Confused by role of Namurr vs. Mukhtar vs. Nahab in Vanilla

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by kesharq, Aug 11, 2021.

  1. kesharq

    kesharq Lucky Dice-Roller

    Feb 9, 2018
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    I am currently toying around with a small vanilla Camo heavy Allcomers Haqq list with lots of all kinds of Specialists (300pts, 6 SWC). As I played QK in N2 and HB in N3, I want to try Vanilla in N4 and use some of the profiles I never used before.
    I was searching for some gunfighters beside the usual suspects like Asawira, Muyib, Sekban or Djanbazan as I found the profiles of the new to me units like Nahab, Mukhtar and Namurr.
    All are decent gunfighters with BS 12-13, have NWI, are very lightly armored (ARM 1-2), use short to midrange weaponry (Red Fury or Spitfire, Shotguns, Rifles & SMG), cost 30-40pts and pack a lot of different specialists. Nahab and Mukhtar have some sort of special deployment (Parachutist, Infiltration or FD 4"), the Namurr has a boost to dodging (on 15s).

    To me, apart from those small differences, all three units fall into the same role: Lightly armored NWI gunfighters that are able to press buttons... Aren't those units redundant in their role?? How are you using those units/profiles??
  2. Grotnib

    Grotnib Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2019
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    I can't speak for Vanilla, but atleast in Ramah Taskforce the units you listed have very different roles to one another! Most of the profiles are Specialists, but...
    - Mukhtars are by far the best out of the select units at winning honest f2f rolls because they have a tad higher BS and also Mimetism (-3), though they stuggle against heavier units. "Point and shoot".
    - Nahabs are Parachuting (or to a lesser extend Infiltrating) models that actively seek out close encounters - while they do end up gunfighting a lot against weaker opponents, their thing is destroying happless foes in melee. They're also more nimble thanks to Dodge +2'' and they can survive Crits better thanks to Immunity (Critical), while Frenzy is a definate drawback when it comes to gunfighting. "So you have Martial Arts L4, huh? That's cute, now can you tell me what does your CC -3 stat without Martial Arts look like?"
    - Namurrs are the jacks-of-all-trades, but I've found them mostly useful as early game attack pieces, and as dedicated counters for otherwise hard to counter pieces (TAGs, Impersonators, powerful individual pieces not immune to Isolation). Total + Bioimmunity feels pretty great too... "What ever you need, at a price."
    All of the mentioned units are also stellar at completing Classified Cards, thanks to being high WIP Elite/Veteran models with access to various Specialist types and/or D-Charges...

    Hope this helps, but better take my thoughts with a grain of salt, and defer to dedicated Vanilla players!
  3. kesharq

    kesharq Lucky Dice-Roller

    Feb 9, 2018
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    I have to admit that I did not consider CC skills like MA in my comparison... I only use CC on very very rare occasions (even my Fiday kill more people with their Light Shotguns than with their CC Weapon).
  4. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    Mine too. But Nahab are much better than Fidays in CC. And they can tank an ARO in order to get into CC. Which goes well with Berserk to get them into CC faster :-)

    From my perspective it's only theoretical since I play HB, but @Grotnib 's take makes sense to me.
    kesharq likes this.
  5. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I play most Hassasin and in time to time I "travel" between Vainilla, Ramah or even Qapu. I agree a lot with @Grotnib said. They look sometimes too alike, but is a "mind trick".

    Mukhtar are, I think, early units... Advance, kill many light units as you can, plus push that button (if we are playing specialist option), take position, try to last as long as you can. Avoid heavy armoured Units or CC specialists.

    Nahab aren't so different but thanks to have infiltration or parachut. they change how they work. The infiltrator one is "a first turn/second turn breaker" which it will be looking for CC and CC specialists, while killing light units too, and pushing buttons if is the "killer hacking" profile. Then, try to complicate the enemy advance as much as possible. If we play the parachutist option we could be do a lot of harm from turn one, or we will have to wait until the rival left us an openning.

    Namur... I think is one profile heavily criticized because a lot of people were look over it as another "mukhtar", but it has nothing to do. To me Namur is a profile of turn 2 or, probably, turn 3. Both options can ignore a lot of weapons in order to go over that target, and thanks to climbing plus probably it could reached it comming from a path not every rival could imagine. I played several games with the spitfire profile and at first I lost the points because I want to "use" as an active piece at first turn and try to kill everything, that didn't work really well, but when I had patience and did use of the Namur in the last turn, it was "a walk between the clouds".

    Danger Rose and kesharq like this.
  6. Lareon

    Lareon Well-Known well-knower

    Nov 23, 2017
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    That's my approach to these units:
    • Mukhtars are powerful hunter/seekers, aggressive pieces with a lot of versatility, and they're meant to win fights and stay in the field. They have particularly good specialists with a lot of usefulness. They're our reliable surgical tool: use them to strike the opponent's weaknesses and hide them to avoid retaliation.
    • Nahabs are alpha strike pieces. An advanced deployment combined with a very powerful CC asset allows them to deploy, strike hard and maybe (but usually not required) survive. They're our glass bomb: point them to the enemy, let them cause a lot of damage, send someone else to grab the pieces.
    • Namurrs are toolboxes. They pack far less punches than the other options, so I'm not sure we can define them attack pieces. However Immunity (Total) and their loadout allow them to cover several different roles, if needed. They're our swiss knife: you surely have better options to do the job, but it can pack different solutions to problems you can find in the field.

    Personally I'm not a fan of the Namurrs, while I used and abused the other two units. Nahabs are able to do so much damage you won't believe possible, while the mukhtars are a reliable attack piece that you can use to push button and control the midfield
  7. theomc

    theomc Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2019
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    Also think about your opponent(s)/mission(s):
    - if you're expecting a lot of mimetism, then take the Muhktar with MSV2/Red Fury and the Doc for healing and button pushing
    - if you're expecting a lot of HI/Armor, Nahab (if you think you can get close or need a mid-field hacker) or the Namurr w/HMG Corrected: Spitfire (for more general killing)
    #7 theomc, Aug 11, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2021
    Papa Bey likes this.
  8. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Slight Correction: Namurr has a Spitfire, not a HMG. While it is a cheap Spitfire (1 SWC), I usually don't choose it. Namurr and Ghazi are the two Haqqislam units with an E/marat: A great HI/TAG stopping weapon with a large template. That combined with Climbing+ and Specialist Op makes me think of a turn two/three piece to swoop in and save the day.
    Danger Rose, Urobros and theomc like this.
  9. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Exactly "this"!!! :)
  10. KedzioR_vo

    KedzioR_vo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    As a dedicated Vanilla Haqqislam player (but with an experience in sectorials, playing many games with Ramah) I have to say, that I also feel like those 3 "new" supersoldiers are a bit similar. They tend to have different roles on the battlefield, but still they cost kind of similar points and all are NWI units ;) And I never used two of them in the same armylist (never had an army with Mukhtar and Nahab in the same rooster).

    I've used Mukhtar the most of this trio - and only Mukhtar in N4. I really like them as a Specialist who can also get into firefight with good chances to kill the enemy and survive. I prefer the FO version, especially for missions with Datatracker that have to survive or click something. He can also fulfill few classified objectives which can come handy.

    In N3 I also used Nahab a lot, Red Fury and KHD. Now they're better, but also more expensive and I didn't feel like I needed them in my N4 armylists. But I propably will in some future (maybe Saturday even, we're be playing a tournament then).

    And about Namurrs - I see some potential in them, I know they work for some of you, but I still didn't use them. I think they're really pricy for what they give and still rather squishy. ARM 3 is nothing great, still can lose both hits from combi and die in one turn.
    They're not that fast, not that good in CC (but also not bad) nor BS. They're also oring as a specialists - WIP 14 isn't something fancy in our army and being specialist operative doesn't give any bonus for classified decks or can't help our army in games without the need to click stuff. Besides, they start the game in deployment zone - not as good as Mukhtar or Nahab for example. Climbing Plus and Terrain (Total) helps with mobility, Immunities and NWI help with survivability, but is that enough? My biggest pros for them are E/Marats combined with D-Charges, but how often do you see a TAG or some other big, juicy target for them?
    And I also don't see 38-43 points in my armylists that I can use on a unit that is supposed to work in the end of the game. I see reasons to take them, but when it comes to listbuilding I usually use something else.
    I know it looks really negative, but I'm still trying to convince myself to try them out. So maybe help me and I'll do it on Saturday ;)

    PozdRawiam / Greetings
    Brokenwolf and Urobros like this.
  11. Brokenwolf

    Brokenwolf Protector of the Search for Knowledge

    Mar 8, 2019
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    I feel like one's liking of Namurrs is based on the forces of your Opponents. If they like using a lot of ML, HRL, or Flash bots AROs, the Total Immunity is very helpful to get to the button.
    Urobros and Xagul82 like this.
  12. Urobros

    Urobros Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Of course what the opponent is playing has direct effect on how good the Namur ist in the battlefield, but this applies pretty much to every piece we put in a list. If we play MVL1,2 or 3 and our enemy don't have mimetism it will be a waste of points to include profiles with visor of any kind... Same apllies to the Namur.

    I don't choose the Namur thinking if my rivals will ARO with a lot of flash pulse or a lot of ML, I do because I find the profile very suitable for a pusher button in the last turn, having chances to get over the console for paths my enemy probably couldn't anticipate or protect easy as a corridor. The profile is good enought to have a spot in some lists. Nothing less, nothing more.

    If I think on a haquiss profile we, all haquiss players, should put in our lists, it will be Zuleyka XD Not the Namur, not Nahab neither Mukhtar. :D
  13. theomc

    theomc Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2019
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    And the mission. For something like Armory I think the Namurr is a much better choice. E/Marat in close quarters against heavy troops trying to hold the room, not that far to travel anyway, exclusion zones...
    Danger Rose and Urobros like this.
  14. Fire@Will

    Fire@Will Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2018
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    A Namurr can also be included in a few different links, which boosts order efficiency through positioning as links activate. You've got to plan ahead, but on our tables (where objectives can end up on any level) climbing plus or superjump on specialists is always useful...
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