15 point Hacker, 12 point FO & 12 point Paramedic is why Alguacils are useful. It's great being able to go dogged and smoke but no boop no win.
As third option, why not. You shouldn’t rely on them as your first option, but at the end of N3 there was at least one Paramedic or FO in my Fireteam Core of Corregidor if I couldn’t afford a Daktari.
Yes, but that was before the rework and edition change in which they get supplanted in every way by other stuff, Jazz is only slightly more expensive than an aggie hacker and is better in every way and almost entirely off of the white noise, then there's EVAder engi you can throw in there for another cheap specialist, then the MB LT bruiser leaving two slots of filler which are better spend of ablative point defense to protect the more valuable elements which are far better at than some scrub with a combi and maybe a flashpulse, who can't help the team move if it's pinned. I tested aggies early on in N4 and they just didn't hold up compared to their smokey, stabby, template wielding counterparts, their utility just isn't up to par with the other options, and that's the name of the game with CJC right now mutually supportive multi-role utility. However with the impending Fireteam changes that assessment may and likely will change.
Evaders, Jazz & Daktaris as Wildcards end up in my Jaguar Core and Haris everytime I put together a list: Core: Evader AP Spitfire, Jaguar LSG, Jazz + additional Jaguars if I have enough points/slots to get Sixth Sense for Jazz Haris: Evader Multi Rifle Tinbot (or MB Lt. if I want my Lt in a fire team), Jaguar LSG or Panzerfaust, Daktari
Ahhh I sometimes forget this isn't a very nice forum. Infinity isn't just about list building my friend, get out there and play a bit more you'll find out. x
To be fair, if you’re considering including one Alga FO and one Alga Paramedic in a Core, switching to a Jaguar + a Daktari is the same points, but now you have Smoke and CC (12+12 vs. 10+14). Jazz/Evader/Daktari is already 3/5 of the link being specialists, so having the Jaguar and MB/Vostok/whatever doesn’t really hurt your button pushing capability. Corregidor in general doesn’t have too many problems including specialists though; both the Evader and Daktari are wildcards, and the Morans are FOs. With the aforementioned 3 in your Core and an Evader or Wildcat Haris you’re easily including 7+ specialists already. Not to mention the pretty cheap Tomcat Specialists.
I'm just being devils advocate. I personally dislike advice & bold statements like 'Alguaciles are useless'. I think those sort of opinions don't hold up in a game like this, And again in the above example, you're down one specialist. In my experience of playing Infinity like the fella said above, when you have that fall back of a guy that can actually press a button and win you the game you take it, and more often than not it goes through. The fact the game is based off the stats of the Alguaciles says a lot. Jaguars are bloody great and I loooove them obviously, spent more time painting them than my TAG, but if you've gone the 10 pointer, there's a range weakness. I can hear the arguments 'Don't rely on them to shoot at range yaddah yaddah yaddah' But some times you have too. I can hear the arguments already...'Oh you're playing infinity wrong', 'Oh you drink too much' 'Hey who stole my shoes!'...Pfft...
How do you think I got to that conclusions? game after game of play testing and refinement. Historically in the last edition I would have agreed with you completely, how ever post rework and the nature of N4, modern fireteams and N4 design has lead to a lot of redundant and strictly worse profiles and when you have a set number of slots there is less space for the non optimal pieces (one of the things I dislike about the current edition). specifically in the case of the aggies and using them as specialists, the only one that isn't surpassed by other piece that cost virtually the same is the FO, and an argument could be made for the GL if you don't have the space for the Missile bot for some indirect fire support. Additionally in the case of jags not having range, yes you are correct it's not their place to make those longer range shots that's where the other members of the fireteam come in, but the aggies just pack combi's a chain rifle just needs roughly an extra short move to close the difference to engage, also aggies don't have the option to cheaply pack panzerfausts, never under estimate how useful a 'faust is making something go away. Hopefully the upcoming fireteam changes reign in the crazyness of wildcards such that the more under utilized pieces start to have a place again and back some of the decision making process into list building as it's current state for CJC is just good stuff soup then making a fireteam or two out of it.
I see what your saying and take it onboard, I'm a long time Aleph/Combined player and only picked up Corregidor toward the last couple of months on N3, so my experience may not be as long as yours for Nomads, but it's still long enough to know underestimating a guy that can boop, go in suppressive fire, Hack or shoot guys without being able to see them is a classic mistake. I don't think Infinity fits into the 'Redundant' category personally like games such as AoS, WHFB & 40K, because all the profiles are costed off the Alguaciles, which is a level playing field. When it comes to points we all know those 3-5 point differences can make a huge difference in the lists, well it certainly does for as long as I've played. I also have really enjoyed the subtlety of the new edition in terms of the 15 order limit, but that's a different story. I like the Jaguars and usually take them in the Haris, to body guard whatever the hell I chose to Wildcard in there, but I often prefer the Wildcats/Alguaciles in the core, because my personal preference to playing with a core is to have a really nice back line. Like you've pointed out the ability to drop a grenade around the corner at 24' on a...#14 with B2 is sweet as hell. You don't have that option with anything else at 1SWC 14 points. Also, why do you think 50% of Bakunin are trash?
The custodier and kusanagi are really the only observance pieces that have a place on the table (even though the vostok has a tendency to supplant kusangi outside of a few niche use cases). and the army as whole can be very awkward to to write and balance well at 300, its better at 400 but you then lose one of the the greater bonuses of the faction which is a lot of cheap very effective stuff.
The vostok completely shafts any sense of internal balance in nomads. Its just so good, it really needs a solid nerf.
This is a really good and pretty obvious fix, but I doubt it's one we'll see. Albedo-only in teams would still make the Vostok useful, especially in rock-paper-scissors builds.
Corregidor-appropriate bodies are always handy for conversion bits- that's why I keep the Alguacile pieces. For Crimsons Stone, I think there's enough useful new stuff (and I love that Intruder MMR profile) to keep me interested, even if I weren't a converter needing those Alguaciles.
Ah crud, I thought it was the MMR, I see you're right! HMG's still great in Vanilla, but dangit I wanted the MMR.
I wouldn’t take the vostok anymore. I don’t need albedo, I have a Hacking Device Plus, now in all sectorials. MB HMG or Riot Grrl Spitfire would replace them. In general, I don’t think the Vostok is overpowered, it’s like a Bulleteer and nearly twice the costs.
On it's own in a vaccum no, however it royally fucks internal the internal balance of 2 out of 3 of our sectorials, it is more effective and often cheaper than the top gunfighters in the sectorials and rendering them redundant. It out shoots a Kriza at 32", and the salamandra It out performs both the RG and Kusanagi} CJC doesn't really have any competitors for it (MB HMG isn't impressive and really isn't a faction defining gunner), and in CJC it is awkward to fit into well balanced fireteam and often gets kicked from lists in favour other multirole utility pieces (like a second sombra). Also while we do have white noise in every sectorial, albedo increases order efficiency in that you aren't attempting to throw it up every few moves to advance up the table, and also removes a point of failure in that plan as you don't need to roll. However, this would have been more desirable pre the change regarding ARO baiting.