Useful fireteam options for Kosmoflot

Discussion in 'Ariadna' started by prophet of doom, Jul 29, 2021.

  1. prophet of doom

    prophet of doom Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    I am scratching my head at the fireteam options of Kosmoflot.

    What is the use of Rokots? They don't have long-range weapons, they are relatively expensive for what they do, They don't invite fitting elite units to the fireteam such as the kosmosoldats or frontovics.

    Rokots can have Cadin Donn, Wolfgang or a Volkolag as team members, but that does not seem very useful, as the climbing plus skills and the short range weapons of those wolvers will not see much use.

    I considered forming a trio with Donn, Wolfgang and a Volkolag, but that again is not allowed because Wolfgang requires a Rokot to be a member of the fireteam, which hinders the use of Climbing Plus, but could be dragged behind, even with a doctor on board. On paper, that may be a viable option. However, dragging 5 man teams across the board is very difficult in practice and the whole team would fall apart as soon as the Rokot is out of action.

    So, the only teams that seem viable is Frontovics with a possible Kosmosoldat HMG mixed in or Varangians together with Volkolag, Donn or Wolfgang.

    Any other ideas?

    Generally, I would like to use the models of the Crimson Stone set that I bought in an act of impetuousness, but now I realise that again was a purchase where most of the models will never be used because there simply isn't a good list with them for me. I want to play Kosmoflot lists that have Mirage-5 and SAS. At first, that seemed easy but now I am not so sure about which fireteam to put into the list.
    Core101x likes this.
  2. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Losing the Rokot wouldn't cause the Fireteam to break unless there were only two members of the Fireteam left or it was the leader. The Wildcard restrictions refers only to forming a Fireteam.

    Rokots are your cheapest Fireteam glue. Want to give a Volkolak ML, Wolff, and/or the Unknown Ranger +3 BS, +1 B, and 6th Sense? Rokots can do it slightly cheaper than a Varangian Guard team. The Rokot team can also bring an embedded Paramedic for healing or specialist purposes. There's the APMMR if you have points left over as well but it's very much an emergency gun.

    Infiltrating Camo Rokots are also pretty neat, they're dirt cheap speedbumps that can threaten an enemy flank.

    Scots Guard are an interesting option for Haris or Core, Compared to Frontoviks they have and extra pip of ARM and better rangebands thanks to Panzerfausts and SMMRs, plus they have NCO for a little extra order efficiency.

    VarGuard are an awesome bodyguards Fireteam for something like the Unknown Ranger or Cadin. I think I'd generally use them as a Haris but burst 2 smoke grenades on 17s is fantastic for getting their boss closer to the enemy, or getting into CC themselves. The 9 point profile that 'Flot gets is almost criminally cheap.

    I wouldn't worry too much about mixing Climbing+ into a Fireteam either, with low buildings you'll often be able to keep in coherency of the rest of the team on the ground floor, especially in a multi level building, and you can also run the team up into position and then have the climber leave the team to do what he needs to do.
    RasPuto and prophet of doom like this.
  3. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It depends on your preferences and how do you want to assemble the list.

    A Scots Haris with an NCO profile, the Unknown Ranger Spifire AP and Cadin or another scot can be quite efficient. A Varangian Haris with 1 varangian, 1 Unknown Ranger Spitfire AP and either a second Varangian or a Volkolak is another good assault team (with the extra of smoke and an MSV1).
    But the Varangian guard has a Core option, despite AVA 4... so 2-3 (9pts) varangians with volkolaks can be a defensive Core.
    Another defensive core could be 1-2 rokots SMG, a Kazak Doktor and 2 Volkolaks, leaving 3 rokots to be deployed as camos (and I would choose 2 rifle + light shotgun and 1 SMG with D-Charges).
    The Scots guards defensive core is one I'm not entirely sure, since it has to compete with the Frontovniks, and they have that sweet Mimetism + MSV1 sniper AP you can pick two of and have in ARO duty with a Volkolak (so no Albedo/White Noise free movements). The problem is that you up the fireteam to nearly half the list.

    Also I think Uxia is a must like the Unknown ranger in an assault haris.

    Essentially the problem I see with Kosmoflot is the reduced amount of wildcards or people that can join another's fireteam. Wallace is surprisingly more useful than Juana is in MO (2 Irregular tops in MO, Vs about 7-8 tops in Kosmoflot), but the troops he changes are not as cheap (a frenetic bearpode, up to 4 Irmandinhos, frenetic Duroc, the Warcor, a cateran...)
    prophet of doom likes this.
  4. fatherboxx

    fatherboxx Mission control, I'm coming home.

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Never use non-camo Rokots, 3 varangians + 1 volkolak + UKR or 4 varangians + UKR all you ever need as far as fireteams in Kosmoflot go. You can also keep Wallace there and he is your single best liutenant so the builder has solved your question already.
  5. Kreslack

    Kreslack Unknown Ranger lead the way!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I usually run and HMG Volkolak, UR, and 3 chain rifle Varangians. In a full core they are throwing smoke on 20's with two dice. That is nuts. So you don't ever fail to get it down inside 8 inches. Gives these guys some insane ability to dodge damage from non msv or support the UR.

    I really like the Scots Guard as a Haris. They got good staying power and a good mix of ranges to get things done while doing objectives.

    Rokots feel like such an odd duck for links. They don't bring anything to the table one of the wild cards doesn't do better. Varangians outclass them in pretty much every respect. If they had BS11 they could at least claim they shot better. I think they are solid as infiltrating speed bumps and nuisance.

    I looove the frontoviks gear, but always ind it hard to take them outside of TAK. The sniper is still a real stand out profile.

    Personally if they had let the Kosmosoldat join a haris of Rokots or Frontoviks I'd probably give him a try or several. Otherwise I find him extremely lackluster
    Core101x likes this.
  6. fatherboxx

    fatherboxx Mission control, I'm coming home.

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Varangians vs Rokots is a lot like Jaguars vs Alguaciles in Corregidor - why pick cheerleaders that shoot very bad when you can pick dogged and smokin' and cc capable cheerleaders and take wildcards for your shooting needs. sure rokots at least can trade with shotguns but varangians trade and survive very often
    LaughinGod and Kreslack like this.
  7. Death By Monkeys

    Death By Monkeys Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    I've been using the 3 Varangians + 1 Volkolak + UKR to great effect with the Volkalak Missile Launcher. The Volkalak ML is GREAT for a stand-up ARO piece, with Total Immunity allowing him to tank hits from Missiles and Feuerbachs, make the single save or take a wound and fire back on 18s. And while core fireteams are commonly left as a defensive team, I use this one aggressively with UKR on point on the active turn and leaving the Volkalak out on reactive. I take Wallace as my LT and then when someone in the Fireteam gets killed, I sub in Wallace to keep it 5-strong.
  8. Delta57Dash

    Delta57Dash Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2020
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    So there's a few things that make me sometimes consider the Rokots:

    One, specialists. Rokots have Paramedics and FO's, while Varangians don't.
    Two, Wulfgang. He can only join Rokots.
    Three, D-charges. Varangians, annoyingly, come with an AP CCW instead of a DA CCW. Most of the Rokot profiles come with D-charges (and grenades!), so for missions where you need to blow stuff up, they can help out.

    It at least makes it an interesting decision IMO, whereas Jaguars vs. Alguaciles is pretty cut-and-dry. Especially with Daktari and Evader wildcards letting you put a specialist wherever you want it.
    Death By Monkeys likes this.
  9. fatherboxx

    fatherboxx Mission control, I'm coming home.

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Ranger is a specialist and T2 with the boys can chew through servers/AC2 fairly easily
    With Irmandinhos and SAS linked specialists are not needed much IMO
    RasPuto and Kreslack like this.
  10. Weathercock

    Weathercock Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    I was wondering why no one even so much as mentioned the Kosmosoldat. I totally didn't realize that they can only duo. What trash.
    RasPuto likes this.
  11. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The kosmo is mostly a variation on Haqq's Az'Rail, so...

    Mostly, people using 5-man Fireteams tend to get haf the team killed moving around, so it's not widely used, and when done... rapidly discouraged. It's a "when I'm learning, I go to simple things, when I spent months playing, I don't have the experience with this and the times I tried, it was a disaster, so I stick to what I know"...
  12. mightymuffin

    mightymuffin Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2018
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    I'd prefer Cadin for anti-material CC; he gets AP ammo as well as higher PH - plus he's cheaper than the Unknown Ranger.
    Not a specialist admittedly, but there are other units who could do that instead.
  13. Hansolo

    Hansolo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I'm putting Wolkolak ML + two Rokots in second group, put it on ARO duty and call it a day.
  14. Death By Monkeys

    Death By Monkeys Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Yeah, I ran UKR in Looting and Sabotaging the other day and while his T2 CCW is tasty, with the AC2 having 8 armor, they only have to roll 6's to foil the UKR's attacks. I'm more inclined to use D-charges or Bearpode attacks attacks for it, but, yeah, Cadin will do it better than UKR, too.
  15. Weathercock

    Weathercock Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    The Azra'il only strikes me as okay to begin with, and the Kosmosoldat is still a worse and costlier pick. Perhaps if he got +1B on the autocannon, he'd be worth notice.

    As it stands, I can't really understand why you would take him over so much else that is available and can actually play well in a fireteam.
  16. fari


    Feb 21, 2017
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    More like a heavier Mormaer
  17. xagroth

    xagroth Mournful Echo

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I suppose they are all in the same "archetype", but it seems the Kosmo changes punch for staying power against the Mormaer.

    I can only imagine they want it to hold the same spot the Geckos had in Corregidor in N3... a position the Bearpodes take over without effort. But yeah, the fireteam options mean it has no use.
  18. D_acolyte

    D_acolyte Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2018
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    Kosmofloat has 4 fireteam cores, they all require a model to make them fully functional at 5 man.
    Rokot are cheap but once the mixing goes down they are just orders for others. I normally like 2 guns if I want to send out a core and fight so I would need 2 Vokolaks.
    This is also true with the Varangians.
    I would count these as fillers models and I feel they are good for defensive links if you only want 1 gun. I have had some good success with the Vokolak in a rokot core, now I think the rokots are better salting a few of them as camo in the mid field.
    Next is Scots Guards, I know that some people in my meta really dislike taking the 1st battalion models but I am not sure why. A core of them is expensive but every member can be useful and I like the SMG panzerfaust NCO. The main issue I see with them is that they have the camo option that out shines them. Otherwise you have to cut down on all the characters.
    Frontoviks suffer from a lot of the same issues of the Scot Gaurds. They both have mimetism and solid kits which drives up the cost of the average models.

    If you want a striped down 1 gun core go Rokots or Varangians with your choice of gun. If you want some staying power after the gun goes down you can add another gun or you should look at the expensive options.

    I like Frontoviks or Scot Guard pure haris, they both work well.
    I have seen a both work well as a core with Donn in them or with a Volkolak HMG. With the Volkolak steping forward to firefight with MSV models and the Frontoviks or Scot Guard swiching with him if the enemy did not have msv.
    Varangians I feel are there just to go with The Unknown Ranger. I actually think that reliance on The Unknown Ranger may be very limiting for Kosmofloat as he like various things and sort of dictates how comp should go. He likes smoke, he wants to be with in 24 and so on.

    As for climbing plus with the the characters, just have the Rokots wait at the bottom of the building if your trying to engage and shoot. If your trying to move across the board, you only need them to be with in 8. It is an awkward and clunky thing but it is also the reality of it all.
    ETEA likes this.
  19. deltakilo

    deltakilo Bear of Butcher bay

    Apr 26, 2017
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    Unknown ranger and 4 Varangians. Cheap and it absolutely slaps.
    Death By Monkeys likes this.
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