In mission12, when does the Stalker arrive? As soon as you control engine A and B, or on turn 6 as stated in the mission milestones?
Hm, funny. I assumed that it is starts on board (like mission 1) when I played it. But yeah, looks like it deploys at the beginning of round 6 if you transferred control. Or at the beginning of the rounds 7 or 8 if you transfer control later.
Megaladron grab range? What I the range of this? Nothing is stated on the card, but it seems this can happen from anywhere on the game board, which is pretty immersion and game breaking (especially since you could be magically grabbed out of a corridor through a locked door). One house rule is that the character has to be on the same tile as the Meg. Another sensible rule would be that it must have line of site. Thus the Nanoscreen has to be down, since if it is up nothing can pass through it or draw line of site through it.
I just want to inform you that we have just published a new Defiance Update and we've released a new version of the FAQs. You can check the update in the Kickstarter project update: Thank you for your help!
I'm amazed that it is considered normal and intended that Charontid Lt just scratches the door unable to figure out how to open it and run, while you are slaughtering his allies.
In fairness, it could be pretty brutal if he'd got 25-50% of the way to the extraction before you'd even been able to engage him in combat. Clearly he's just arrogant enough to believe his guys can handle it (until he actually goes down and realises the trap). I'm more surprised that a player (in 4p games) who had a bad enough experience of being dunked on to the point of reaching max consequences then has to be made to sit out the next mission entirely. Oooof.
Does that mean explicitly dead remotes, or the ones thet were removed from table due to controller being unconcious as well?
I have another follow up question about Adaptive speciality. The card just says: "Flip the Card - if you are equipped with two weapons of the same type, your attack is the sum of both weapons' rolls." No triangle symbols. How does this work? All consequent attacks become sum of weapon rolls? Just next attack? Or triangle skill symbol missing?
In Sforza's mission, he is listed on deployment twice, and Saito Togan isn't listed at all. What is the correct deployments for them?
After re-reading Surprise attack entry this part from the FAQ really confuses me. How exactly Deploy (using Surprise attack) works? Shouldn't he just add his card to initiative deck and deploy when it's his turn? How can he deploy during character activation? UPD. Or does Deploy (using Surprise attack) mean deploy on table right away, the moment requirements are met? P11 in faq regarding Speculo Killers in Mission 11 implies the same, but this mechanic is not mentioned anywhere in the book and it contradicts Surprise attack wording!
There's a mention in FAQ regarding Critical Block and switches (that you cannot use cancelled symbols for switches). How does that work with cards that let you store symbols? It only says 'entire die must be removed from a Character Roll, before the switches step'.
1) Is there a limit to the number of dice a character, ally, or enemy can roll (like there is, by color, in Aristeia)? 2) Can a hacker interact with a console within range of their hacking device?
Question about mission 10 to the last one, and I quote "They are episodes of the same mission...", then what happens with: - Wounds on the characters - Aggro tokens on the characters - State tokens on the characters - Stored symbols on the character's specialty cards. - Faced down specialty cards of the characters - Accumulated Reinforcement tokens on the "pool". Much appreciated FaQ Team ;)