3D Stalker from laser army scenery and Luxumbra, has a removable interior that's the same footprint as the in-game Stalker tile but with walls, seats, etc. https://www.instagram.com/p/CRjEgVB...2iPxFMTJvh8dGSmUy-JKsYf98SgN1fejrcVSJQ9Y8wue0
Heh.. the last few pages reminded me an old quote from Zero Punctuation: ‘Maybe if the original creators of something don't want to continue it, then you should listen to them. Because otherwise you're only making it to please the fans, and why would you want to do anything for fans? I mean, I'm a Silent Hill fan, and I've just spent a whole review whining like a broken motor. Fans are clingy, complaining dipshits who will never, ever be grateful for any concession you make. The moment you shut out their shrill, tremulous voices, the happier you'll be for it.’
Careful, or Psychotic will have to delete you too. @Koni Thanks for the response. It may be worth posting it (even just as a quick copy-paste jobby) as a KS page update. I'm sure that some of the 5k investors haven't come over to the forums to read everything here.
Really fancy paintjob on promo photos. Though not so sure it lets you make any valid tile connection (since there has to be a 2-tile connector and here's an obviouly bigger gap). 65 EUR https://www.luxumbrastore.com/en/pr...cmyhkc3ef8ghWik10B5gUJvYs85hRQF2Q5XtJuiScr6IQ
yeah, you can put the game tiles inside like they've done but the instability of the overhanging 2-tile connection is awkward at best.
RE: Address changes I'm in the US, and I just got an Email from Quartermaster Logistics confirming my address, and giving me until monday morning to update the shipping location. So for those of us in the Americas, it should be possible to fix it before shipping.
Yeah, QML always does that. The address change complaints are for CB direct shipments. I got my address check, so shipping should be in the next couple weeks.
So I did the Platinum Pledge with only wave 2 shipping. How big and heavy of a package should I be expecting?
Got my address check email, and I'm just unreasonably excited about finally getting my giant brick o' game.
anyone in aus got a notification from aethworks yet for wave 2? they have no mention of in on their fb page.
Not yet, although I didn’t get notification for wave 1 either, only an email from auspost when the package was enroute (30/1/21, delivered 1/02/21)
TL;DR Quartermaster in the US has the stuff will ship in next few days. Aetherworks will have it mid-month and will ship end of August. Spain will have it end of month and will ship start of September.
Aetherworks shipping is dependent on when they get out of lockdown atm, since they are in one of the harder hit zones, and also some of their people live outside that area (so they're understaffed as a result).