I doubt it has any significant impact on sales. I'll even go so far as to say that the vast majority of the customer base does neither care about names like Kempeitai nor the rising sun dice (whether due to ignorance of their origins or indifference).
Honestly I would not care if someone had swastika dice, I would not care if the Hexas were renamed the gestapo. It's the notion of creating a unit called the Kampeitai and having all the associated fiction being about justified violence against Chinese strawmen. You can't help but question the motive for creating this scenario.
I think it is a sign of courtesy to acknowledge that some people do feel offended even if you don't feel the offence yourself. CB should go that path and let go of Kempeitais and rising suns.
You wouldn't, I would go apeshit over that. Especially in a sci-fi setting, especially if the ethics are described as not so clear cut. In a historical game like Flames of War, I don't mind. I could never bring myself to paint a swastika on a mini and play with it, but I accept that other people have less problems with that in a historical setting.
It's interesting to see calls for the removal of the Rising Sun while it remains in use today in both the Japanese and American armed forces. A controversial topic to be sure.
And we can now accept people have different opinions and value the same things with different gravity? Would be nice if we reach this conclusion. Frankly if I had "Swastika dice" and somebody got "apeshit" over that and the Swastika on the dice was not the WW2 German national flag... that person would be in for a really long lecture. Now, I think Kempeitai has almost zero impact on sales, same with tech bees named Coolies and the southern flag, most people really do not care or bother,I personally feel the culture of been offended for the sake of been offended and to protect those that might be offended even if they are not offended anyway is getting tiresome. That been said the Southern Flag was really interesting, it is amazing how cultures clash, this flag means completely different things to the United States and completely different things to the rest of the world as an outsider I read the debates US posters had about it with real interest.
I thought the game suffered for that whole confederate flag shitstorm, the desperados seem like the kind of guys who would use the confederate flag. The timing was bad luck. When I would worry is the desperado lore had them fighting a just war of independence from the mustache twirling Moran Masai hunters and Corrigador Bandits who enslaved them. For all these other troopers in game with ties to organisations of questionable origins, is any but the Kampetai portrayed as being more virtuous than the in-universe equivalent of the people they historically committed atrocities against?
This generation is all about frustrations and constantly trying to find something which can offend them. Boring.
I never really gave much thought to the Kempeitai. I mean, yes, I thought it was weird that the japanese freedom fighters took the name of some horrible people, but I didn't really care much. Now that they are japanese ISIS (and not ISS as I've seen some suggest) the name fits much better. Go home grandpa! The Mesolithic is calling for you.
I know you are sarcastic, but as a fellow member of the 90's generation i see this, and experience this problem every day.
But like, even if they were fighting for freedom they were never nice people, these were guys who were shooting their commanding officers in the back, they were always unscrupulous scumbags
wikipeida shows it all https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rising_Sun_Flag but basically a lot of the forces based in japan do. The Japanese Military still uses it as well The version the JSA now uses is based off the current Self Defense Force Symbol.
But they dood it to save japanese lives from the teeeeeeerrrrrrrrrible Yu Jing officers that used them like meatshileds. I used them like meatshields. There is a snippet in HSN3 about using Keisotsu to discover TO snipers, turns out it actually works. Now I need something else to do that. I don't. Seems to be an English-speaking problem, never seen that in Spainistan.
As a person who studied, researched and wrote alot about the "Civil" War in college, The "Star & Bars" flag actually never was "the" national flag of the Confederacy. It is the Army of Northern Virginia's flag and was used by them. The Northern Virginia forces were lead by Robert E. Lee, who after the war kneeled with an African-American man for communion when no one of the church members (black or white) would kneel next to him. Lee's action then caused a ripple effect were the black & white congregation followed suit. Stonewall Jackson also served under Robert E. Lee. The man educated African-Americans even though it was against the law in Virginia to educate slaves. Even when threatened Jackson still continued teaching up until the Civil War and even built a church for African-Americans that is still used today. Still it is interesting to me that both Jackson and Lee owned slaves and yet did these actions that condemned/went against the institution. It seems to me the reason the Star & Bars is still used today is because of the success that the Northern Virginia Army had during the war. The NVA is the most famous force of the Confederate Army to this day. So it makes since that people would use their flag for their own purposes. It is sad that through-out the years people forget history & don't do research of their own on subjects. Then when something is told enough times people take it as a fact without checking it out for themselves.