knew that would be an act. But a hazy memory.... That could work. Work long enough to figure out if these guys were a new or old nuisance. Or were connected with his personal quest. Then, there was also the matter of that old man in the corner. Saito's mind races with the possibility that these are his goons trying to figure me out.

    With that out of the way, Saito gives a warm smile and looks around at his new 'friends' scanning them with his eyes for potential hidden weapons.
    Golem2God and Solodice like this.
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