Tinfoil hat time

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by Triumph, Oct 5, 2021.

  1. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Jokes aside, we now have more command skills in the game than just WIP rating (and maybe odd Chain of Command)...
  2. dijit

    dijit Active Member

    May 29, 2021
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    Yeah some Hafza with CoC, Strategos lvl1, counter intelligence, would be awesome, and add something back to QK.
    Danger Rose and Mechanokrat like this.
  3. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Add NCO, extra Lt Orders and extra Command Tokens to the list, too.

    Not saying all of them at once, but basically any of these 6 skills would befit Hafza's fluff as graduates of an elite officers' school, and give them a reason to be fielded. I guess two at once would represent command specialits perfectly. And this still leaves us with a plenty of combinations to give Hafza an intersting set of available profiles (some of which could be QK-exclusive, to fit into the current trend).
    Also, CB, take note: the same model could represent any of these profiles...
    Danger Rose, Papa Bey and dijit like this.
  4. dijit

    dijit Active Member

    May 29, 2021
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    The only problem really with nco, and extra lt orders, is that the hafza would have to be revealed in order to use them. (well not quite our other ncos can use the extra lt orders - another great reason to take sekban.
    Errhile likes this.
  5. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    You mean if the same Hafza had NCO and Lt extra Orders?

    I actually never thought of that, I was just listing skills that would be applicable. NCO with something but extra Orders. Say, Counterintelligence? Obviously CoC wouldn't make much sense on a model that is a Lt.

    And having additional Lt Orders and / or extra Command Tokens on a CoC model (to become activated if the primary Lt. goes down) is an amusing idea - but one I consider to be really unpractical.

    Imagine, you take enemy model down (perhaps you even knew it was the lt, as they're sometimes rather obvious). Suddenly, next turn your opponent starts counting down more Lt Orders and spends additional Command token in additon to the four he spent already (and was moaning for a while about needing one more and not having it). Mindboggling, eh?
    So, as I say - fun idea, but not really practical...
  6. Cadwallon

    Cadwallon Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Ghulam have lt +1 command token profile. Hafza at least must have it, and you never know if you are use ghulam o hidden hafza lt.

    Maybe number 2 could be very useful and can be wildcards even with mercs troops. That gives a little edge over 2 other wilcard and can have a niche.

    Maybe i will mistake, but can do Qk a Sort of stararmada of haqqislam, speaking about that, maybe CB can put Saladinn in this sectorial.

    I can live without hortlak un this sectorial, to make some difference with RTF janissaries, and yes, they can made a Hmg and fusil new ones un blister to have all profiles.

    #26 Cadwallon, Oct 7, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
    Danger Rose and Errhile like this.
  7. Mechanokrat

    Mechanokrat Active Member

    Nov 11, 2019
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    I'm not sure the Hafza should be turned into super leaders.
    a) They are working with a ragtag bunch of misfits, not well drilled and highly integrated formations like Yu Ying
    b) Them being cheap is imho part of the appeal. At the end of the day they are competing with the Ghulam lieutenant. Or serve as cheap link fillers.

    Personally, I would love a Hafza with CoC and no other extras. Perhaps replacing the forward observer Hafza.
    QK has some active lieutnant options that don't cost SWC, like Sekban or Jannisary. But so far they feel a bit risky. Is saving 11/15 pts really worth sending your mediocre lieutenant forward? A Hafza with CoC would make them a lot more viable. But perhaps this would make the QK lieutenant shell game a bit too strong.

    But it would fit the Hafza fluff as enablers of a very mixed force quite nicely, in my opinion.
    KedzioR_vo likes this.
  8. vorthain

    vorthain Veteran Novice

    Apr 24, 2018
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    I agree, I would like to keep them cheap. Since they are often a shell for a lieutenant, the cheaper, the better. Number 2 isn't a bad choice as its only present on that one Ghulam. And I agree that Hortlak isn't *really* needed...but frankly, I would rather RTF lose Janissaries and QK gain both, but that isn't going to happen. I would like to see QK drop the Nomads too. I guess its characterful (somehow?) but it never made sense to me; I'd rather see them just have Scarface, Shakush, and maybe Anaconda. Need to distinguish QK from StarCo. Ruleswise, I think most of the units are fine, though I must admit I have virtually no N4 experience so I can't speak to anything related to O12, NA2, and new sectorial opponents. Maybe some of them are underpowered with rules creep. I see people complain about Kaplans being underpowered but its hard to argue with something as useful as mimetism.
    Barrogh and KedzioR_vo like this.
  9. KedzioR_vo

    KedzioR_vo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Beg will come back, that's sure.
    And maybe it's the time for him, I'd definitely be very happy :)

    But TBH the Khanate sectorial is going to be weird. I don't even know which units should get there, besides Kum and Hunzas. And even though I'm not interested in Code One IIRC there's no Irregular Impetuous units in it? And no motorcycles? So no main units of Khanate ;)
    Hard army to create IMO, and with the idea to limit SKUs, hard army to release.
    The QK is far easier and I think would make sense. Still I think that the release of Haqq in C1 will bring us Shakush (I hope earlier than later), but it's not in QK.
    And I definitely agree that Hafzas could get some profile with CoC and some with cheap N2. But don't bloat them, they need to be an economical option ;)

    PozdRawiam / Greetings
    Danger Rose likes this.
  10. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Code One TAGs don't always match up with the Sectorial featured in the Operation box, for example PanO was WinterFor in Op: Kaldstrøm but got the Cutter, Nomads are Corregidor in Op: CS but are getting the Szalamandra.
  11. vorthain

    vorthain Veteran Novice

    Apr 24, 2018
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    I'm a bit rusty on the fluff, but what are the Khanate's interests other than supplying 'tough' irregular troops to Haqq army? They seem kind of insular, and those that want a special army with irregulars can do Dashat.

    While my preference is still QK, I think an option to consider is something that doesn't necessarily conform to the preconceived divisions of the faction, like Onyx in CA or Kosmoflot in Ariadna. But given 99% of existing units are in HB, QK, or RT, it would necessitate either (A) a few units with some existing ones in a weird combination, a la Onyx, or (B) a lot of new units (albeit this is also the case for Khanate). Given the unit bloat and redundancy going on, I would prefer less units in a new combination.
    Danger Rose, Ariwch and KedzioR_vo like this.
  12. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    We'de need someone who is well-versed in RPG Haqq fluff to put some light on Khanate.

    However, IIRC Gabqar region is where most of the raw Silk component is harvested - and probably processed, making the Silk Road such a juicy target for the raid it must be protected by Qapu Khalqi troops (raw material in bulk is likely not that valuable, partialy or fully processed Silk is another kettle of fish).
    Halqa were described as perfoming policing / road patrol duties in Gabqar, and the Kum lords hve their drug and weapon factories hidden in the mountains. I mean, it must be one interesting neighbourhood, if you need Luzige APCs - notable for their excellent protection - play the role of squad cars... ;)
    Danger Rose likes this.
  13. Papa Bey

    Papa Bey Clueless Wonder. Still.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'm pretty sure Ghulam, Djanbazan, Sekban, Druze, Janissary, or even the Nomads count as "ragtag".
    Danger Rose likes this.
  14. Agorapocalypse

    Agorapocalypse Namurr and Nahab are girlfriends

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Oof ive been speculating on this stuff for years. So based on playstyles and available units, if QK is brought back it should be Haqqs Castle sectoral. MI Centric with mechanics of Haqq Command and heavy guns leading hired Merc fireteams that hang back and provide fire support while irregular cheap mercs play the disruption units to push the enemy out of their hiding spots. Give Hafzas command abilities and wildcard, but keep them basic profile wise to keep costs down. let Azzy link, and make Sekban our main tanky gunline. Also please give us an Odalisque character who is an old lady. I want the gray haired wrinkled veteran odalisque.
    Danger Rose and dijit like this.
  15. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    CB released an MO variant of Hafzas recently. Knight Commanders minus Martial Arts, Religious Troop, Shock CC weapon should probably land us in the right spot. Strip a couple of stat points here and there, make them WIP 14 and add a CoC/Counterintelligence or a +1 Order/Command Token loadout as well.
    Danger Rose and Errhile like this.
  16. Ariwch

    Ariwch Tournament benthotic lurker

    Mar 5, 2018
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    Easy-peasy: just release bike sectorial without bikes. Varangians but op-pa Gabqar style!
  17. Ariwch

    Ariwch Tournament benthotic lurker

    Mar 5, 2018
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    Let them introduce named Hortlak with Haris, TA and shock marksman rifle and give him both to QK and RTF to the pleasure of both subfactions :) Other hortlaks may stay in the orange sectorial as they are.

    And if allow a single Azrail to join any Janissar FT, than it's not even necessary to produce new HMG Jannie :-D

    Pls, no another DBS geld sectorial.
    #37 Ariwch, Oct 8, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2021
  18. Cadwallon

    Cadwallon Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Mmmm Azra Hmg + janissaries doc 2wounds + ...

    Maybe not the BEST in competitive, but can be fun.
    Danger Rose likes this.
  19. dijit

    dijit Active Member

    May 29, 2021
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    Yes to all of this. QK has loads of great MI. I know it's often said that Haqq is the LI faction, but QKs MI (Odalisques are a funny one that are sort of MI / pocket HI) are top class. QK has loads of great mercs and Yuans Yuans to play disprution
    Danger Rose likes this.
  20. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    New sculpts for Azrail, Hawwa, Hafza, Yuan Yuans and especially Odalisques? Yes, please!

    And I'm just in the process of finishing my QK 2.0 army (different color scheme from my original Sand Cats). So, they must count as the required conversion sacrifice for CB to soon release the new units.

    Tldr: Where do I sign? Who do I have to kill? And Does CB take payment in the form of First Borns?
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