Yeah my point is that specifically in Shakti's case it seems like a big miss considering the context.
Sure it can, and most of the models in question could as easily be Latino/ Middle Eastern as much as non-Anglo European. In the sense you're applying the phrase Anglo as some broad category, most would accept White as more accurate. Certainly in many socio-political senses in the US, they include Asian's as white and exclude South Americans and Middle Easterns, but in most cases it's White. But, as I say, your locale uses Anglo in a way that most others don't apparently. As I mentioned though, a lot of it comes down to hair-color, and even today that's a bad measure for ethnicity. In the future? Sure they seem to have an over abundance of blondes, maybe that's just the artists they have. I tend more to reds and blacks, except for O12 that got the blue/green/red hair colors on the troops because I want to be able to say "the blue one" or "the green one". :) As for Shakti, the call signs being Vedic has no bearing on the perceived ethnicity attached to the particular lhost. (Or, lack thereof, since I'm pretty sure most of the ALEPH aspects would be mostly unidentifiable as a specific ethnicity on purpose, or tailored to where they would operate.) So I agree with you that they have an awful lot of blonde's in the art, but I have in no way compiled a comparison of all visible hair colors or hair colors in PanO or such.
Uh... pretty much nowhere in the US are Asians lumped in as white, unless they're white-passing. And I disagree on the models being Middle Eastern or Latino; these ethnicities don't really have much representation in PanO. Instead the named characters (especially recently) are overwhelmingly white-European. One can assume that this same kind of representation is meant to carry over to the unnamed characters. It's really fucking weird that you'd have Vedic call signs and then another white-European girl as the depiction in art.
I spent a few years in the Middle East and saw a lot of native Iraqis with light skin, red hair and even blue eyes. I lived in Mexico too and saw a lot of Mexicans that looked whiter than me (descended from the French). Maybe that blonde from Varuna is from Argentina and is from German descent? Maybe Shakti wanted to look that way? Maybe that "Anglo" dude is in fact an Iraqi minority? But honestly, getting into the ethnicity, backgrounds and motivations of little metal models is a little asinine. Just paint them how you want.
Well in either ways the infinity lore is full of clichés and cultural inexactitudes. I like the Haqq lore though, less previsible trope. It will be more interresting to debate the lore than the look of the mini.
Nah, Shakti specifically has a depiction in the official art that leaves me scratching my head. And with respect to your first point, weird that only the whitest examples of what you're describing seem to make their way into PanO. Would be interesting if the setting went whole-hog with the idea that non-white European phenotypes are considered out of style or low class in PanO, with parents getting their children cosmetic surgery to have the appearance that would give them the best start in life.
Ah yes, the soldiers, the pinnacle of PanO society... beyond many PanO sculpts looking like average European citizens I do not see much more, nor I see them as been predominantly "British" (now can somebody explain me why blond hair something common across Europe is an issue?).
I never called them British. Blonde hair is common in parts of Europe, but not so much in the places that are supposed to make up the majority of PanO's population.
I guess if you ignore the majority of all PanO characters and the fact most models have helmets, sure. Ok. Go with that.
I am really getting confused with the term Anglos if it does not mean someone of English decent its a word that has mutated to disfunction. I am not sure on the percentages of PanO populations in relation to present day earth, if the countries that are present now remain unchanged people of European decent would be a big part of PanO population with people of Spanish decent been the biggest representation, but that would assume nothing changes for the next 175+ years, my guess would be, given how Acontecimiento is, people of Spanish decent would be a major part of PanO. But really one can paint their figures as they like and can make fanart as they want.
We could also look at the Croc Men, clearly sculpted to evoke a sense of the islands. Fusis? Well, they look fairly nondescript and with the right paint can look like most anything. Characters cover a range… however, it’s likely some players will never be happy or will simply move on to something else they’re certain needs to be corrected. Better to sculpt and paint what you want and believe will be accepted be the largest part of your audience rather than cater to overly vocal folks ill disposed to accepting anything.
Hecaton is using Anglo in the North American dialect where it is the same as White, when for pretty much anywhere else it's really a reference to the English, because in North America we are the center of the universe. Anglo in American English (where it's short for Anglo-American) means something very different from what Anglo means to the rest of the world. Considering CB is based in Spain, you may want to take that into consideration.
In the US, depending on the context, "white" can include Latino (and Middle-Eastern) people, and we use "Anglo" a bit differently. I've used white-European after there was a confusion to be clearer.