[Official Announcement] Injected Thermoplastic miniatures

Discussion in 'News' started by Koni, Jul 29, 2021.

  1. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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    I'm also not denying the pros of forums or any other constructed straw-man.

    I merely state why forums, generally speaking, see minimal traffic these times.

    Of course, there is a thing called nuance.
    Other factors are surely contributing to this, such as poor moderation etc.

    Can't be bothered to quote the rest of the post, because they aren't relevant to any points I made.
  2. Nuada Airgetlam

    Nuada Airgetlam Nazis sod off ///

    Jan 26, 2018
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    Now read this and have your mind blown.
  3. Amusedbymuse

    Amusedbymuse Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    nazroth and Nuada Airgetlam like this.
  4. Nuada Airgetlam

    Nuada Airgetlam Nazis sod off ///

    Jan 26, 2018
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    Oh, that did come across, mine was aimed at the audience of what you wrote :D

    And yeah, I would so love CB to do everything right. But they can't, won't or have no idea how to. Either way, it's frustrating all the time, disappointing whenever they fuck up and very happy when they pull off a "10" jump with telemark, just like above. I want them to succeed and I want them to do it in style, but they're meandering so hard and issues known for the longest time are still ignored (like, damn, hire an editor CB! shakes fist).

    Cheers! ^_^
  5. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    I have no doubt they have vast quantities of some metal left, they’ll sell through it all eventually, they’ve recently sold through a bucket of the old guard minis so I assume they’ll do that again at some point.
    With the resin, it’s been really crisp with me though I haven’t bought any of their resin stuff lately so can’t comment on current GW resin.

  6. You may be right in other games, but in my opinion not in Infinity (at least in other times).

    One of the flags that distinguished the Infinity community from the communities of other games was precisely the forum (the use of the past is intentional).

    It may just be nostalgia for better times (I know a few dozen people who miss the good times on the forum) or simply that CB has become big enough to begin ignoring what it is precisely that has made it great.

    Sea como fuere... «a nuestro parecer todo tiempo pasado fue mejor».
  7. KedzioR_vo

    KedzioR_vo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    My first contact with Siocast and the smallest minis made of it!
    I wasn't a big fan of JackBots design, but I like them in real [​IMG] The whole set is nicely packed too.

    The material is rather bendy, not something I like, but it holds details really nice - just like the wheels, tires etc.

    And I used my typical tools to work with it - scalpel and files.

    After seeing some small problems on the big photos I used a fine sandpaper and I'm really happy with the final look.
    Comparison of the grinded one (with files and knife) with the original:

    And after some sandpaper:

    Many big photos can be found here:

    I still prefer metal obviously \m/
    But I'm impatiently waiting for Shakush [​IMG]

    PozdRawiam / Greetings
    #787 KedzioR_vo, Dec 2, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2021
  8. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    Very nice, looking really good. Please post some pics when it’s all painted up!
    KedzioR_vo and A Mão Esquerda like this.
  9. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    IWarcors closed long ago. What other Spanish forum? Or do you mean chat groups, "social" networks, etc? Maybe a subsection of some gaming forum?

    Some people prefer to keep things separate, and in proper form for the task. Instead of being at the whim of those kind of companies and all their fucking dark patterns, starting with the never ending stream drowing the mind (basically what @Nuada Airgetlam said about FB vs RPGnet, etc). Which reinforces the keeping separate concern, one for everything can even trigger big problems ("oh, we detected you have multiple accounts or you stepped too far in one place, we invoke the power of EULA, total ban!"). Big shop or factory opens and provides meh service / employment, small shops and workshops close, then big business goes away, the town dies. It sounds apt.

    They claim to be made to order, and packaging matches (very generic, batch number all zeros), as well as never getting a "sorry, we do not have more, here is a refund". Maybe they outsourced, maybe they hired some spin casters exclusively for this. They saw cows, they bringed the buckets, no money left on the table.
  10. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I think the discussion has veered way too off topic start another thread about it, probably in the off topic section.
  11. Ben Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2018
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    Sry, didn’t read all the posts.
    Had bought the Bearpode last weak and therefore I can give my personal feedback.

    I‘m not a painter, I‘m a converter/kitbasher/etc.
    My concern is how to work with the material.
    It is irrelevant or even
    counterproductive if a miniature can be cast as a single piece

    Details: imo really great. Have no complains about them

    Fit of the parts: better than a worst metal cast with bent parts due to not giving enough time for cooling. Worst than best metal casts I had. It’s ok, but there is still enough room. And I could always bend the metal parts.

    Removing mold lines: a pain in the ass, don’t know if it’s only the new material I have to learn to work with, but I don’t think so. Have tried my normal file, a scalpel and a one use cosmetic nail file and all methods weren’t satisfying.
    With my normal file, I rather move the material than remove it and on sharp edges I get a thin layer that hangs over the edge.
    With the one use nail file I had a fuzzy surface.
    With the scalpel I had the best results with cutting sprue parts away and scrape away the rest. But scraping moldlines is very time consuming and does make even less fun then removing mold lines on metal miniatures with my normal file.

    Cast technic quality: if the cast detail is great the sprue points aren’t. I don’t have the qualification for judging the sprue points in general, but it would be better, if they were in the middle of easy to reach surfaces so that you can easily cut them.
    And you have to even further perfect your cast molds. The moldline on the rear armor at the head bothered me the most and I doesn’t look great even now.

    If I compare metal, resin, hard plastic and siocast, siocast is for me the looser.
    For my use it is simply too soft as a material to working with. And that’s a problem that can’t be solved.
    I really want to become happy with your new miniature material, which, to be honest, will substitute sooner or later your complete range.
    But to get there, you have to spent much more effort into your mold design process.

    Otherwise I know, our ways will split sometimes, cause you no longer can provide a me with a big part of my hobby that makes for me the most fun.

    P.S. if you really want to make one mold figures, our time will be ending too. Hope you will get enough painter who dislike the building part too.
    Vyo, Time Bandit, Daireann and 4 others like this.
  12. Lucian

    Lucian Catgirl Nation

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Found really helpful just adding some of the more fluid superglue over mold lines and then sanding/filing it (since siocast tends to "soak" liquid, turning it into a more solid material). Scalpel just either bending material without cutting or cuts too deep.
  13. Wiredin

    Wiredin Member

    Jan 15, 2020
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    I got my Bearpodes this weekend and was excited to see what it was going to be like. Backstory, I started with Battletech and loved working with metal. Went to X-wing when I got back into the hobby years later and the plastic was kinda meh. lots of bendy cannons and stuff. Really missed working with metal. When I found out about infinity it was because I was googling metal minis and it was the main draw for me. I love working with Infinity minis and I get so much joy from the assembling process alone that I love every aspect of the hobby. I've built a few Warhammer and bleh... not my thing.

    Battletech recently re-released with the two kickstarters and I bought in hard. I love the new mech molds and material. The detail is better than the old metal ones in my opinion, but still lacks compared to Infinity mini's. But the designs are generally not as highly detailed as Infinity minis, especially the infantry.

    So bearpode...

    The material is a lot softer than expected. More like the bushings for the joints in a Gunpla model than the hard plastic I was expecting. The model went together super fast, and super easy. Not as much clean up as a metal mini. I found the spure edge on the elbow of one of the models just broke away while I was attempting to trim and needed some filling. But overall I did everything with my hobby knife vs needing a file.

    But I miss the weight of the metal mini for sure. This definitely took away some of the building enjoyment for me... but lets see how painting goes. the detail was pretty good overall. So optimistic?
    Time Bandit, UpirLihi and RolandTHTG like this.
  14. Vyo

    Vyo I dabble in *PRECISION*

    Nov 24, 2017
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    My Beyond Crimson Stone finally came in, so I sat down and started cleaning the Vostok to see for myself how good or bad it is.

    I've worked with metals for decades, styrene and injection molded too. I've worked with Reaper's Bones, the first runs and the newest stuff. I've worked with Finecast. I've worked with PP's 'restic', and their actual resin. I've worked with several types of 3D printed resin, and numerous unknown varieties from various casting studios.

    I've got dozens of fresh blades in all shapes, I've got sanding sticks and fine files, I've got a shelf of various glues and chemicals, I've got rotary tools. I've sliced, carved, peeled, scraped, shaved, sanded, filed, and several kinds of gap-fillered this stuff

    This siocast is some of the most miserable material I have ever had the misfortune to work with. It is just too damn soft. It holds cast details well, so there you go, round of applause, but trying to clean the moldlines does so much damage to that detail. Burrs and fuzz and flaking everywhere. I'm going to be filing a replacement claim for half the components for casting misalignments and details that are filled in with material. On metal or resin I might have made a go of it, but after spending about 2 hours on a 'good' component for what should have been a 10 minute process, forget it.

    It's worse than the material used in the Aristeia core box, and trying to clean those models rendered my enthusiasm for that game dead on arrival. I'd rather pay the extra 10-20-whatever% and have a metal mini that takes detailing properly. The extra time and aggravation and compromised details are not worth the savings. Any future releases in this material are almost certainly a hard pass (and I was looking forward to the bear); I'll find something to proxy the legit model.
    nazroth and Nuada Airgetlam like this.
  15. Gwynbleidd

    Gwynbleidd Non asto coram malo

    Sep 18, 2021
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    Interesting. The siocast resin wasn’t that soft on the Vostok for me. It had a slight rubbery consistency but I found it easy to remove the mould lines with a sharp knife and the bend I had in the gun was easily repaired.

    If you’re facing difficulties, some have suggested pouring a layer of super glue over the mould lines to aid in sanding and cutting. This isn’t the first case of the siocast being too soft that’s been reported (hence the interesting comment).

    The support team will also be very willing to help and will issue a replacement very quickly should you choose to go down that route.

    With siocast, keep in mind that this was the first mini they did. Quality control should have caught any major issues but CB are a smaller company and things can slip through the cracks. I’ll also acknowledge that they should have picked up the tech faster than they did due to having the people that came up with it helping them.

    I hope you’re able to save the Vostok you own but if not, please contact CB for a replacement. As for proxies, there are a number of bots that might stand in with minimal conversion work.
  16. UpirLihi

    UpirLihi Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Can someone confirm or disprove the rumours I've heard about the Code One Sally and the Blackjack being plastic?
  17. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    no plastic, only repack
  18. infyrana

    infyrana Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2019
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    If I get mine and it's a repack I'll be able to confirm, but otherwise the website has the repacked product and the description does say metal.
    UpirLihi likes this.
  19. Koin-Koin

    Koin-Koin Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Simple rule to follow : if it's not a new sculpt then no chance of new material.
    chromedog likes this.
  20. Nuada Airgetlam

    Nuada Airgetlam Nazis sod off ///

    Jan 26, 2018
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    For now.
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