I think they're saying pure fireteams need a buff so they're viable, as opposed to fireteams made out of wildcard soup or 4 Moderators following a Vostok around.
They will adjust fireteam, have a distinction in pure and mixed fireteam. We know they are not adjusting generic armies, so whatever they do to adjust the balance generic/sectorial will be done thru the sectorial's fireteam. They might nerf mixed fireteam, which in turn would be a general nerf to all sectorial as they all have mixed fireteam nowadays. And sectorial are already slightly worse than generic. They might buff pure fireteam, which is not necessarily a buff to sectorial as no one uses pure fireteam anyway because those are weak compared to what you can get from a mixed fireteam. They might do a change that is neither good or bad, but those kind of changes are generally impossible to pull off.
It could result in a strong buff to OSS. I hear Dakini are excellent once the lead is buffed and it's not like they need a wildcard for cost reduction.
It does take Trisha and the GML out of their link though which are both pretty good things to sub in, as well as the CSU to provide unhackable BSGs for repeater/hacker clearance.
Depends on the bonuses, right? Dakini are far from bad. It's not like you're asking yourself what you've done in your life to get to this point like when you put down a Sni- I mean Missile Launcher Keisotsu (R.I.P. Sniper Keistotsu, you aren't missed) or a Spitfire Celestial Guard or anything like that. They're even good enough to run as solo minis and there's not too many profiles you can say that about. On the brighter side, a decent bonus might see a resurgence of pure Zuyong links in IA. Though with Tai Sheng and Patsy and a few others having dropped "unnecessary" counts as... (edit: please read this last part as darkly humorous)
Naturally, I'm not saying they wouldn't be good as a pure team, just saying that even Dakini would be giving up good wildcards that currently enhance the value of their fireteam.
having an engineer to heal up robots after an unlucky crit and an array of different troopers for different cards is good utility also templates, there is no shotgun Dakini
Yes. But. We're discussing the bonuses the fireteams bring, right? Sticking the Engineer in the fireteam doesn't necessarily result in a strict upgrade as there's value in having a fireteam that's sufficiently cheap to be disposable and also value in repairing the team without activating it. Providing templates can be done by secondary units and isn't a necessary function for the fireteam itself. It's not so much as whether there is any value at all for Dakini to have wildcards, but whether a pure Dakini fireteam itself is good enough. There aren't many troopers I would say are good enough in this way, but Dakini are way up there at the front of that list. My point is that the Dakini themselves are the primary beneficiaries of the full core bonuses, which is rare for the primary fireteam trooper, and they're good at using those bonuses, which is also rare for non-wildcards. Usually, the primary fireteam troopers like Zhanshi or even the excellent Ghulam will be the ones your opponent targets to sap bonuses from the wildcard. With Dakini it's the opposite. Arguably, I think if we see bonuses that are meant to make pure Moderator or pure Orc Cores attractive (just to give a couple of examples of stuff that you wouldn't see in a top tier competitive list), we're going to see a few Cores just take off and probably to absurdity. (We're talking about links that you'd see in one or two lists per major tournament to go to one or two lists per player in major tournament for those few factions) For example; I don't think Zuyong are the best pure core candidate, but a strong bonus would make me theme a significant portion of my IA lists around Zuyong again for sure. Wu Ming are slightly worse off than Zuyong but I'd kick out all forms of Zhanying if the bonus for pure team was on 6S level of significance, and so on.
yes without linkable engineer thats not very valuable unless you plan to park in deployment zone for most of the game n3 almost pure dakini teams had the benefit of the good version of cyberdancer buff with the link persisting till the end through number 2 (and also had CSU nanopulsers for trades) now pure dakini teams would just be food for templates even the current mixed dakini core is not much beyond opening shots from hmg to clear space and IMO is outshined by vanilla options
If you are going to run a Dakini Fireteam, you could certainly spare 3 points for a servant, IF you consider that a valuable asset.
Nothing official as far as I know beyond "next year" that was dropped in one of the studio updates. However, safe bet would be this would be part of a major update, potentially a book. So earliest that might drop would be Adepticon next year. Could well be Gencon next year, but potentially CB may not want the fireteam changes to come in over the top of and distract from another Code 1 push with the Haqq/Aleph 2 player box at Gencon.
Fireteam update, expansion book with fluff for the factions not in the N4 book (like Aleph) and the first "Returned" sectorial as an Action Pack (please be FRRM) would be a great Adepticon release!
Honestly, I think replacing the 4 man Six sense boon with 360 visor wound radically improve the links Balance. As it stands the links have immunity to the mods imparted by out of LOF shots, Template, mines and suprise shot.
Would be a good shout. Chasseur, paracommando, knauf, support pack and mirage 5 all have up to date sculpts. Wouldn't be too big a project to finish off the other bits
Well, good thing they are hard at work on another game full of crossover profiles instead of working on Fireteam rules or going back and working on out of date factions....