YAY HOORAY Seriously though, I really like the way this unit is balanced out. His impressive CC capabilities (for a 14 point model) are balanced out by the fact he's hackable and without stealth or smoke. This leads to a situation where he will likely be stopped by a single midfield repeater/hacker though, so his main role right now kinda seems to lean towards a DZ protector. Whatcha guys think?
They look a bit good for 14 points to be honest. You're getting a lot of extremely useful stuff on a very cheap platform
I'm not sure how I feel yet. Seems ok for the price. My first impression is that it's not that good. But then he seems good for a cheap regular order. Especially for some forces. Booty can change some things. He does seem like it it would make a good defender. The rifle is good for just putting it on suppression and forget about it. But Just noticed it gets a +1B with the AP CCW! CC21+NBW with that is pretty good. I take it, this out of of TAG Raid?
Battle Ravaged profiles should be more different form the Full power ones. This just lose one point of BS, PH and ARM and the Dodge (+1") skill.
Some weird bypassed way of making it 2W without paying for 2W. Needs to have the discount otherwise it would be a very unappealing profile. But really, it's just an excuse to allow it to have SymioMates and SymbioBombs with little downside!
Cool for Spiral. But it's not huge since they only get one Kaletar and there's better things to put it on.
So yes. But you hardly wish to loose your limited amount of symbio-things on it. UPD Achievement unlocked: ninjaed twice!
I don't think it's too much streamline but how they streamlined. I think it would have been better if they had made Armor equipment, instead of a Stat.
1. Where does that come from? I mean, I can't see them in the Army at the moment. 2. AVA 2 & Fireteam Duo is... not inspiring. Can't build a pain train with that, can't use them even as a sturdy pointman for a team. 3. Statline is decent (for the points), cost is making those close to autoinclude in my eyes. Though Booty is like a box of chocolades, you know... take a pair of them, set them up as DZ guards. Maybe Booty gets them something useful, who knows. 4. I guess we won't be seeing their models in Infinity for a couple of years. No, I'm not interested in buying into the TAG Raid. I guess I am going to have to proxy them with something. Monstruckers...?
Not really. It's arm 3 yet has 2 wounds. I can think of far more expensive and more fragile troopers than this dude.
But no cover unless in a Fireteam, plus BTS 0 and WIP 12 makes them very vulnerable to any type of hacking.
I'm in the same boat with TAG raid. Even if I could afford it, it's just not what I want. If it had ben real TAGs securing a place for miners to come in later. Sure, that would be cool. But it's a good reason to proxy with my Exrah again! For anyone they are not a bad DZ/Objective protector. I'm not sure I'd want them running out to fight stuff. Cheap regular order for Druze. Dashat and Ikari have cheap regular orders but not ones that can do much more than die fast. I'm not really sure how they can help any of the others.