The Motorcycle skill says "When a Trooper on a Motorcycle declares any Skill with the Movement Label and announces he will Dismount, replace the mounted figure with a Motorcycle Token (MOTORCYCLE). Place the Trooper's Model in Silhouette contact with the Motorcycle Token, or measure his movement from the edge of the Token's base, as you prefer." The General Movement Rules also say "The Trooper must mount or dismount at the start of the Order, after having declared the first Short Skill of the Order, or the Entire Order, but before measuring any movement." So, which of these is correct: A: 1. Spend order and declare that my Kum biker will Move. 2. Announce that the biker will Dismount 3. Replace the biker model with a token, and place the dismounted model in sil contact with it 4. Measure where he can go with 4" movement (starting from the token's base, or the dismounted model's base?) 5. Decide where to move and move the dismounted model. or B: 1. Spend order and declare that my Kum biker will Move. 2. Announce that the biker will Dismount 3. Measure where he can go with 4" movement (potentially from multiple possible dismount spots) 4. Decide where to move, replace model with token, move the dismounted model. The Motorcycle skill seems to be saying B, but the GMR seem to be saying A. In either case, the rules seem to be saying the dismount happens at or soon after declaration. What if I declare Dodge? Do I place the dismounted model before finding out at Resolution whether my Dodge succeeded?
I’m not entirely certain myself but A is how we’ve been using mounted units. As for declaring dodge, we place the dismounted model and then determine if the dodge succeeds. I’m not sure if this is correct so anyone with better knowledge please do say something. In any case I hope this helps.
I believe it is: 1)Spend order on model 2)Declare dismount 3)Put dismounted model down in btb and previous spot is now bike marker 4)Measure movement from new model, or bike marker, your choice for 4" So its A And for dodge, they cannot dodge off a bike, active turn first short skill or active turn entire order is required.
That was actually going to be my next question, as it also seems unclear whether they can dismount with an ARO Dodge. An ARO is a type of order, and if you Dodge in ARO then Dodge is your first (and only) skill of that order. Otoh, an ARO Skill is neither a Short Skill nor a Whole Order Skill, so maybe not. I posed the first question independently because the Kum could, in his active turn, declare Dodge as his first short skill, in which case it seems pretty clear that he could dismount but unclear when the dismounted model would be placed... (or maybe CB will adopt the popular suggestion to prohibit short skills as the first half of orders, and the question will become moot :-)
You can only Dismount as the First Short Skill or Entire Order Skill (step 1.2 is the OES), this precludes doing it as an ARO (step 2 of the OES)
No, it isn’t. The situation is one of CB’s biggest terminology issues, but an ARO is not an order as far as the game goes, in spite of the last word in the term.
For active turn, dodge can be the first short skill and allow you to dismount, but not as aro. So would be: Spend order Declare dodge Declare dismount Get off bike Get aro'd Declare 2nd shortskill
Hmm. I'd buy this, I think. The rules description of ARO repeatedly refers to the (active turn) opponent activating their troopers with orders, but never refers to the reactive player activating their troopers with orders - it just keeps saying they "get an ARO" or "can react with an ARO." Ok, I'm convinced. No dismount on reactive turn Dodge. If you then fail the Dodge roll, do you put the trooper back on the bike?
nope, the act of declaring a dismount as the first short skill with movement label is enough for that model to then become dismounted. def as the 2nd short skill could be move away from the bike token and so you could be upwards of 8 inches away from the token by the time you get around to rolling for dodge.
i had to double check before posting, but as far as the wiki is concerned, it is a skill with a movement label. and the motorcycle rule just requires ANY skill with the movement label, not specifically a short movement skill with the movement label. And weirdly enough but dodge does have that movement label.
Dismounting requires a skill with the Movement label, which Dodge has. Movement Skills do not allow dismounting without such a label, see: Discover.