Personally I said the same thing to myself at the release of C1 and N4. So for my national community I try to find tactica stuff and index them in my forum. examples of my actions: - I've made threads to recap tactica videos by faction, in order to be able to find them easily. Channel: Concilium Watch, The Dice Abide, Enemy Spotted Wargaming, Tabletop Republic - There is also a video resources summary thread, which summarizes videos on rules, beginners' presentations, various resources, etc. Chaines: Warlore, Infinity Gamer, Corvus Belli, Enemy Spotted Wargaming - Various threads by link for tactica article or faction presentation (usually Goonhammer, Techraptor, TheDiceAbide) or that indicates the existence of specialized blog (to my knowledge in N4 there are only GoodGuysOrange, Underbourakssun, TheDiceAbide, Bromad, HeartOfTheHyperpower) - I also made a community aid pdf to quickly introduce the game, the universe, the lines of products, the links where you can find players, etc. - With links to these threads. We should do the same here and index the different external article/video links into the Tactica N3, or create threads to link to a specific article/video indicating that they are N4 or C1. Or create video/podcast/article recap threads by faction. I was thinking of doing something here myself, but I don't have too much time to do it. In the debate "which format is better: Video, discord, forum?". For me blogs and forums are better, things are searchable in google and on these platforms, there is an organization. Not to mention that you can make auto-translation, when you have the laziness to decrypt the obscure foreign jokes that are hidden in the middle of the subject. Discord is not searchable by google, facebook is rarely searchable by google and facebook's internal search engine sucked when I was still on that platform. And I find it faster to read an article, than to listen to a video/podcast.
Discord is just awful generally, at least for anything beyond general banter. especially in when comes to defined topics and discussions, and the archiving there of. Want to find that discussion from a months back on how to use a HI centric list in _____ faction, well you're shit out of luck, not only do you need to scroll for days but once you find it it's interspersed with comments from 8 other conversations.
I find myself thinking about this too... What happens with the forum? I don't think it will be something because the pandemic. One should think we have more time to spend in front of our computers. I tried a few months ago to do some kind of strategic topics in time to time about some sectorials, like winterforce, hassasin, at least in the spanish side of the forum, but sometimes it looks like I were talking to myself. As some have said before, others channels looks to have the main flux of players: discord, telegram, whatsapp even podcast, but the true is that all of this places aren't easy to find, the forum does. I know a lot of players are the opinion of "not to bring new players to the forum" and probably this have some weight on the reason of why they aren't too many people talking here. Things are changing all the time. I belive right now a big amount of players are more confortable hearing or reading from a source more interactive than the forum (telegram, discord...) I had the experience with some battle reports I wrote here and placed the link in the whatsapp groups I participated, and most of people said to me they were too long to read it... but when I did the same but with audios + some picture of the game, people was more interactive and we could have a little chat. Of course, I will try to participate as much as I can in this "re-Iniciative" of strategic uses where I can bring some useful, because I believe the forum still can and should be a good place to start learning and, for sure, share with a lot of people. Best regards
I want to think about batreps and the role they could play in strategy discussion. How to write them differently to focus on strategy and tactics. Right now @WiseKensai is the only one trying. I appreciate his batreps but I'd like to see writing moved even further in that direction - even less "and then Angus shot at Ortega and missed" and even more "my plan was to hold the midfield while pushing on a flank, here's why it didn't work." Like, you read chess writing for example, it leans a lot on sample games by grandmasters to illustrate the arguments being made. We don't have the same body of games to draw on in Infinity, but maybe we could. A while back someone posted that they'd made or found a youtube video of an Infinity "problem" - I think it was something like a chess problem where they gave a scenario and the viewer was invited to find the best play to achieve a goal. Something like that in written form would be great in the forums. I do think it's harder during the pandemic, though. The forums are pretty sparse, and it's not like they're any more of a cesspool now than they were two years ago. I think lots of people aren't playing on TTS and aren't posting because they aren't playing. It's hard to be motivated to put the effort into a batrep or tactica that won't get much response. It also doesn't help that the forums are usually the place to come to answer rules questions, but @ijw has vanished and CB is creepily silent about it. So there's less of a "come for the rules, stay for the tactics" effect.
I feel very much the same! When I was younger I was able to read battle reports on a other game where both players would go through their actions and their decition making processes turn by turn, and I felt that the approach was very entertaining and informative! I would love to try to write battle reports like that, but finding the time (and a willing opponent) to not only play a game, but also photograph it and write down both players perspectives on how it turned out is tough... But defiantely something I'm hoping to look into!
Goonhammer articles are very good and readable; some questionable moments but thats the case with anything, especially if we are talking about forum tactics posts
This is exactle my case, as I've so far managed to play an awesome total of three N4 games thanks to Corona-chan. I didn't even visit the forums for months. But slowly things are going back to normal, and I have even started to paint again.
I think forums are the best venues for tactical discussions. They're designed for asynchronous collaboration. Discord is just a fancy evolution of the old IRC chat rooms and is geared towards synchronous chat, meme sharing and coop play of video games. It is all about right now and not conducive to productive discussion. Blogs and video are useful, but they're really broadcast channels, not venues for in-depth discussion.
How N4 worked for me: - Stumbled about infinity years ago and was a little unsure because of rule comlexity… - saw the N4 boxes in my local store (never really recognized the infinity stuff before) - Searched the net and liked the idea of reduced rules, so i returned to my store an bought some N4 boxes. - got deeper into the game and had 2-3 little games with myself and really qui Arschbombe ist totally on point an i agree - vollundjanz!
Video guides are fine, but I always find that I have trouble parsing them for quick info. Sometimes I don't want to watch a two hour long video to find the important information. That's why I am a big fan of Grotsnib's blog on Ramah, or Under Bourak's Sun. I can easily read an article about what a Mukhtar does, or the best anti-TAG options in vanilla Haqq. It's something easily digestible but very helpful.