It is not a bad material, newer models show improvement from the initial release though, so I am expecting more improvements as the mouldmakers and casters become more familiar with the technology.
I know. I'm up to date with the drama in news section. But it's the sum of all the little things that drives me away. It's a little bendy, requires different tools and experience and it's lighter. But the biggest deal breaker is my "ocd". No way I could handle having both metal and plastic models in the same game. If CB would move completely to siocast, and rereleased all of the metal models in plastic then i would hop right in. But the mix is impossible to me and I dread new TAG or resculpts of s4 rems as these would be siocast and I couldn't have them
I can vouch for that, the material isn't bad, holds its detail well and it's a lot easier to assemble as it bonds with superglue a lot quicker than metal does
I respect your version of Pokémon syndrome wholeheartedly. I too find it odd when I pick up a metal remote then after that pick up my Vostok. My need to collect them all though outweighs my need to have them all in one medium. I suppose that’ll come later when I have them all… but I’ll worry about that later.
Maybe CB could just make the TAGs in metal and the remotes in the new siocast? There are not many more TAGs left to be resculpted or released in the Infinity catalogue.
Well, I couldn't help myself and got them yesterday and got to proxy play them. I'm very tempted to cut off the weird ball/head/ sensor thingy. They were fun in the game too. I didn't realize they have no mimetisim! No wonder why they are so cheap. Not a bad thing though.
They are slightly different sculpts, but would have been cool to include 2x weapons. I also have a comparison with another big S3 offender, the fanous, just show its pretty common they exceed silhouette height lol.
I was beat to the image but going to post anyway! I don't want it to be changed to S5 but I think it's going to happen at some point.
S3 Rems have always been a lil big and tend to sometimes peak the Sil. If you look at the Haqq rems, the Long Ya really just have the mine catapult peaking above them.
The Samaritan is still S2 after years of a mini that's really S6, so I wouldn't worry too much about an S change
It would be a nerf if they became S5. I hope they do it and compensate by returning mimetism and 0 SWC cost from N3 xD
They look a bit small for S5. Seriously, one of them should've been modelled in a crouching/sneaking pose.