Im quite glad these tags look trashy. Id hate to see the profile proliferate in N4. As it is, you can take one sure, but it's generally a fun thing. Any hacker, flashpulse, e/m or breaker is gonna make short work of this BTS3 BS13 tag.
Update 6 brings more info on hackers Looks like there's a small element of listbuilding, the TAG is mandatory but depending on the mode played you can have up to two other models Prospectors: can equip a single TAG weapon, start with a ranged and melee weapon, can dig up teseum from certain tiles. Remotes: Unarmed, but can ferry neomaterials into safe storage, grab loot, seem to be the fastest moving. Engineer: Can repair TAGs, also have Deployable cover and sentry turrets. Hacker: Can flip one of the TAGs orders back to unspent, presumably can immobilise enemy TAGs too. From one of the videos there also seems to be an option or game mode to double up on TAGs.
New video of OnTableTop channel. Engineers Unlocked! | Infinity Deathmatch: TAG Raid Kickstarter For 400 likes registered in the following Instagram post, we have a profil N4 for Steindrage, as like megalaudron (maybe with a scenario). Hellois gave the silhouettes of the possible strech goal (maybe a Van Zant at the bottom right ). Post: Van Zant is coming my friends. Maybe a future scenery possible of Reign of Fire ^^ Spoiler: This is what is called jumping into the mouth of the wol... dragon Wargarage blog wrote a new recap Tag Raid article in spanish (for spanish commu).
I'm hoping for the MAF stuff to get slightly different profiles to represent them being alien, but given CB's track record with MAF, I'm not getting my hopes up. That being said, this game looks fun. I'm gonna pass on it for monetary reasons, but it looks like it has more replay value than Defiance.
MAF does have a history of getting uncomfortably similar stats to Yu Jing counterparts. I honestly think you could make justification for most factions to have different profiles from the others, but so far even the most extreme justifications have gone ignored. Repairs a robot using tourniquet and anti-biotics.
That would be N4 Deathmatch that will be unlocked soon. 2 TAG's on a side, with stats for N4 TAGs in the expansion box and the models themselves being add-on's like Reinforcement Packs were. I don't expect my O12 or ALEPH to be in a mining operation I suppose, but it would be interesting to have a mercenary faction added.
Tomorrow, a new TTS Tag Raid stream. Post:
So unless I've missed something, basically the profiles are only for vanilla, a few mercs, and CJC? Why should most of us care about this with relation to Infinity then?
If you ask me, the fourth figure in the bottom line (including the cool CA Engineer) looks like a Sheskiin. Although I doubt we'll get till there.