Tbh, u The "usual suspects" sometimes do have some really good points and argue them well for about 2 pages of a thread. Then they turn into an absolute shitshow. Early locks on contentious looking threads would nip it in the bud before you get to the 50+ page flamewar threads the place is now famous for
Hey you fuckers leave my flamewars alone they're a great source of entertainment. If you tell me Wuji threads aren't comedy gold you're a goddamn liar.
Haha, tbh, there are usually some funny bits in amongst the pages and pages of strawman arguments and personal attacks lol
Nah, the facebook groups are insanely toxic. They're all about shitty little cliques and banning people who disagree with the mods.
Gotta' agree on this one. Back when I still had a Facebook account, one of my first posts on WGC Infinity was a comment that asked why the poses on the new releases were all recycled poses. I got dogpiled with several toxic and borderline insane posts claiming I was like a burglar who broke into a house that was having a birthday party, only to blow out the candles and steal the baloons (no, I'm actually not making this up). After that debacle , I received several PM's by people who basically said to me that they had the same experience as I did and adviced me to never say anything even remotely critical or negative.
One of the most toxic stuff I remember from FB (and I don't usually use the term "toxic" as I find it over the top) was when Nomad Riotgrrls re-sculpt got revealed, some random wrote something within the lines of 'I don't like the pose of this one, I prefer old versions' and he got instantly dogpiled to a pulp because (as he clearly didn't knew and hadn't alluded to in any way) the miniature hair was based on a member of the community. Guy got named with "garbage human" etc. Let's be fair - the Riotgrrl miniature who's on one knee, shooting the same direction her ass is pointing - is kind of stupid spine-wise so... guy had a point. Never the less, got trampled for something totally unrelated to his opinion... The notion of the forum being more "toxic" than Facebook comes probably from the fact that whereas facebook has a lot more participation resulting in less exposure for stuff that is borderline shitty, gets eventually moderated, there's plenty of people who diffuse the bad atmosphere with jokes and stuff - the forum is just a relatively small group of participants, being able to quote one another using tools that allow for better organized discussion... and moderation is anything between red font to topic deletion with no real repercussions for anyone who goes too far. On top of that it is much easier to get exhausted with FB flames, because they are far less manageable, with a billion notifications, chaotic comments to comments to comments... people move on much quicker than in the forum. At least that's how I see it. I would suggest everyone here to ease off a bit, drop the "toxic" word completely, avoid getting entangled in shitty topics and I guarantee you - whenever you decide not to publish comments like "you are so toxic" and "this is so toxic" and anything within the lines "that's offensive to XYZ please stop using words" you instantly decrease the level of toxicity in the forum. INSTANT EFFECT. At least if you really care about the toxicity level in the forums that is.
Yet so many more people find FB more friendly and safe than the forums. The forums are a dumpster fire of constant bitching and name calling. WGC might have some examples, but they are few and far between....especially compared to here. There is a very good reason we tell new players to avoid the forum.
I got told to run screaming to Reddit by my local warcor when I got back into Infinity. Came here anyway. It’s like some giant red button… you just gotta press it!
I think that's what was said though. At least on the form you CAN bitch about something. Do they have less bitching because are all nice people who only say positive things? Or are the ones that say anything viewed as bad being run off and posts deleted? I know I can be negative at times, but I'm also positive too. Sadly people remember negative more than positive.
Nah, there isn't really a good reason, just WarCors who've set themselves up as community middlemen jealously guarding what power they have. Like I said, shitty little cliques.
Didn't you get kicked off for being argumentative and toxic? I remember you getting banned when you started insulting me and swearing at me when I said Morats could be competitive. Maybe you're just a little bitter?
I would also accept as a response “crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women” but that’s more for conquering the world and less about numbers of games…
Nah, I never said such a thing and I generally don't have a big opinion on Morats because I don't play them. I've never been banned from any facebook group for a discussion on Morats. I got kicked out of one group (not the main one) for saying that USARF wasn't that bad off in N4, I remember. But I was very polite on the topic. A mod was just salty I disagreed with his friend. I haven't really used the main WGC group since Uprising, when WarCors were getting mad that people were posting articles from a publicly available magazine (gametrade).