Uberfall guide. How to yiff

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by 1337Bolshevik, Jun 4, 2021.

  1. 1337Bolshevik

    1337Bolshevik Let them eat repeaters

    Oct 15, 2019
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    Lol pupniks go purrrrrrr

    The uberfall kommando is a spectacular unit, strong in defense and offense with lots of tactics that can be utilised.

    In terms of skills the natural born warrior, martial arts lv2 and cc attack -3 make the chimera the greatest close combat specalist in the game. Her climbing plus enables her and the pups to hide in weird placed and dig out any target. Total immunity allows you to ignore non lethal munitions.

    In the reactive turn pupniks are excellent at throwing out discover aros and hiding around corners or near the table edge to deter units from coming too close. The chimera is best kept safe.

    In the active turn the unit can be used to anhiliate one significant target or to simply provide ecplise for other models. But other applications can truelly take advantage of the synchronized rules.

    For example it is legal for all 3 pupniks to attempt to discover a Camo or impersonation marker. If you catch the target within 8 inchs the modifiers will give you three Wip rolls of a target between 8-11. Pretty good shot of discovering them! If the opponent decides to Aro, you can simply dodge into btb on a 19.

    Once your in a close combat you can select which pupnik or the chimera attacks after your opponent chooses his target, so it's possible to get 3 or 4 dice on a target number of 19 with a pupnik in this fashion. If you're using a chimera this isn't needed though, she'll turn a simp like Musashi into goo no problem. But it does mean pupniks by themselves pose a existential threat to any close combat specalist.

    It is also possible to engage mutiple targets at once,it is legal to have the chimera and a pupnik in btb with one enemy, and two pupniks in btb with another and attack the both of them.

    What this means is that due to the high speed and movement skills of this unit you can very quickly gut a opposing players line of skirmishers. In addition if you get into the opponents depoyment zone of they have troops by each other you can dismantle them very quickly.

    Because of the discover efficiency the Uberfall provide a quick answer to problems such as impersonaters. It is also possible to somtimes body block a impersonater with pupniks, forcing the opponent to reveal and shoot the pupniks before they can attack the real target. In the event of which the pupniks simply dodge on their excellent target of 19.

    Zakalwe adds
    Uberfall alpha-strike. Use a second Uberfall or Morlock in your secondary order group, and spend all six orders Move-Smoke all the way up one side of the board. Then, take your Uberfall in your main group, and just Move-Move your Furry Death Machine up a flank and mince the ever loving heck out of your opponent's backlines. Unless they do a decent job putting MSV-2 down or are smart enough to place a decent amount of mines to slow your advance, you should usually do enough damage that they have to spend their entire first turn dealing with something that isn't even ten percent of your points, completely being unable to deal with the rest of your army or achieve objectives. You want to do this to everyone you play frequently once or twice, because of the following point:

    -Using them explicitly to force your opponent to deploy in a specific manner. If you have a reputation of being "the cheesy idiot who has 28 order tokens at the start of a battle" (as I was in N3) and everyone expects you to take three Uberfall and a dozen Morlocks and just charge without caring about objectives or making your own models survive, then when you hit the table with very few models your opponent will be expecting a completely different army list. You can, after a while, learn to use Uberfall not as "active" models, but instead as a specific kind of threat your opponent has to react to when it comes to having to pick and choose between which army list they take, or which side of the table they deploy on: given Uberfall are so fast with a 6-4 MOV and can do so much damage, the threat of them alone is enough to make your opponent deploy in a way that is advantageous to you, possibly confusing their battle plans.

    -Bubble-wrapping important models. If you don't want something to die you expect your opponent can CC, you can use Uberfall as body guards. If you're playing against Shas, given they have an above-average chance of discovering what that IMP or Camo token moving towards you actually is, they sometimes have specific defensive uses as well.

    -Your Chimera still has a Combi-Rifle. Your Chimera still has a Nanopulser. Both of these things have uses. If you survive into late game, your Chimera will usually be in your opponent's back lines, meaning that even after your impetuous move you will be able to find something you can shoot in the back: yes, maybe it's 40 inches away and you're only hitting on 5s, but you still have a greater than 50% chance to land at least one hit on 3 dice. People will always expect you to close to CC if at all possible and will very often forget your Chimera can reach out and touch someone: maybe all you do is make them reface their model, but then you have something else to approach their rear-arc. Want to clear something off an objective with your last order from halfway across the table! You can. Think your Chimera is about to die to a chaff model shooting her the next turn? Put her in suppressive fire. Don't think of her as Captain Yiff and the Degenerates who have the sole task of closing into CC, remember they can do a lot more and that sometimes trying to close into CC is not as efficient as just using her ability to attack at range, especially against single chaff models that aren't getting fireteam bonuses. Against really good opponents I actually find myself doing more damage with her Combi than she does with CC, and learning to Move-Shoot with her instead of just Move-Eclipse Grenade drastically increases her order-effectiveness in many situations.

    Of any of you have corrections or additions to make to guide post them so I can add them in order to assist new players in tormenting the local Yu Jing players .
    #1 1337Bolshevik, Jun 4, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2021
    Morray, WiT?, gravitypool and 6 others like this.
  2. MattB89

    MattB89 Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2018
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    Thanks for he writeup, have been playing Uberfall for a year or two now but never thought about the White Noise ARO baiting trick with them. Also never thought about the Multiple Discover attempts either.
    1337Bolshevik likes this.
  3. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    You've got most of it I think but a couple other things;

    Blocking doorways (esp to the armoury) with Pupniks can be super annoying due to their Dodge on 19's and Total immunity. Even disconneced they can be a pain doing this.

    Similarly dodging into cc from a wall above an entrance (due to climbing plus) or the old dodge around a corner from out of LOF into CC is handy too, with the high dodge and extra range.

    Another cute trick is allowing the Chimera freedom of movement by baiting AROs with the pupniks, this can sometimes let her cross into CC unmolested further than her move against a single opponent by moving the pup into LOF first baiting the ARO, then she can freely use her second move into LOF without getting ARO'd. This can be especially useful cresting the top of a building (the pup gets shot at cresting in the first skill, and the Chimera moves into Cc safely with the second) or around a corner.

    You can also play some tricks by running the pups into combat when the Chimera can't get there. The opponent faces the choice of shooting at the chimera (and possibly getting normal roll CC'd by the pup) or CCing the pup and possibly getting normal roll shot by the Chimera. Or shooting at the Chimera in a FTF if you choose that and probably getting ripped apart by both next order.

    You can also run the pups into base contact (and CC) even if that would make them disconnect (the check is after they move and CC). Although Disconnected is a null state and that will cancel the engaged state after in N4 - you can still use this to block LOF to the Chimera with the pups. Occasionally that can give the Chimera a 14" path to CC rather than 6"

    Watch out for templates that clip the Chimera after bouncing off a pup though! A Chimera hiding in smoke while her pups are out hates shotguns!
    #3 Hachiman Taro, Jun 4, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2021
    Savnock, inane.imp and 1337Bolshevik like this.
  4. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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    I didn't even read the OP.

    Just read the title and declared heresy and exterminatus of this thread

  5. SaladSnek

    SaladSnek Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2021
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    Does the ARO bait still work? I know there was an FAQ addressing when legality is checked that ended some hacking shenanigans and the horrendous makal trick from N3. I suspect the target might be able to declare shoot against the chimera and it would idle if the chimera didn't shoot back or be able to shoot back on the -6 if it is shot.
  6. Lucian

    Lucian Catgirl Nation

    Nov 27, 2017
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    After reading the title I can't shake the thought of painting pupniks as some degenerate furry suits (imagine what they'll do to you inside of that Zero-V smoke cloud). Thanks a lot :|
    WiT? likes this.
  7. Diphoration

    Diphoration Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2018
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    It is a perfectly valid sequencing.

    You declare Move. (Chimera in White Noise, Pupniks out of White Noise)
    Opponent gets an opportunity to ARO as they see a Pupnik. They may Dodge or Shoot the Pupnik.
    You declare Shoot with the Chimera.

    If they shot a Pupnik, you trade with them.
    If they dodged, you will get a combi shot opposing a Dodge. (which is very favourable)
  8. Zakalwe

    Zakalwe Bomber Harris, Do It Again!

    Jan 14, 2018
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    This is basically how to use them. If I was to add anything:

    -Uberfall alpha-strike. Use a second Uberfall or Morlock in your secondary order group, and spend all six orders Move-Smoke all the way up one side of the board. Then, take your Uberfall in your main group, and just Move-Move your Furry Death Machine up a flank and mince the ever loving heck out of your opponent's backlines. Unless they do a decent job putting MSV-2 down or are smart enough to place a decent amount of mines to slow your advance, you should usually do enough damage that they have to spend their entire first turn dealing with something that isn't even ten percent of your points, completely being unable to deal with the rest of your army or achieve objectives. You want to do this to everyone you play frequently once or twice, because of the following point:

    -Using them explicitly to force your opponent to deploy in a specific manner. If you have a reputation of being "the cheesy idiot who has 28 order tokens at the start of a battle" (as I was in N3) and everyone expects you to take three Uberfall and a dozen Morlocks and just charge without caring about objectives or making your own models survive, then when you hit the table with very few models your opponent will be expecting a completely different army list. You can, after a while, learn to use Uberfall not as "active" models, but instead as a specific kind of threat your opponent has to react to when it comes to having to pick and choose between which army list they take, or which side of the table they deploy on: given Uberfall are so fast with a 6-4 MOV and can do so much damage, the threat of them alone is enough to make your opponent deploy in a way that is advantageous to you, possibly confusing their battle plans.

    -Bubble-wrapping important models. If you don't want something to die you expect your opponent can CC, you can use Uberfall as body guards. If you're playing against Shas, given they have an above-average chance of discovering what that IMP or Camo token moving towards you actually is, they sometimes have specific defensive uses as well.

    -Your Chimera still has a Combi-Rifle. Your Chimera still has a Nanopulser. Both of these things have uses. If you survive into late game, your Chimera will usually be in your opponent's back lines, meaning that even after your impetuous move you will be able to find something you can shoot in the back: yes, maybe it's 40 inches away and you're only hitting on 5s, but you still have a greater than 50% chance to land at least one hit on 3 dice. People will always expect you to close to CC if at all possible and will very often forget your Chimera can reach out and touch someone: maybe all you do is make them reface their model, but then you have something else to approach their rear-arc. Want to clear something off an objective with your last order from halfway across the table! You can. Think your Chimera is about to die to a chaff model shooting her the next turn? Put her in suppressive fire. Don't think of her as Captain Yiff and the Degenerates who have the sole task of closing into CC, remember they can do a lot more and that sometimes trying to close into CC is not as efficient as just using her ability to attack at range, especially against single chaff models that aren't getting fireteam bonuses. Against really good opponents I actually find myself doing more damage with her Combi than she does with CC, and learning to Move-Shoot with her instead of just Move-Eclipse Grenade drastically increases her order-effectiveness in many situations.
    #8 Zakalwe, Jun 8, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
    Golem2God, WiT?, SaladSnek and 5 others like this.
  9. 1337Bolshevik

    1337Bolshevik Let them eat repeaters

    Oct 15, 2019
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    I'll add this to the main post if you don't mind?
  10. Zakalwe

    Zakalwe Bomber Harris, Do It Again!

    Jan 14, 2018
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    Of course not! I'd be honoured! Feel free to edit and rewrite it as much as you want too, it is a bit wordy!
  11. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Hachiman Taro likes this.
  12. SaladSnek

    SaladSnek Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2021
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    Your totally right I missed the part of the recent FAQ that specifically LoS requirements are checked during declaration
    #12 SaladSnek, Jun 8, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2021
  13. deltakilo

    deltakilo Bear of Butcher bay

    Apr 26, 2017
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    One thing id like to reinforce with Chimera is yes they are amazing and given the orders will remove anything in your way.

    However they can be extremely order hungry so plan you groups accordingly and know when to stop. I have had games where i dumped both order groups into Chimera which felt satisfying. But lost me the game.

    Chimera not having stealth cannot be understated and is a massive weakness if your opponents play around that.

    Opponents dodging to spots where you spend more orders to engage or dodging to positions where to engage your chimera gets seen by other enemies. Where you have to close the gap taking templates from enemies on your way in. Where you now have to spec fire smoke to engage without being seen. Its a big deal.
  14. Hachiman Taro

    Hachiman Taro Inverted gadfly

    Jan 16, 2018
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    Yeah I have definitely found N4 dodge (and stealth) changes to be a massive boon to Pupniks in the reactive, but also a massive pain for Chimera who want to charge across the board and kill everything in active against an opponent who is skilled at slowing you down with dodges, templates, deployables, blocking terrain (and bodies) and interlocking LOF.

    Uberfall are still insanely dangerous in active, especially against anything isolated, but require careful application.
    Savnock, deltakilo and 1337Bolshevik like this.
  15. deltakilo

    deltakilo Bear of Butcher bay

    Apr 26, 2017
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    Yep they are great. But on paper they kinda look busted. But in reality a few of their shortcomings temper them.
  16. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    Wow, I did not know either of these things. Need to reread their rules - this makes them so much better than they already were.

    This profile single handedly brought me into Nomads (for the CC, not the furry stuff!) so thanks for the great tactics posts about them!
    1337Bolshevik likes this.
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