The actual Boarding shotgun Uxia is 3D modeled, but the reference number is the same than the old one...
Alri said: ↑ This one is actualy Classic (hand) sculpted. Probably oldest ariadna model currently in production. Good point - need to reread comments before posting :-)
CB had a bad habit of reusing product codes for resculpts until they finally wised up. The current BSG Uxia is a modern sculpt using the same product code of the ancient N1 sculpt.
To my recollection, this model’s arms attach with the round “eyeball” tabs. If it’s cad sculpted, it’s still not modern (kinda like the bao). It definitely uses the older scaling.
So it appears you can NOT make a legal list with the Nomads in the box(es) as the Alguacil Lt (that is in the Demo video AND the Profile video) is 1SWC on ARMY, but not an SWC in the Crimson Stone book. With the Evader (as the model is) rocking a Spitfire (1.5SWC) and then the Intruder with it's HMG (1.5SWC), at 15pts, you've already hit the 3SWC you can use at 15pts. Even throwing Billie and Wolff in there to take it to 20pts, you will hit 5SWC and be 1SWC over the Pts cap limit of 4SWC@20pts. I guess that Evader is gonna have to proxy as a Boarding Shotgun...
The current shotgun Uxia is from about the same time as the Scots guards circa 2014... Not ancient, but the scale jumped up a little bit right after that. She's not noticeably smaller like say Isobel or Wallace, but she is a bit. Of course the thing I hadn't considered, all the other "Hero" packs for code one are new characters, with the exception of the Ninja, so if it follows suit, then it's either a lynchpin unit that's not going to be available easily once it's pack goes away, which I can't think of a candidate for unless the tak pack is going away or a brand new character, which I can't really see a design space/ unfulfilled role for...
My cheat sheet for Ariadna and the modern sculpting standard is kneepads and backpacks. There was a very small window where they were CAD, but they were still going with the old design. All ariadna backpacks are the same now, more boxy with highly detailed straps where the old ones had a little round button on the back flap and that's it. You also have the kneepads which are more detailed and have the layered look.
Hopefully, haha. Thing is, it's 1swc in N4 and iirc, has been historically so... But there really shouldn't be a tax in C1for Li Lt options.
That's a good tie break for minis in the transition period to tell if they're CAD or meat space sculpts, but we're looking at 2012-2015 ish for practically all of those minis, so it's not going to be too long before they're all going to be old enough for CB to be giving them the side-eye when it's time to cull some SKUs to make room for new stuff...
Remember! Tomorrow at 3:00PM CET LIVE SEMINAR on our Twitch channel, with tons of previews and cool stuff. Don't miss it!
Oooh im excited, we kinda saw crimson stone contents a while back so we had an idea of whats coming, but now theres solid chances for some new previews. so... what are we expecting/ hoping for lads? Im not expecting too much for Haqq but i would like to see a render for the shujae or shakush, and maybe dossier for nadhir. I hope for some juicy gabqar of QK rumors aswell. Id wager either of those 2 vs steel phalanx for next years code 1 and yara haddad will be in the dire foes box. But those are just my thoughts so far.
Now that the C1 releases for PanO are all done I'm hoping for some Svalarheima love. New Morans for the Corregidor players too.
Models without massive tactical rock columns or consoles? I'd be pretty happy to see a new Moran, an EVADER box, or a good Sombra model.