Much of the issue is the (in my view, correct) way PS and the rest of the team handle moderation. Red text is to a thread as a whole, almost always (almost since there may be examples otherwise) leaves out specific names/handles with those specific rebukes coming via PM. Folks in this thread seem to want gibbets in Wapping. That's unlikely to happen. An issue between a member and the mods should stay there, definitively.
What is gibbets and wapping? If people here have been directly PMed by the mods when they were the bad actors, then what does it mean if I've never been sent a PM for causing problems... not a single one. The interesting thing is that you've been liking other peoples posts when they're talking down to me which means you must feel the same. If you feel the same, and it's always me, then why havent I been banned even temporarily like the guy above who's admitted he fucked up that bad. Why haven't I ever been PMed. If I'm banned today, it'll be cause I've directly went at the modern, but it would be because the model himself has let shit get bad enough here. Not because I've actually initiated any of these fucking arguments. Because, today is according to those here not even my worst offense. So what the fuck are we doing here? Maybe I dont even wanna see shit start, I know how to be respectful to a person without agreeing with their opinions about a topic. Others here dont. That's why of all the people who have joined this forum ever, there is only a a hundred or so users on here regularly. All the people run the major tournaments, the partners, the official podcasters dont want anything to do with this forum. So trying to say it's all me is stupid. But you also cant say all the bad factors have been rejected from this forum, no, it's that the mods weren't banning bad actors, it's that only bad actors stayed. Now if you wanna try and insinuate that me staying means I'm a bad actor, well, I wouldnt be trying to get the mods to create a more active ban policy that if I wasnt certain I can behave myself that I would be banned. Also, no one has admitted to the very real internet bravery we see here and the click behavior out of everyone. And honestly, the guy who messaged me on my profile page, I dont think I've ever spoken to him before but someone was apparently perusing my page hoping to find some sort of dirt, and even then, it was revealed I'm not here scheming, trolling, boasting, bragging, not a single fuckin thing even though I have voiced real beef with several people including and most prominently yesterday, Psychoticstorm. He's the fucking model and I've complained to him so many fucking times about how people here act. And honestly you've been on here as long as I have and you dont be honest about how people take there subtle jabs at me before I've attacked anyone. You've got 0 fucking honor. And no, I'm not interested in going through every fucking thread to prove that I dont start shit, it's easier for everyone to start fresh with new rules. Then we'll see in time who starts shit. If you really think I'm the troublemaker, then let's puts policy suggestion to a vote, if you're all so confident it's me who starts shit, then all of you should have no problem with the mods implementing a more strict ban policy.
I will be brief, I did not have the time to deal with the thread and instead of having +10 pages of insults and general nonsense to edit and remove when I came back I cut it were it started, simple yet efficient. What this thread does could be accomplished by a brief PM "hey X thread is locked can/ will you reopen it?" it would get the same answer, would have generated less drama shown less inappropriate posting behavior and would allow me to go back to the thread edit it and reopen it sooner. On a side note, moderation has indeed stepped up and increased and will continue to do so, many forum members have already been surprised, somehow.
@Delta57Dash you are 100% right. Not just correct, but right in what you wrote. I'm aware the post does nothing to help and it should, by all accounts, outright be a moderation target. Hell, half (more?) of my posts actively try to bait mods into action, because I do think they let folk get away with too much, although I've never tried to call a mod a lolicon and everything that insinuates (but as we've seen that doesn't really have consequences). I'm not trying to help discussing this subject with wuji - every single time I've been exposed to the CB forums, they've been involved in some shit slinging, goalpost moving, circular logic. It never seems to go anywhere. They wrote a pity party post that is borderline no feedback, but a personal vendetta and the thread is still going. I've seen Pokémon forums be handled better than the Infinity ones. God damn pokey-mans! I'd like heavier moderation and fully expect that if that time ever comes, posts like mine would earn at least some sort of response from the mods, a few outright bans. I'd like to point out that I'm not shitting on @psychoticstorm personally here, as I have no idea if it's guidelines, or their own personal modding style, or whatever. The point is that it's risk free to not even be aware of the moderation rules, because nothing happens. As such, given I don't have enough power or patience to try to change this from within, I'd rather just add fuel to the fire and watch it burn down. Either that, or get banned along with all the shitheads. It's not a noble pursuit, but if it gets results. /shrug.
No, cause I'm done with you playing favorites. You saying it, isnt good enough. This needed to be brought to the attention of everyone. And if you're deleting peoples posts then you're deleting evidence of who starts shit. If youre the mod you need to have some honor. You need to be held more accountable and you need to point out the fact that subtle little jabs initiating conflict is not okay. If someone doesnt agree or doesnt understand, they should talk about the subject or leave the thread, not attack the poster, you let shit slide for too long. And yeah, you need to be honest, I wasnt the one to start shit for a long time, but because you let others get away with shit, that's why I'm like this now, and I think you need to be honest about your responses in the karakuri thread. Sure, I said shit too, but in reality its cause I was just fed up with the favoritism bullshit and everything about your comment after the art dropped looks like your MO of how you would side with people or in this case oppose someone, that's how long I've seen how you comment in the threats, ambiguous and almost passive agressive, we both know this has been going on longer than the Karakuri thread because I'd bring shit up to you when I used to not start shit and you didn't do anything. Plus you've done the same thing with many other in threads I've not been apart of and most people have left but theres still a few here and they say same thing. So dont @me with some "courtesy" nonsense, you did wrong as a mod by letting others get away with starting shit with me over and over and over when I didnt attack anybody. Make it right!
Dude you need to practice some self reflection and work on things you can control, like your own behavior. Blaming others for how you behave is the epitomy of weakness in character. If you want other people to behave better, then model it. Telling other people how to behave is about as effective as people telling you how to behave.
You don't get it. And you dont get that I'm done, I'm tired of trying to work with people like you. You have not once admitted than many of the people here are the ones who started shit, and having a grievance with a mod for playing favorites, for letting people get away with starting shit to silence an opinion about game topics reprehensible. Plus, if you really feel like you're right then you'll have no problem with the mods implementing the ban policy in suggesting. If you wont get behind something that is as neutral as I've presented it just means you want to keep getting away with you own bad behavior. @psychoticstorm , start the ban policy I suggested, watch how quickly things change.
Alphz is one of the nicer people on these forums. I don't think I've ever seen him be disrespectful or insulting. He's giving good advice, and he's being polite about it, and you respond like that? Please, PLEASE just take a minute and calm down man. You're lashing out at people who are honestly just trying to help you. EDIT: Also, Gibbets in Wapping is a reference to how they used to put criminals in cages and display them for everyone to see. "Gibbet" is the cage, "Wapping" is a section of London where they used to execute criminals via leaving them in the Gibbet until they died.
Dudes shut fuck up, you dont behave like you have if you've been trying to help someone. And in the case of Alphz, if he isnt pointing fingers at other people here, then he isnt being honest. Were talking about years of this forum being a shit show. I've had my fair share of not saying anything and just watching people here VASH on others. For anyone here to point fingers at me instead of just embracing a stricter ban policy, it just shows they dont actually want to fix things. All this fucking bitching in here, when all that needs be done fornthe forum as a whole, cause even if I walked away, everyone here would still have the same problems with these forums, implement a stricter ban policy and have everyone start at, 0 stop talking about wuji this wuji that, just say fuck it, we'll all be better or we'll be banned. No more pussy footing around, just bite fucking the bullet, what are you all afraid of?!
It’s not up for a vote, it’s the mods acting under direction from CB, simple as that. They will act as they see fit, to take care of their forums.
This to everyone, it's real fucking simple. Embrace the ban policy, and we'll all be for more polite, just like a town with an armed population. No verbal bull shit, let's fucking do it. No more wuji please listen to reason because no one here has proven sincerity in that, I think everyone talks a big game here but they cant actually get behind a positive movement because they dont the person who is initiating it. You all really think I'm your boogeyman. Then all of you ask for the the suggested ban policy to be put into effect and we'll see if I really am...
They let their forums go a long time ago, and actually yeah. Polls exist for a reason, to inform CB what the the forum members want. So please, dont make weak excuses like that because all I see is that you're avoiding the possibility of having to take full responsibility for what you type from now on and a ban policy will encourage real change toward a more positive forum.
I’ve no issue with responsibility for my words now, nor would I under any updated policy. Red text I follow, any messages the mods might send, I follow. Simple as that. If someone has an issue with self control and self policing, any change to forum policies would have little to no effect.
This thread has run its course I am afraid and the time has come to end. I do not know why I have to say that the behavior displayed was not appropriate, relevant parties have been warned.