Pretty quick question, does the free MBH count against the normal AVA1 for Vanilla factions? I'd wait for the document but @HellLois I got people trying to figure out how many they need to order and we're trying to get shit done ASAP before the distributor runs short with every asshat out there trying to get at least one.
Yeah I know, but like I said I'm trying to get the right amount ordered ASAP before the distributor runs out and we're stuck waiting forever to get more shipped across the world. Literally the whole playerbase in the country is waking up right now probably trying to order one.
Forget complicated, it seems patently unfair that some factions would get a free unit that doesn't even take up a list slot, while otheres get nothing. And I say that as a OSS player, who get the freebie.
agreed, i play QK this year and was planning on playing it even though ITS13 does not benefit them as much as it benefits other factions, but now to not be allowed to have a free MBH in these missions that have bike recon because it would count against my AVA0 is patently unfair. On the other hand, i can understand if generic armies can't pay for an MBH on top of the free one received. So i hope it is more a matter of count against AVA when there is AVA. We'll see in the pdf.
Hey bro, what do you mean by that? - Only factions that have AVA can field one? - Everyone can field one, regardless if they had one available but if you have natural AVA then if you field one it will take up your AVA slot?
So it's free (0 pts, 0 SWC), but counts for AVA, costing you 1. Since there's no additional indication that MBH AVA 0 factions still can take it, we infer from the rest of the regular rules that you cannot take an free MBH with an AVA 0 faction, because you cannot "count it for AVA" then and end up with AVA -1. If the rule intent is "a free MBH for every faction", the rule should say something to the effect of "it counts for AVA if faction has any MBH AVA". Very sloppy.
How would this work with a List that has already used their full AVA on MBHs? Would they just not get a MBH for free?
Yeah, it seems a lot more like a free 16th slot for a points/SWC free MBH, but you gotta have the AVA to count it against.
Ok, so if I already took an MBH as part of my army list do I just... not get the free one? What about if I'm playing something like Spiral Corps, which is AVA 0 for MBH? Are factions with AVA 0 for MBH just not allowed to play those missions, because as soon as the free one is added the list is illegal due to exceeding their AVA? This ruling makes no sense.
Do they ever put these things out to the community? It seems like every time there's some confusion or mistake.
In addition to how this will be available for the various factions AVA (which might be changed by the time ITS 13 actually drops), there's a question of how list-building would even work if the MBH is scenario-dependent. Are you just making lists that are over-costed by 8-15 points in the Army Builder and still able to get the ITS mark of quality (TM)? The list builder doesn't necessarily know what scenario you're playing so it can't on its own decide if the MBH costs 0 or not.