New brutalist terrain / cyberpunk city urban table

Discussion in 'Scenery' started by IAGO242, May 2, 2020.

  1. Pierzasty

    Pierzasty Null-Space Entity

    Nov 23, 2017
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    @IAGO242 You should totally do a weathering pass on all your studio terrain every quarter, so the oldest terrain is also the dirtiest dingy half-ruined shit while the newest terrain looks barely worn. It'd add another layer of realism to the concrete blocks :v
    (bonus points for vegetation creeping in with time, that's always welcome to counteract the oppressive inhuman monoliths - moss, vines, random tree sapling growing in dirt blown onto a roof)

    ed: Also, do you happen to have a tutorial on how to paint weathered concrete? I might want to steal the scheme for some of my low-priority terrain.
    #41 Pierzasty, Oct 28, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2021
  2. IAGO242

    IAGO242 Executive Officer

    Mar 30, 2018
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    I love designing buildings in section, so it comes naturally to me! And yes, I agree, much easier and quicker!

    Aw thanks a lot Koin! Yeah! we go to great lengths to get good content to share. Otherwise it's just boring haha.

    You're right! Our kits (Except the eternity labs range) are not really very storage friendly. I don't mind, I prefer larger impressive terrain that doesn't feel suburban. 3 + storeys to me is urban, 2 or less suburban.

    Hahah not a bad idea! Brutalism and plants go together so well! SO i'll do that for sure one day!

    I will get around to doing a tutorial yes! I have filmed 2 videoes of two different kits, i juut need to get around to editing them!
    Savnock, Lesh' and Dragonstriker like this.
  3. Romansky

    Romansky Shadowrunner aka. NeuRomanCer

    Mar 26, 2021
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    yeah got you and totally agree!

    "We fight in dark chasm of streets running deep in the shadows between high walls of concrete - Dystopian Megacities, where even Tags seems like flickering Ants involved in unimportant little fights between those skyscraping giants…"

    Just to be more precise:
    Im not talking about smaller buildings, but about designing them in such a way, that they can be stacked one into the other (like matrejoschka) for storage. When setting up they could be combined on top of each other and next to each other to get bigger and brutal buildings.

    So as a consequence you would just need the storage space for the biggest 4 buildings, because all other would fit into those…

    i know this is just a wishing vision and its not as easy! Really appreciate what you do and give you big kudo for that! You are a professionel city-developing architect with game-level design master-skills ;)
    #43 Romansky, Oct 29, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2021
  4. Pierzasty

    Pierzasty Null-Space Entity

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Now I imagined placing a mine in air several stories above an enemy, which in turn triggered flashbacks to Worms and that stuff bouncing into all the places you wouldn't want it.
    IAGO242 and jherazob like this.
  5. IAGO242

    IAGO242 Executive Officer

    Mar 30, 2018
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    Some more pictures of the new kits![​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Yes! That's a good idea, I know Wild Land terrain and others do that very well. One day!
    I have some plans for totally unprecedented kits. Can't really say more till I've done proof of concept!
  6. Romansky

    Romansky Shadowrunner aka. NeuRomanCer

    Mar 26, 2021
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    Hey ya‘ all!
    Very new to scenery building, im thinking (loudly) about ordering with shipment to berlin germany- for that some questions:

    - is it possible to order already painted / prepainted?
    - or do someone has experience in painting MDF terrain and would have time and motivation to do the job (pm me).

    - would someone teamup for a joined order?
  7. IAGO242

    IAGO242 Executive Officer

    Mar 30, 2018
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    Just a little heads up - Kevin Hamilton from Loss of Lt podcast has done a great article on our blog about his table and its function in N4, pictured above.
    He talks about the design, painting, playtesting and what he would improve and change for the table.
    Quite a dense and tall table, I look forward to going down to Melbourne for Burn City Brawl - an ITS event soon.

    Burn City Brawl 2022 ITS Link

    Facebook Event

    - I'm afraid I have neither the time nor money for equipment that could do that, sorry!
  8. Alphz

    Alphz Kuang Shi Vet. Retired.

    Dec 25, 2017
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    That looks fantastic. Is there a link to the blog?
    Errhile likes this.
  9. Koin-Koin

    Koin-Koin Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Dense indeed.
    I like how the playmat works with the building.
    I didn't expect a non urban mat to fit so well with such buildings.
  10. Pierzasty

    Pierzasty Null-Space Entity

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It's snow, it's pretty much designed to beautify Soviet architecture by covering ugly concrete shit*.

    * (to clarify, this is not meant to disparage BC terrain, I actually appreciate how realistically it mimics ugly concrete shit from real life :) )
    #50 Pierzasty, Feb 7, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2022
  11. surfimp

    surfimp Active Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    I just came across your offerings yesterday and I'm completely blown away. Really wonderful work!

    I'm curious if anyone has offered to recreate these buildings as assets for Tabletop Simulator? It would be a fantastic pre-sales tool for those who'd like to get a sense of how the terrain plays, and what their table layout might look like, and how much terrain they'd want to acquire.

    Just a thought!
    chromedog likes this.
  12. IAGO242

    IAGO242 Executive Officer

    Mar 30, 2018
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    Yes actually - Although there were some issues with the technical aspect from my friend who was doing it. Maybe someone else locally can do it though, I might reach out and see!

    I have some really nice tournament stuff coming out soonTM, very keen to share....Might be a good idea to do that for those kits!
    Savnock and jherazob like this.
  13. IAGO242

    IAGO242 Executive Officer

    Mar 30, 2018
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    A nice painting tip for you guys
    This is absolutely the BEST way I have found to easily paint concrete. Over-thinning your light grey will cause tiny paint droplets to accumulate, emulating in-situ cast concrete pretty well. What do you think?

    Tiktok here if you are on that platform -


    Some new Ruin terrain and a picture of how the Adamant Range Walls work!


  14. IAGO242

    IAGO242 Executive Officer

    Mar 30, 2018
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    Hey all! Lil update for you :)
    A friend from the Infinity Melbourne community did a great thoughtful guest post on the website - his BC table was voted, and won best table at the event! I actually haven't even painted and don't own that much of the eternity labs kits (Hence the 3D
    product pics on the website hah. But It does look like a really fun table, and he has done a great job. I'm not so much of a writer myself so it's really great to see someone else write about the terrain products you make! I have added it in the spoiler below for your ease of viewing.

    I have been working on many new terrain pieces, of which you can see some previews on the website.
    I haven't had much time to play Infinity lately sadly, but I did buy a new Maruts! I'll paint her as a holiday treat after xmas :)

    Why I haven't had much time is this: I have been working on many new terrain pieces, of which you can see some previews on the website. Took some lovely mysterious atmospheric shots so I hope you like them! I spent a day making really detailed and nice swamps for the promo pics on the website, but of course you can't even see them in the pics I actually used haha. (Reminds me of an old uni lesson I apparently forgot until now - Only work on the necessary presentation parts that the audience will see! You could probably apply that to minis too, to increase your speed if you're timepoor.

    New Terrain kits include-
    • Large hex pontoons/platforms including helipad- these are really cool. I'm personally biased against hexes being a bit of a cliche 'sci-fi' trope (Maybe unpopular personal opinion - Sci-fi designers can't get past LV426 I guess?), but I like these as they have a practical modular logic to them. They were a commission from a friend.
    • New 2 story objective room (comes in single level or get both) - this is really unique, nothing like it available. It has sliding doors. You can separate it into two buildings for more table coverage. It uses a new material I have wanted to find since I started this back in 2019! I hadn't been able to find it until this year!
    • An ENTIRE new tournament range! Featuring 1.8mm MDF, nesting storage design with playable interiors, and the same great translucent plastic material. I don't think this will come this year, more likely early next year. It was part of a commission for a friend and customer,
    • MDF lakes/ponds/swamps - nothing remarkable but it's been fun playing with resin and adding some aquatic terrain to my table!
    • New addition to the Bruteopolis plaza tower - 3mm MDF and new plastic glazing
    • Large Ducting and vents - designed so you can get total cover for S1 & S2 troops
    • New conduit bridges - these come in both MDF and BYO versions - you can use 3mm spent pen ink tubes, or old broken phone chargers and other 3mm cables. Brings it a bit more to life and helps you recycle old cables. But a tad fiddly if you use the cables, so I added the MDF version too if you don't care.
    As mentioned, visit the website for a preview. They will look great when I add them to an urban layout, cyberpunk AF!


    Guest Post by Hugh W.

    This is the story of how a shelf of terrain turned into a table voted 'best' at Burn City Brawl in Melbourne. I was having a hard time writing lists for BCB so I decided to spend the Sunday beforehand making a positive contribution (sorting out my table) rather than spinning my wheels trying to fit seven Morats into one core fire team.

    My external constraints were 1) I don't drive so someone else needs to transport the table, and I want to be respectful of space in their car, and 2) nobody has time for mid-tourney adjustments - it needs to fit all five games on without changes.

    In service of 1), I needed to sort out which terrain was going to be in use, and how best to condense it. I had a ponder and I decided that the Eternity Labs plus scatter was going to carry the day over the (admittedly more individually charismatic) one-off pieces on account of their stackability.

    To best address 2), I set up my boards and mat, and plonked down the whole tournament's worth of objectives as the non-negotiable board elements - they can move vertically up and down the z-axis, but their lateral position is fixed and immutable. Because BCB had a mix of 12" and 16" deployment zones I also marked those thresholds on the table edge to make sure I wasn't locking either side completely out of parachutist options, or really hamstringing HVT placement.

    Table Layout
    This section is pretty long, as I go through almost a building-by-building breakdown of how I did things. That’s dumb, so let’s highlight the decision points of my process.


    I really like the idea of a table having distinct areas that can leverage different weapons and range-bands, and reward or punish different strategies and tools. Pursuant to this, I set up most of my planters to create a winding path along one (DZ-to-DZ) board edge as a starting point to work from. Let’s call this garden the southern edge of the table, with players deploying on the east and west faces. I imagined motorcycles screaming up the board, or warbands and light infantry using smoke to press up the board and doing combat rolls between garden beds.

    An assault requires a defensive position to be assaulted, so I put a building looking down the board edge from the east side and a two-storey building on the centreline to limit how much board that defensive position could cover. I gave the west side rooftop bridge access to the centreline building, to offer a sneaky alternative to the sci-fi charge of the light brigade. That two-storey building on the centreline ended up with objectives on the roof, so I wanted to make sure the west side didn’t have exclusive access to them. I used some scaffolding to give slightly more order-intensive access to the rooftop, and to block out a little more of the board from that defensive hardpoint in the east.


    I really like how the Brutal Cities bridges provide a lot of height variation and create quite an undulating rooftop play area, so I decided there was going to be a lot of roof access and z-axis movement options across the board. I ended up giving the Eastern side a *lot* of real estate that was very well protected, while I gave the Western side plenty of direct bridge access to rooftop objectives.

    I used base sections on buildings in the corners of the East DZ to keep them 2” off the table edge allowing players to leverage Parachutist, over infiltration or impersonation to get unexpected angles on defensive pockets that are quite separate from one another. Conversely, the West has a much more contiguous ground-level layout.

    I imagined out a couple of games, with particular attention on Mindwipe and Unmasking, identifying an attack run or defensive hardpoint and moving two silhouette markers around a bit to feel out how the lines of sight and range-bands shook out, which led to closing off a few corners with red-and-white barricades or free-standing servers - my priority was making sure that there was always a safe path from each DZ to the centreline, if a player were willing to consider cautious or prone movement and wasn’t too stuck on following their first plan.


    Perhaps the clearest example of this kind of thinking is the northern objective rooftop, where an ARO bastard looking down from the southern rooftop could simply lock player two out of the game – I’m happy for plunging fire to be a strong play, but was concerned about it being a total lockout. I put bridges from both sides to the rooftop so models could move up prone instead of taking shots, I put some overlapping walls for total cover button access and set up some vault paths to enable more angles of attack. Suddenly the roof was so crowded that it was a struggle to move models around on! The solution was moving the whole building south a few inches so the mindwipe console had decent cover available on approach, and the acquisition comms array fell down into the alleyway behind – total cover and the rooftop is substantially less crowded than before.

    Table Legibility
    Brutal Cities had done me a favour with the studio scheme for Eternity Labs, with visually striking grey and orange walls, and the pale rooftops to backdrop the miniatures that we’re playing with. My emulation of this was a good start, but a lot of my small stuff was in the same shade of orange as the walls. This ended up blending in and feeling a bit muddy, especially since I was asking players to expend a bit of brainpower to consider vaulting and climbing. I wanted to unify a visual language to connect z-level movement tech, after the style of Mirror’s Edge. My ladders are an electric blue that pops nicely against the orange so I rolled that out across almost all the ‘interactable’ terrain. There are some modular walls that need respraying to mark them as climbable, and one day I'll get around to pruning my planter beds so they're all at S6 height, but I think the whole thing is pretty visually cohesive.

    I heard one story of a player bursting out laughing while leaning down to check a line of fire – my take is that if PanO is substantially Australian and the state is barely separable from its mega-corporations, then Bunnings has probably reached the stars, so the scaffolding is Bunnings-branded. It’s not really a table design thing but I’m stoked that my table has made someone laugh.


    Actual Play, and Reflection
    I'd thought through the shape of a couple of games while designing the table, but had my first actual go recently at new ITS14 mission Cryonics. I will spare you the blow-by-blow but the main surprise was that my maggie got spotlit and missiled without leaving the back line of the table, I realised that unpicking a strong hacking net would be excruciating on the table, and while I do think the table is a little too dense I feel vindicated in my belief that the too-dense failure state leaves more fun to be had than the too-open failure state.

    To expand on that last: density empowers cheerleaders and warbands, but is unlikely to totally end a game on turn one. A too-open table empowers SWC weapons and the failure state is that the last SWC standing determines the game, perhaps at the top of turn one. On that front, I’m a little worried about an ARO Bastard deploying on the capsule houses in the north-west corner being a bit oppressive, but there are options to either close the gap in total cover down the northern or central ground-level lanes and engage within 16” so I’ll change it if I hear about it!

    I had a really fun time making and playing on the table, and will continue to be proud to offer it up to my community for tournament play moving forward.

    - Hugh


    Thanks for sharing your write up Hugh!

    If you're Interested, much of this table was made from the Eternity Labs Tournament Bundle with some Modular Capsule Housing and Modular Scaffolding

    I loved your ideas for clearly delineating vertical access. It would definitely help to make a weekend of tournament play just a little bit less taxing on the ol' brain!

    Kevin of Loss of Lt podcast had a similar Idea with his Vantann Office Buildings and other terrain - using red paint on the doors to make identification of interior access easy. Read about that here.

    I really love the Bunnings reference, great idea.

    I hope you found this article helpful -
    If you haven't done, sign up to the email list - because we have some great new terrain coming soon! Something really unique that I think cyberpunk and scifi gamers in particular will love - I've been busy painting it for the product pics.
    Thanks for reading,


    StephanDahl, redeemer, Modock and 5 others like this.
  15. IAGO242

    IAGO242 Executive Officer

    Mar 30, 2018
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    I did this kit over the weekend! Pretty happy with it.

  16. IAGO242

    IAGO242 Executive Officer

    Mar 30, 2018
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    Owners of the monolithic Bruteopolis Plaza Tower rejoice!
    The upcoming Fadelight range includes a module that can be used in the tower. Add it on top of your objective room. The Fadelight subrange features durable and flexible scratch resistant translucent plastic.
    Perfect for those who love to light up their terrain!
    Launches Nov 25th.
    I have wanted to do this for years but only found a suitable material recently!

  17. IAGO242

    IAGO242 Executive Officer

    Mar 30, 2018
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    New designs are out! Check out the latest blog post too, it has details about the designs, and the story (I have wanted to design something like this since 2019!)
    What do you think of the new Obliquity Holdings HQ/ objective room?



  18. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    What glues (assembly) and paints (weathering, tinting, etc) work with this new plastic?
  19. IAGO242

    IAGO242 Executive Officer

    Mar 30, 2018
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    No glue needed!
    For the Greenhouses, you can use a tiny bit of superglue to keep the tabs that slot into the bottom plate in place. Hot glue also works.

    I have since extended these little tabs so that you can pull it tight, use a pin if needed to anchor it while the glue dries, then you can cut off the tabs. You can mask the top if you are afraid of frosting, I will make some instruction videos soon :)
    However, I also had the Plastic of the greenhouse just stay in place. But likely best to glue.
    jherazob likes this.
  20. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    My local Infinity group has got to get some of those buildings!

    Do you have a US distributor/licensed maker?
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