she kills the bear and unknown ranger quite easily, those are the ones that you should be worried about
I'm not an expert on ariadna camo, but with carlota 30+ point price and 1 W, light flamethrowing seems like setting up yourself for a bad trade... and spending your own orders to do it.
If you're using her to clear camo you screwed up. Carlotta is great at dealing with their TI elemants and gutting their back line which is often camo light. Let something like a gecko or brigada clear out the camo, or ignore it until it reveals itself, USARF camo has no bite at all, they all have rifles or the occasional LSG, that's not really doing anything, unless you are spamming 1w troops to do the heavy lifting.
We're more likely to see a crapton of vanilla Ariadna being fielded than USARF, if players have access to units from TAK etc. as well (very likely given the recent boxes). Putting Dynamos, Desperados, and Mavericks in the same list is going to be too tempting to pass up for a lot of Ariadna players.
I've really enjoyed playing it. The few decent builds are kinda limited, but are still serviceable. Desperados and Mavericks getting even more awesome helps.
Biker Bandit, meh... bike camo is unlikely to ever happen, watch how nasty Arigoto KHDs with Impersonation will be this season. Biker Jaguars though oooohyyyeeeeaah.
I'm not too concerned with them as they only have combi & light shotty, 28 points as well so not super cheap...
a super fast impersonating shotgun can do a surprising amount of damage if standard camo with shotgun is anything to go off of.
Bikes to be good need to be cheap that for sure, but Bandit on a bike is a lot cool concept than Jaguar. They don't need Camo just more aggressive.
Comparing the MBH and the ABH, give the Bandit the same treatment. -5 points, impetuous, and a bike. Done...
Smoke Granades. They need Smoke Granades. The reason I don't like ZondNautica so much it's the SGL instead of normal SG.