Infinity PbP - Emerald Sunz

Discussion in 'RPG' started by Solodice, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Eddie quickly shook his head at Saito as he was asking Samuel the question but it was already to late.

    Samuel narrowed his eyes and his grip on one of the bottles was enough to cause the cap and its water to go flying. "Are you implying that some of my closest friends might be helping Pedro and have conveniently not told me!"

    "You never know with these black ops types." Ric said offhand as he was busy sending more questions to Anika. This time he wanted the full routes of the hussar that Lowe and Carabano used over the past day or two.
    inane.imp and Golem2God like this.
  2. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    "Let us explain." Konrad tries to calm down Samuel.
    "They are your frineds for how long? I bet they have seen Pedro grow up with you and maybe think he is part of their familiy, so they may be willing to help and protect him.
    Think about it, what would have happend if they told you?
    You probably would have gone after him and maybe led someone to him which would ahve blown hiss cover.
    I have been there on the other side when i took the first jobs for my uncle. I doubt he would ever tell my parents what jobs i did to support them."
  3. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Kenn Ta'al: "Now we have to worry about extended family & friends?!" The Tohaa thought to himself. He couldn't stand the thought of hiding behind Igor for an prolonged period of time. But he guessed that if shit hit the fan, as the Human saying goes, there wouldn't be time for that.
    Kenn Ta'al: "I didn't come back to this planet, catch some aggravating sickness, survive a firefight, &...I survived all of that?" He wondered in surprise at the preverbal beating he had taking since he landed on Paradiso. "I just hope we can make it out of this alive." Talking out loud to no one inparticular. "The financial reward for surviving this job better be substantial concerning my current situation. Maybe I can afford a new place to live or maybe even stay with..." Kenn's outer thoughts were interrupted as he thought one of the Humans had resumed speaking...
    Daemon of Razgriz likes this.
  4. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Saito stops dead in his tracks. A blank look of realisation upon him. All he manages to say is, "his cover..."

    Slapping his forehead, he says it again, louder. "His COVER!" Looking at his teammates, he tells them. "Don't you see? He's been hiding in plain sight the entire time. He's forged a new identity."

    Summoning his giest, the shadowy ball appears across his AR display. He sends it off to gather what info from the bank of archived data he collected at the beginning of their journey on what would be the best way to hide in an assumed identity.

    He begins pacing back and forth across the room, everyone else forgotten as he almost religiously follows this new angle through his mind's eye, like a conspiracy theory nutjob.
    inane.imp and Golem2God like this.
  5. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Eddie and Ric couldn't help but sucked into the gravitational energy Saito was giving off with this angle he was pursuing. They all poured over data and any public and not so public info they and their geists could get. It wasn't quick and took a few hours that bleed into the late afternoon. Samuel made the team something to eat and let them have access to the rest of his house for those that wanted to rest and relax (mainly Konrad and Kenn).

    They found him. Right here in Pulaski. False name, new job, and new records. A professional job that Pedro couldn't have done on his own. To make it even better Lowe and Carbanano were at his address just before they came over to say hi to Samuel last night...

    The finish line was in sight so to speak and everyone was itching to go. Then everyone's commlinks lit up.

    [Spending 15 Heat]

    PanOceania Advisory Service Paradiso Office

    Pulaski and its surrounding areas have been put in to MARTIAL LAW. All citizens and visitors are required to stay indoors until the MARTIAL LAW edict has been lifted.

    Those found violating the MARTIAL LAW edict have the possibility of DETAINMENT or BODILY HARM from PanOceanian law enforcement or military forces.

    Any emergency requests or needs of assistance to comply with the MARTIAL LAW edict please contact PANOCEANIAN EMERGENCY FORCE - NIKOLAI AIRBASE



    Martial law has been enacted in Pulaski, Slydavia at 1300 hours. PAS-Paradiso Office has broadcasted the martial law edict across the civilian datasphere.

    All units, NGO personnel, and mercenaries that have not received prior notification are to stand down and abide by the martial law edict that has been issued.

    Unless contacted and verification has been met no unit, NGO personnel, or mercenaries are to interfere with this lock down/martial law.


    The ground and house rumbled as low flying VTOLs raced overhead. Any that looked outside could see a pair of AV-53 Jerungs, boxy VTOL gunships bristling with weaponry that could eviscerate an armor column, escorting a lone CV-27 Hakawai heavy lift VTOL. The Hakawai dipped below the treeline going in for a landing while the Jerungs fanned out and turned their attention in towards Pulaski. All three VTOLs bore the markings of the Order of Dobrzyn.

    The military vets of the group knew what was up. With the way the Jerungs were looking inward at the town indicated they were looking to stop anything from leaving not coming in. The landing Hakawai was probably full of troops and/or vehicles that would be the ground blocking element that would block roads and catch anyone on foot.
    #365 Solodice, Jul 3, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2021
    Golem2God and inane.imp like this.
  6. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Martial Law, Kenn Ta'al had heard of it before and what it entailed. Basically the easiest thing he could compare it to was a lab containment situation. Keeping whatever was inside from getting out. Usually something dangerous if not kept control or wraps. But what could the Human governments be trying to contain in Pul'ask'i? Did they found out about Pedro and wanted him for some reason? Why did the friends of Pedro's progenitor Samuel lie to him about where his son was?

    Kenn thought at first that Samuel was a possible hostile that might attack them but that did not prove to be the case. He even let Kenn rest in his house after the Tohaa spent minutes hiding behind Igor's body with a rifle ready to strike. Not that Samuel had to know anything about that. So the Tohaa's train of thought went back to why? Why were Sam's friends hiding Pedro from him? Who was the person or persons that enabled Pedro to have his past erased hiding under his father's nose? And last of all how where he and the Humans he'd linked with going to get out of this?

    Kenn Ta'al: "Anyone got any ideas or plans to circumnavigate this?" The Tohaa yelled into the team's secure coms channel. "Looks like we are being treated like a dangerous bacteria in the middle of a lab containment breach. And we got to find a way out without dying."
  7. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Konrad, while looking out of the window:
    "Did you see that Jerungs? I would love to drive one with all the fancy stuff. Would be a real diffenrece to the old shaggy shuttles i learned to fly."

    Turning to his comrades:
    "But with that law of the biggest gun that wont happen, does it?"
    Golem2God likes this.
  8. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    "Eddie, I'd say contact Sunz and get their input of this"

    Turning to everyone. "How are we going to approach this?" Stopping to run his hand through his short, dark hair, he continues. "It's too convenient," says Saito looking upwards. He begins to rummage through his list of black market contacts to see if any of them can help.
    Golem2God likes this.
  9. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    "Gonna be waiting for a few until we get an answer back from Sunz." Eddie says swiping at AR symbols. "Ric let's get a secure connection so anyone snooping on anything in Pulaski doesn't tag us."

    As Ric and Eddie got working on that Saito and Konrad went over criminals that they know first hand or second hand in Pulaski. Since the war broke out on Paradiso any criminals operating near the front were much harder to find. The good ones laid low and the dumb ones have ended up locked up or dead. The Black-C Combat Group and the local PanO police forces of northern Slydavia had a reputation for being heavy handed and not very compromising when it came to those that have broken the law.

    Ignacio Miralles - Fixer for the Comuna (Acontecimento Mafia) in Pulaski. Saito personally knows him as he's been set up and has even assisted him when Saito was on Paradiso doing "official business". Nowadays the Comuna isn't the biggest fish in the pond in Pulaski like it once was. The Second Offensive and a major sting operation in Strelsau saw them majorly hampered. For the most part the Comuna doesn't do big business in northern Slydavia anymore. However, there are a few high ranking members that still conduct business up there. Ignacio Miralles is the most experienced and the senior member of the Comuna up in this part of Slydavia. His way of business relies on freelancers and outsiders to do most of the dirty work that keeps eyes off him and the Comuna.

    Aleksandr "Sasha" Minkin - A name Konrad hasn't heard in a long time and only one he knows second hand from his uncle. A Bratva gangster with the business acumen of a hypercorp CEO and the same sociopathic attitude. He seems to have hitched a ride with the AEC when it came over to Paradiso. He's set up shop in Pulaski and probably has more than a few contacts with the 3rd Ariadna Expeditionary Division stationed over at Nikolai Airbase. What his business is exactly in Pulaski or Paradiso in general is a mystery.
    Daemon of Razgriz and Golem2God like this.
  10. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    While throwing some names around with Saito, Konrad types a short message to Dan Rein asking if had some information whats going on with the martial law in Pulaski.
    Golem2God likes this.
  11. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Furrowing his brow, Saito gets the flash over AR. Ignacio. Bringing his hand up to stroke his chin, Saito mutters something about knowing that the favour from him would involve doing some dirty work for him while they tackle Pedro's case.

    Turning to glance at Samuel, Saito doesn't like the odds of keeping the old man out of that business. He turns to ask, "Samuel, do you have any contacts or ways of moving around this lockdown?" @Solodice

    Well, here's an option. Saito passes the contact over the tacnet for the others to peruse and get their opinion on. I'd rather not use him if we can. He's reliable in that he'll keep his work and get us what we need or want. BUT, his help always comes with a price beyond simple currency. It would mire us in a side job i'd rather not get stuck with in a lockdown.
    Golem2God likes this.
  12. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Konrad doesn't get a response from Dan. He's gone dark for now. Putting two and two together: he might be involved in this operation...

    "Not anything useful unless its Lowe or Carabano. With what you just told me about them using them for any help might be a mistake." Samuel answered Saito as he started to close up his house with automated heavy shutters. "You can all stay out until the sun goes down. At that point you can stash your remotes in the garage and the rest can stay in the house. Some of you might have to sleep on the floor though."

    The last thing to do was to wait and see what Sunz had to say. They didn't get back to the team until an hour and a half later. Pulaski was still on lockdown.

    @GroundTeam If Pedro isn't aware of your presence the simple and easiest method is just to wait out this martial law, lockdown, or whatever PanO is calling it. Highly unlikely that Pedro is going anywhere himself nor does it seem PanO would mobilize this much manpower to apprehend him if that was the case.
    Daemon of Razgriz and Golem2God like this.
  13. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Hearing the reply from Sunz was reassuring but also meant time spent waiting. Something Saito was happy with. But it nagged him. Being this close to the prize but something unexpected blocking the way has him worried that there's another piece on the board that he isn't aware of.

    "Has anyone got any info from other sources about the cause of this martial law?"

    "Hmm... Samuel, would you be able to compose yourself enough to ask Lowe or Carabano about the cause of this without arousing too much suspicion? Objectively, if you can't. Then i'd rather not risk tipping them off that you know. It would jeopardize your reunion with your son if he gets spooked now."

    "Konrad." Turning to face the Edger. "And Ric." Gazing at the Nomad "what ways do you two think we can do to access Pedro. Any remotes, tech or hacking we can pull off to get us in and out? I'd rather get on top of things while our leader is in talks with HQ."
    Solodice and Golem2God like this.
  14. DrunkCorsair

    DrunkCorsair Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Konrad was ok with waiting, sitting for hours in the pilot seat of a shuttle craft teached him patience when he worked for his uncle.

    "I didnt hear anything from my contacts here. He may be involved in that mess."

    Looking at the specs for Samuels drones Konrad got an idea.

    "That Energia Zonds look usefull. Their smart coating could conceal them a bit, so we could have an eye on Pedros place. It wouldnt stand a close inspection, though. Ric maybe could use it as a node to hack Pedros place so we could get more info."

    After a short pause Konrad adresses something that Saito didnt mention.

    "If we put that plan into action, we should ask what our host thinks about this situation."

    Looking at Samuel
    "I think you have a vote here, too. You know what happens to Pedro if we go to law wnforcement and i think you want to at least talk to him before we involve someone else."
  15. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Kenn Ta'al couldn't help but feel foolish. Asking the father for assistance in this situation never occurred to him. But perhaps it could end up being the best option for the group. Hopefully Samuel would be willing to help make getting to Pedro & the cubes easier without getting law enforcement on the team's back.
    Daemon of Razgriz and Solodice like this.
  16. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    "It would be a waste of breath. They're both professionals and I'm not in the "club" anymore. At best they'll tell me not to worry about it."

    "I just want to see his face with my own eyes again. As I said before if that's in person or through one of your comlogs or remotes I don't care." He paused for a moment. "If your story about what he did to the research team in the jungle is true." He fought for the words. "No matter how practical it was he still stole the lives of those people. Some of them will have the trauma of their first deaths to deal with for the rest of their new waking life. If he still has the cubes after all this time... then he really has no excuse I'd be interested in hearing. If I have to say hello and then goodbye... I'm prepared to do that."

    Ric was already thinking about the Energia Zonds in Samuel's garage. Konrad just beat him to the punch.

    @Team A delivery Energia comes equipped with a repeater so I can access it and keep eyes on Pedro visually and electronically. Will need to hammer an IFF package together so it can slip around town without getting to much attention. Hopefully no one takes a closer look at it though as Konrad says.
    #376 Solodice, Aug 7, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
    Golem2God and Daemon of Razgriz like this.
  17. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    After hearing Samuel's reply Kenn Ta'al felt sorry for the father. First it seemed his friends were willing to lie & hide Pedro from him. Second was how evident he hoped beyond hope that what he heard about his son's actions was not true. Yet there was the belief & fear that all those things had indeed transpired.

    The Tohaa couldn't know the full extent of Samuel's dilemma since he had no offspring of his own. But if he had found out that someone close to him had done horrible things behind his back...he'd probably be in the same boat. Angered, saddened with hopeful denial & a some fear of the accusations being real. At that point Kenn made the decision that if it was possible he'd try to capture Pedro alive for the sake of his father. He didn't want the man to add more sorrow upon Samuel's psyche. Hopefully future events would play out in the Sunz favor and self-defense will never come into the picture.

    As for using the remotes Kenn would leave that decision to his fellow Humans who knew more about that stuff. He could fix machinery but piloting them was a whole other matter. Let them lead the charge while he'd sit back. Prepared to strike if needed.
    Solodice and Daemon of Razgriz like this.
  18. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    It took Ric about an hour and a half to prep the Energia Zond. He got the IFF protocols installed, wiped any of the ownership tags that were on its software, and finally a fake registration to round it off making sure if it was found out it couldn't be tracked back to Samuel. Ric selected an Order of Dobrzyn paint scheme that the Energia applied by the smart coating and it was off.

    The large remote would be up against a tough challenge navigating its way across Polaski during the lock down. While delivery Energia Zonds were handy they weren't exactly combat remotes. There was always the option of remote controlling it. The risk was its repeater traffic being traced back to the team (a hard task but not impossible).

    [Let the Energia try and make a D3 Pilot test or does Konrad want to try and make the D3 Pilot test himself (the remote gets to assist)?]
    Daemon of Razgriz and Golem2God like this.
  19. Daemon of Razgriz

    Daemon of Razgriz Ninja sniper

    Jan 9, 2018
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    While the rest of the team was getting ready to deploy the remotes, Saito decided that he would take this time to take stock of his own state. He took note of his current supplies and state of mind. After eating a quick meal and using the bathroom, he finds a nice, quiet corner to begin meditating. He hasn't had much time during the mission to relax and he knows that the 'final battle' will begin soon. Getting his breathing under control, he lets his giest know to instruct him on developments before he begins his trance.
    Solodice and Golem2God like this.
  20. Solodice

    Solodice Kinda-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Konrad took the "wheel" of the Energia Zond and guided it through the mess that Polaski was at the moment. He became the master of the back street alleys and the king of improvised routes. Konrad swiftly parked the Energia next to a cafe and switched the smart coating over to a food supply company. The cafe was right across from the building that Pedro was staying in.

    The team were looking at one of the old modular pod buildings used during Polaski's colonization period. The pods were stacked in a large lattice frame. It's old job of housing people is still its current one. While the occupants before probably got to live there for free while they worked the new occupants paid rent.

    The Energia's camera focused in on Pedro's pod. The front door was shut and the front windows had their shutters drawn shut. Ric took a look at quantronic traffic from the building and confirmed that he had eyes on Pedro's comlog. He was in his pod... for now.
    #380 Solodice, Aug 24, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2021
    Golem2God and Daemon of Razgriz like this.
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