What's up, folks? First details about the upcoming Corregidor box are announced, even first painted shots of the miniatures but no reaction here? No new posts in two weeks? Are you as underwhelming as me to get most of the profiles we already have in acceptable quality? Or are you afraid to post about one of the most hated sectorials (because op) in N4?
I do not really "need" those new miniatures as I painted my 2 old Mobile Brigadas as Evaders, converted a spare Grenzer MSR into a Sombra and an Ayyar into my W.A.Wolff - and have more Alguaciles, Hellcats and Intruders than I will ever put on the table. :) But I really like the look of those new miniatures (even if that screenshot of the CJC Starter is blurry as hell) and perhaps there will be a fresh Wildcat sculpt hidden somewhere in a "Beyond" box.
Yeah, some YJ pleb might come by, start complaining about Moran/Intruder/Evader/Hellcat/Daktari/Jazz/Dog/Vostok/Warcor/Iguana being op and then CB will come out and buff nerf them. Some more Alguacils? Another Intruder? Another Hellcat? Wow, can't wait! I only have a few piles of them already.
Hoping the Intruder is at least the new KHD profile but if the guy with the yellow gun in the unsharp pic is him I fear it's another HMG.
It surely is HMG Intruder (front raw, right). There's Sombra (back left), Evader (back center), Hellcat (back right). Seems like Corregidor ABC set. As much as KHD would be nice - this is from Corregidor vs Kosmoflot box, there's no way for a KHD Intruder - especially whilst HMG is just such an iconic Nomad profile. I for one have a huge hardon for new HMG Intruder. Old one is not bad, but it's also not that great - I wish for something much more juicy and Intruder MSR level of awesome.
It looks very much like the well known HMG what the Intruder is wielding It's quite refreshing that the Nomads' Forum lacks those professional turd hurlers Yep, no real novelty here and even the Sombra / EVAder don't feel new and exciting but rather like some overdue models since the profiles are out for months by now.
Someone who came up with the idea of those weapon skins, should get paid PROPERLY. Showing off Nomads' cheekiness to the next level, by painting guns with technicolours, deserves to be nominated as one of the best choices CB have done this year so far(Filtration needed since this statement contains high-density-personal-preferences). EVAder and Sombra look rather sleek than I expected, which is very gratifying. Pose, details, everything seems gorgeous. Can't wait to convert them into my own version of space-warriors. Alguaciles look good. They look rather vigorous than Icestorm ones. It's always good to be more energetic. Hellcat is one of my favorites in Nomads, so why no more? Intruder seems different. Alguaciles have gotten new designs, so Intruders who were sharing the combat gears of Alguaciles need a new design too. I love it anyway. But I still think CB should take care of unreleased models of other factions, such as Karhu or Tian-gou. It makes me nervous when some people mourn about CB's favoritism toward Nomads. I didn't ask for any favoritism, man...
I mean it's kinda nice CJC is getting refreshes of things that already have 3D models (and i already own), and some new profiles. And the Moran sure will be welcome when it finally gets updated. Meanwhile Bakunin don't even have their own Dire Foe, and half the sectorial is out of scale and or hand sculpted. IMHO, though I love CJC too, outside of the Moran and the new profiles BJC needed the attention much more.
The same thing could be said of Corregidor... Wildcats, Hellcats blister contents, CJC starter were all hand sculpts done before Icestorm. Alguaciles were explicitly left out of the CJC starter to be packed in with Icestorm.
I have good news, that half of the sectorial sucks anyway so you don't have to assemble/paint/play those models.
why play the broken Corregidor sectorial when you can play the even more broken nomad faction ? x) if its a EVA spit then just for this one you might want the box
It's all pretty optimized, outside of moria and healers. You can still make a case for singular moria
On that point, I refer you to something I fortuitously prepared earlier: https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threads/the-anarchists-guidebook-bakunin-in-n4.38887/ ;)