There is precision engineering, and there is having to test fit and going whatever works. No numbers is a strong hint pointing to the second. First one would be implied by X+-Y numbers. Sometimes the plastic is harder, suggesting they use whatever is loaded in the machine. And different materials, different shrinking and flexibility. Magnets can also be wrong, as "make one, label as imperial or metric and blame the +-Y if anyone asks". There are two items in the problem. IMHO, order multiple and use epoxy glue or GS to fill the difference. Bonus: the flexibility should help with shocks and keep the magnet surface level with the table. TL;DR: no strong commitment in the plastic or magnet manufacture, so test and use whatever works at a given time.
If all you want from the magnet slot is to have a magnet, then it might do. If you need the magnet to go in a consistent spot I found them to be unusable. At least for how I personally build and paint my models, any mispack where the base is missing is an improvement unfortunately.
Is that to do with trying to place the model on a LOF base and finding that you need to drill a pinning hole right where the magnet socket is? If so, I've had more than a few of those myself. Not my favorite product design UX experience.
Yeah, I basically ignore the magnet 'slots' at this point and just do whatever I want and us Procreate putty (e.g. grey stuff) to mount the magnet(s) flush to the base.
I just toss them into a box and pick a base without them from my other box of regular bevelled slotted bases. (I need to cast up some fresh resin ones, though). The 40 and 55mm bases I have resin bases for.
That should not be an issue, it was supposedly fixed, if you encounter such issues please report them to CB.
with me, there are only a few modells that get a non-Resin Scenic Base (most from AW - Hexa or LandingPad). Exceptions are modells with tiny legs or feet like old Pi-Well, old Dakini or Zondbots where it is nearly impossible to drill a hole in the foot/leg to fix them on a Resin base. So I have a whole box of leftover bases :)
I do clip underfoot tabs into integral pins, standard. Failing that, with models like old Aleph Rebots (they literally stand on tips of rather narrow legs) I frill shallow holes in the bases to accomodate that tip, and glue them in. Works so far.
I did this, too. Also with the PanO bots with their feet ending in pointy "claws". A dab of paint on each foot, press to base. Drill divots into the base where the paint went. Huge increase in the surface area for the bond (instead of a pinpoint bond, the base now 'cups' that point).
How should we report this? I have an assortment of CB LOF bases and have pulled a couple of examples of inconsistent sockets, but posting photos to the forums doesn't seem like the right way to go about it.