With the preorders going up for this new event kit which including past LE models as well as exclusive materials from previous kits I wonder how far back these exclusive models will go and do you think we will get a list of possible models included in the packs?
I don´t like the idea of the pack, with random old minis. I hoped for Fiddler plus something from TAG Raid. And random especialy means - I don´t know what I buy - not for this price (I guess 80,- €). Plus: I already own both comics. Yuana and Shaolina are a must have for me, nice female Versions or Resculpt. The Vargs ... ja ... I still do not know what purpose they are in SWF, but to be honest, I like the look and probably get them for the collection. Nice Stuff!
Hmm… possibly not a good sign. But then warlord games have done loot boxes in the past few years and they’ve sold like hotcakes. I honestly wouldn’t mind some of the ITS minis from past seasons too, they make good gifts/prizes for tournaments/stuff for me. I understand your point though, it looks like an odd move on The part of Corvus Belli. I think it’s because they’re focusing on other things for N4 that’ll be coming this year and likely tag raid. Edit: gimme those vargs! Not for the different profiles, just for the bot…
ITS pack is only $48, which isn’t a bad price, despite the uncertainty about what minis and materials you get.
It’s probably why I want it (and admittedly the vargs) so badly. Pokémon syndrome is a terrible thing to live with…
Wow that Shaolin is great. The YY is even better painted. Malignos is just too cool. Varg are... PanO. I'm guessing they need to use some miniature stock.
Random loot boxes ? Might be fine for their intended tournament setup purposes, but having seen enough in other games with their gambling aspect, a very strict straight up nope from me. On the flip side, I'll be having the Monk and Yuan in my collection :) I admit the Monk has a very styled jaw line and what looks like a brain on her knee, but I'm sure that'll be fine from other angles (I can imagine some converter out there to model her knee'ing someone's brain out! ouch).
I feel it is just like with the random patches but older LE models. If you are newer to the game or if you missed out on a LE model and wanted to try your luck for a certain LE sculpts I dont see the issue with selling these blind box of leftover stock while they clear out their inventory.
Plus the Outrage Manga and the bits and bobs. No, it’s not for everyone, but it’s reasonably priced for anyone who wants to take a whirl. You could even get a few within you local meta, do a “draft” of the minis.
Ok so putting my personal feelings aside, do we have a list anywhere of the possible models inside these 'loot boxes' please? I do remember the Tikbalang model that I'd have liked and did grab the Jotum, but I don't recall other TAG's nor all the others.
Not yet from what I could, I would love a possible pull list for these boxes. Maybe we will see a video on it soon to help boost sales.
Thanks! There’s a few on that list I’d like. I really hope they put the weapon packs in too, they were damn useful in ages past.
Damn, I totally forgot about the Guija and O-Yoroi, I'd drop the cost right now if I could buy them straight up, I just cannot justify a gambling for them. *edit: this is the time I wish had friends who play so I could take any duplicates off their hands lol.
I have the guijia, jotum and wild bill. The rest are ones I’d like. I will likely be getting my friends to grab a set each at least, I’ll likely get 2. If there are any duplicates/ones we don’t want and people here don’t have them, I’ll let you all know before listing them on eBay or anywhere else.
Random pack of stuff you have lying around the warehouse is a time honoured tradition for many companies when you find a bunch of old stuff while you're doing inventory. Quickest and easiest way to get it out and make room for new product.
It is indeed. Warlord games had one a little while back, they sold in minutes. Games Workshop too has done this on occasion. As you said, quickest and easiest way to make room for new product. That way you get rid of old stuff that’s taking up space and turn a profit.