Greetings, I saw on the online store that the JSA sectorial army pack, Szalamandra and the AP HMG blackjack will be available only until the end of the year. Does someone have any idea what are the plans for those? Are we getting repacks for Sally and the Blackjack for C1? Sally is already the Nomad TAG there and we know TAGs are happening. But what about JSA? No other units of theirs are on "last chance"?
Szally and Blackjack are both in C1, sadly it seems the Blackjack will be the Ariadna TAG, rather than a new unit :( JSA pack has been out of stock at the CB Store, I saw the same thing happen with the Spiral Army Pack last year because there was a delay getting the scenery pack from the printers in China. Possibly that's happened again (international freight is still massively screwed up) and they're looking to repack it into an Action Pack without the terrain, dice, and N3 rules booklet. Edit: Looks like the Kurage scenery pack is also out of stock on their site. Adds more weight to the "Repack without the stuff we can't get, and maybe in a smaller box" theory IMO.
Also the Yuan Yuans
Oh man, I didn't realise they were still being sold! After the new Zonds they must have been some of the oldest minis still on sale!
Believe Morans and Uberfalcommando are post Human Sphere, which makes them (not much) newer than the YYs
Thank you for the heads up! Though I'd like the Blackjack sniper for my collection and likely will regret not picking it up, this has solidified an order for a Szalamandra at least. Going to hope I get this before it goes siocast.
Morans are the 169th and 216th releases for infinity. Yuan yuans are the 131st. The digits following the dash in the SKU are the sequential release number.
any sources on that? (genuinely curious) i wonder what changes are going to add to it in C1 there's no point to take it over an armata 4 also the implications it has on the armata 2 if the buffalo is reclassified as a tag
I got the JSA reinforcement pack from Defiance, but still haven't bought the JSA pack itself. Didn't feel like spending the money and thought about selling the Reinforcement pack, but maybe I'll just wait for the Action Pack to see if it's a bit cheaper. Or just, I dunno, not like I need another sectorial to not paint, let alone play...
I wouldn't be surprised if Szally was going for a resculpt / Siocast re-edit. Sure, Lizard is an even older TAG, but there is not liekly to be a lot of market for it - compared to Szally (due to C1 usage). As for Blackjack - no, it isn't going to be the TAG for Ariadna. Ariadna just got the Bearpode / Polaris Team, and from what i get, that's the TAG equivalent in Ariadna enough. Though perhaps Blackjack is going to get a Siocast re-edit soon...
Yes, I considered siocast rereleases as a possibility too. If CB go down this path I would dearly like to see the old Maghariba guard redone as well as the current one. Thing is as heavy as it is pretty.
Yup, you're right. I keep forgetting that. Well, curiouser and curiouser, as said the little girl entering the Wonderland... Next year, I guess. Once Haqq hits C1. That is, unless C1 TAG for Haqq is going to be the Shakush. But I wouldn't expect the old Maggie coming back. Fluff-wise, XCR-1's have been retired from the frontline service (and mostly purchased by Dashat Company...).
Dammit. I want a new version/siocast of the old maggy. It was essentially the tachikoma bot from Ghost in the Shell! I would settle for a shakush in the C1 release though or the current maggy that isn’t a giant lump of metal just waiting to literally crush my other minis.
Oh, years ago - when we were theotizing the Khanate - I had that idea of old Maggies getting repurposed into light TAGs for the Khanate forces. Fast, light, mobile. Ain't gonna happen now, I'm afraid.
Okay, since this thread scared the hell out of me, I got a JSA force. Now, do I also need to pick up another blackjack? I have the hmg one...
It's the HMG one on last chance, so you're good. And if it is re-released as few C1 TAG pack, you're still good.