Hello, I'm a new player, and even though calculating shooting with MODs is simple arithmetic, I found that I was often slowing down and making mistakes - especially after playing many hours or successive games. I got helpful advice that generally low rolls a a success and high rolls are a fail. But, if the roll is in the middle (and especially if your opponent rolled about the same) then suddenly the success value really matters. It might even be a crit! So I made this app. It is meant to be very fast to use. It's just one page with your skill, potential MODs, and your weapons. That will give you the exact success value for each range band. Here is the link to download. This works on all Android devices. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hooliganlabs.infinityftf Here are some screenshots: I also got interviewed by WIP12 about the app, wow! Click this link to listen: https://anchor.fm/wip12podcast/episodes/Episode-8-The-F2F-app-and-new-player-experiences-e13a1bl I would appreciate it if you shared this app and left a review! Thanks!
Looks to very elegantly deal with a friction point - the quick determination of the target number at arbitrary range. As you say @Hooligan Labs it’s simple arithmetic, but Infinity imposes a high cognitive load during gameplay. Any tool that reduces that is a good thing, and a tool that reduces cognitive load without adding load is better. Regrettably I have no android devices to try it out with, so vaguely supported positive vibes are the best I can offer.
Looks good, is simple to use. I like it a lot! Thanks for your great work. Just one little ponit of constructive criticism if I may. You have integrated the mods for MA which just work in CC but I didn't find any CC Weapons in the weaponlist.
So glad that so many people are liking the app! Yep, more brain power to dedicate to Infinity's complex tactics! I do hear from a lot of people who also don't have Android devices. If you know anyone who develops for iPhone/iPad, I'd be happy to share the code. It's not too much - This whole Android app was made from scratch in about 3 evenings. It's true, the CC weapons are not in the list. I only included weapons with range bands. That's my only intended scope for this app. However, I did include the Martial Arts -3 because you can shoot someone that is charging up to do martial arts to you!
Hej, great little tool! Thanks a lot! Do you share the Code via Github? If so i would give a try to migrate to mobile-app...
Here you go! https://github.com/HooliganLabs/InfinityF2F Note that I didn't expect people to be interested in looking at the code, so it's not super well commented. However, I bet you will find the success value calculations to be easy to understand. It is mostly if-then checks. I'd like to know what you think
Thanks very much! I‘ll check and give feedback. Don‘t worry we are doing this for fun and free, so no any coded tool is a great contribution...
New release, version 1.4. New features from user suggestions: Weapons list starts with Combi Rifle already selected. MODs are limited to +/-12. Also put some comments into the GitHub repo!
I found the info about hacking programs in the official Infinity Army app to be pretty good! What did you have in mind?
It also doesn't play the game or paint your models for you, either. Your point? Did you want everything spoonfed?
I looked up Captain Spud's tool and it is cool! I'm going to link it here for reference: https://www.captainspud.com/n4/ It's interesting to see how other people slice up the rules of Infinity. I appreciate how they worked to aesthetically present the text.