So I have been out of circulation forever. Do I understand correctly that I have to purchase a $100+ set to get a decent Ninja....ugh! And I can't get the nice O'yoroi pilot because I didn't back a Kickstarter. InsteadII have to buy the one flailing about......
Yep, Japanese players sure are hard done by. If it makes you feel any better, with Ikari corp being a thing now you could probably make some decent bank flogging the Al Fasid. Although I wouldn't have sold mine if I knew then what I know now.
Wait I thought we weren't allowed to say Acheron Falls or... aww, shit, sorry. *adds another four years to the estimated release*
So when is aleph going to buy off JSA with a new recreation give them Oda Nobunaga CC20 - BS 13 - ph 13 - wip 15 - arm 3 - bts 3 - W1 NWI, martial arts lvl 1, inspiring leadership +1swc (he loved bringing guns) strategos lvl 1 full auto lvl 2 marksmanship rifle would be great for JSAs current attempts to unify itself, and is morally grey like new JSA
While generally the new JSA stuff is all top notch, I agree that the Karakuri should have had a re-sculpt. They are an interesting unit that could have had a shiny new robotic miniature. I have found alternative models that I can use to proxie but I was hoping CB would have their own re-sculpt. The lack of Aragato bikers in the video also suggests a new box for them which should be a must buy, hopefully they wont all have ridiculously impractical close combat weapons. Id love to see a tandem bike team with a driver and someone on the back either with a gun or CCW. As someone who drive a bike to work everyday, aiming a gun or swinging a sword while driving would be extremely difficult.
Bostria said in one of yesterday's BoW videos that Aragato would be getting new minis this year and they'd have that same bike as the Kuroshi Rider.
All I truly hope for is a SWC-box for the Keisotsu sooner rather than later. All the other stuff is still available (Tanko can be proxied by Haramaki) and can easily wait while the other factions get some goodies.
This years summer campaign should be interesting. I predict a massive power grab on Yu Jing's territory's. With Yu Jing being in a weakened state both martial and politically it would make sence.
Have you seen haramaki next to domaru? Because if you did, you would not say, yea, buy them and proxy them...I sold them the moment I got them because of how they looked.
Yeah, no I know that they are much smaller and I would definitely not recommend buying them now. I was more talking about those of us who already own them. We waited for over a year to get our first Shikami so I think we can wait a bit for the Tanko while the other factions get their due.
I might try my hand on green stuffing Daiyokai's hat so it gets larger. I need Big Hat Logan in my army.