Since YJ is losing our beloved Oniwaban I'd like to see some Chinese martial arts masters such as: Yue Fei - created Tiger Claw and Xing Yi Chuan Wing Chun - AKA Wen Chun, Ving Tsun, Wing Tsun... Pei Mei - see "Kill Bill Volume 2" Drunken Monkey - based on Chinese folklore Chen Zhen - Bruce Lee's character from "Fists of Fury" ...and best for last: Master of the Flying Guillotine - has a 0-8 range monofilament weapon, Sixth Sense L2, Martial Arts 3, Super Jump, Kinematica L2, CC 24 The others would have some combination of Martial Arts, Super Jump, Kinematica, Hyper Dynamics, Dogged, and possibly ODD or something to help them get in to CC. CC Weapon would be EXP, like power gloves or something... A more generic profile would be a "Taoist Monk" - which might actually have some high tech ranged weapons since the Taoists are generally attributed with the invention of gunpowder. Maybe they have Combat Jump + Stealth to get them in to close combat. An insanely high PH would be appropriate as well...
Don't hold your breath. Right now it would make more sense getting Yan Huos 2 x Missile Launcher with Full Auto lvl 2
Conversely, us losing a sectorial means we should get an extra to compensate. I say we get a Monk Sectorial, with nothing but skirmishers and warbands. Since JSA was our designated CC sectorial, we should get a melee sectorial to balance it out. Hell, I say we double down and go a focused CC sectorial and eschew ranged combat all together!. I mean, cyber-punk-monks would be rad as hell; seeing them throw around eclipse smoke and use Techno-Tiger style to beat up a Tag would be pretty sweet. I mean, a mostly warband/skirmisher sectorial would be really interesting and weird. A new take on Infinity if you will.
Vorpal CCW, CC24, Superjump.... You want an Umbra Samaritan my friend! Quick someone call the recruiters!
From a lore point of view I think it would be cool to either have a new master assassin type profile similar but different to the oniwaban somehow that the party is going to use to try decapitate nipon leadership or some sort of Assassin Assassin to counter the oniwaban and co trying to get a party and military leadership during the uprising.
Is it confirmed we are losing Oniwaban / Kitsune? Only picked up the Kitsune model a few weeks ago :(
Shaolin Monks, Guilang, and Tiger Soldiers are all stationed on Huang Di/Svalarheima. I'd gladly take a White Banner army to replace JSA, even with just the existing units and only linked Zhanshi.
Watched the video, Bostria just said Oniwaban. No mention of Kitsune (although it would make sense to lose her too given she is a super Oniwaban). Also, I looked on the YJ page of the catalog and the Oniwaban model has been removed there but Kitsune's has not. Maybe I'm just giving myself false hope but maybe there is a chance she stays?
I do not want a close combat replacement. Let the JSA go and give me a mid range gunfighter that is a credible threat to a TAG on a HI chassis. Our HI is supposed to be the best and we just lost a bunch of profiles which opens up the design space for some crazyness/uniqueness.
Imagine some sort of infiltrating profile with boarding shotgun and/or smg with full auto to be our replacement assassin.
We already have a credible threat to TAGs, the Yan Huo. Need something to get under a TAG's defenses, which is what the Onibawan did. Basically, the Hsien's HMG is a bit weak and their Boarding Shotgun should probably be a Heavy Shotgun. Add to this that IA will need something the can actually take the Avatar (being the most problematic) on, I don't think SMG is a good weapon to aim for. A HI with those E/M mines would probably be a good and reasonable thing to include.
Pure speculation here, but Bostria did mention that ISS would be getting something new and here's a thought. Elite Kanren-esc model with impersonation, an undercover anti-insurgent agent that works behind enemy lines. Not only would it be super fluffy considering the uprising, but it would also fill the far forward deploy cc monster hole that the Oni left, and would give ISS a bit more forward presence (something they lack compared to other factions).
Bostria said new models. I'm not ready to interpret that as new profiles. Kanren I'd mostly hope for a TO unit from, less CC stuff. As an aside, theoretically a Kanren could IMM-1 a TAG and then slice it with Mono CCW.
I don't understand why they continue to add new units to ISS, is it not already one of the biggest sectorials? And frankly it needs a weakness, which is bad midfield presence and kinda limited specialist choices. If they continue to improve it, Vanilla will suck even more. I love my Hac Taos and Yan Huos, I don't wanna start ISS -.-