Monofilament CCW suggested changes: Damage PH Ammo AP MA applies as usual Anti material Keep everything else as is. Why isn't this a thing? It seems obvious to me. This way troops are more true to their value. A cube jager shouldnt hit as hard as a CC specialist. MA shouldnt lose a part of its value because of fixed damage in CC.
So mono becomes AP at vastly increased cost. No thanks. Do you even read the rules before proposing changes to them?
Cube Jagers are so OP Things don't need to be "stronger" in a linear fashion, having different trade-ofs is an interesting game aspect. Low CC, but high chance to kill from a AD troop. It's a different way to approach a problem. I think the design idea of the Cube Jager is pretty cool, but the unit could actually be a bit stronger. I've never seen anyone field it outside of some extremely niche faction + mission combinations.
Your suggestion would render some faction-defining profiles (which shapes entire archetypes) completely worthless, by giving them a worse version of DA CC weapons in most cases.
Like the Oniwaban or the Speculo killer, that will be transformed from a serious threat (and one of the main selling point of JSA and Shava) and a psychological terror to a minor annoyance.
Nearly every monofilament user? It's not like there are a lot. If you're suggesting a change to monofilament user, surely you know which one they are and how gutted they would be. The purpose of troopers with monofilament is that they can punch way above their point cost. Their archetype fits in a rock-paper-scissor like balance. Where they are very good at fighting massive targets, but will trade poorly with very cheap warbands equipped with templates. They're finesse piece that you need to apply to the right target to justify their inclusion, they can shape the playstyle of the factions that use them and help skew certain matchups in their favour.
To add to this, the huge potential in Wounds (a Remote Presence TAG like an Avatar or Squalo takes the equivalent of 5 Wounds from a Mono hit) helps make up for the inefficiency of moving into CC, or using non-permanent Immobilisation weapons. Shinobu with a Mono CCW can move through the backline carefully, eliminating key enemy heavies. Shinobu with an AP CCW may as well use her Combi Rifle to save 2 full orders of running, because it will still almost certainly be faster than beating down a Squalo with 2 saves a round even on a crit.
Why isn't this a thing? Because this is the way Corvus Belli has designed it to be. It's fine as is, it does not need changing.
I’m talking about your inane suggestion. To follow your proposal means that monofilament ammo is AP ammunition with anti-materiel. The fact that you can’t recognise that despite having it pointed out, nor recognise that paying ~15 points instead of 0 for an AP CCW is mindbogglingly stupid suggests that you do not read the rules prior to suggesting changes. To wit: AP CCW is already a thing, a very cheap thing. Your suggestion to change mono to AP but keep everything else the same clearly means duplicate AP CCW at monofilament point cost. (I’m disregarding AM because it’s only relevant in scoring some ITS missions, it’s not worth points in isolation.) Spoiler Once again it’s a half assed suggestion based on poor consideration of the rules to solve a nonexistent problem. Par for the course from @wuji at this point. Cue the spiral of “you don’t understand my brilliance” alternating with abuse.
@wuji you mean changing the Dmg value of the mono attack but keeping the other traits of mono ammo (state:dead, etc), am I understanding it right? I think it doesn't need a change either, but just to be clear about the proposal so it can be discussed properly
Um... Monofilament CCWs are actually quite cheap, so it's more like paying ~2 points for the MonoCCW instead of ~1 for the AP CCW.
The dead state would remain, hence the keep the same part. @miguelbarbo84 However, some perceiving this means I think the price should stay the same. I have no clue what price is currently and I'm certain CB would change it appropriately. I'm talking about making mono close combatants applying their PH and MA to better kill smaller troops in CC while still being better than every other CC weapon at killing a TAG because it would still have the dead state. Let's take a standard Oniwaban for example against a Jotum. Arm drops to 5, apply PH and MA to damage = 15 so Jotum has to roll 11 instead of 13. Oniwaban against, Achilles, Achilles has to roll 13 as usual. Oniwaban against anything ARM 1 has to roll 15s instead of 13. Overall this would make Oniwaban more effective and not have to pay points for a mono blade and an EM blade. Better results for some, others not so much. But, I would not state that as a fault of the Oniwaban or the mono ccw. Remember, game mechanics function best if they're universal. CCWs function off of PH and MA unless they have a fuel purpose like a pistol for under 8", a chest mine or a D-Charge. But CCWs just have one function... This actually could make mono cheaper overall and the necessity to pay for a second ccw less so. Onowaban would be cheaper and Kitsune could actually get full benefit of her MA.
What's more devastating, a Fusilier requiring 2-3 orders from kitsune, or a Jotum requiring 2-3 orders from an Oniwaban?
Are they that cheap, cause guy just said a mono cow is 15 points... which I dont think any weapon costs 15 points.
They already have much bigger chance to kill a Jotum than a Cube Jager. I also don't get why they should "hit harder" than a Cube Jager. Linearity in power level is how you get power creep and strictly better options. It greatly diminishes diversity. Cube Jager vs Jotum now 24.24% Cube Jager vs Jotum with suggested change 10.52%% Kanren vs Jotum now 45.63% Kanren vs Jotum with suggested change 23.67% Miranda vs Jotum now 45.39% Miranda vs Jotum with suggested change 19.33% Shinobu vs Jotum now 64.11% Shinobu vs Jotum with suggested change 59.94% Why do you think this kind of change would benefit the game? What does it bring to the balance? What's the basis of the suggestion? This change would render an already extremely niche profile even more useless. It would greatly nerf CC specialists who's role is to kill big juicy targets.