If he came back with something important enough, he may just not allowed into alephs network. <personal conjecture, no lore backing it> He comes back with the knowledge on how to build voodoo tech. He might be allowed in and just not be given a cube, which would be cool.
Even just Intel of what lies beyond the Acheron gate might be enough to make Aleph not want to wipe him, but also not let him connect directly to Maya again.
The problem is that sepsitor affects cube backups too - voodootech, entanglement and whatnot. If there were 2 forks and one was sepsitored, probably both would be - “uncorrupted” is unlikely according to the lore we know. That being said, I agree that the idea of his return unlooked for is too good to leave undeveloped.
Plus, in the future there are no passwords, Aleph asks you random questions of your life (NOT preselected by you) and generates a model that gives a % of you being the true you. A sepsitorized officer is a problem not because the backups get corrupted, but because the EC version could access all information the pre-sepsitorized backup can. And in Aleph's troops, each and everyone of her troops are an aspect of Aleph, meaning they are a part of the whole, so Aleph "kills" completely that aspect as a precaution, so they can't be used to access the whole. It's akin (loosely) to have a distributed network of computers behind several layers of VPN, and then someone gains physical access to one of the computers, and turns it off. Sure, you can buy a new PC and deploy the same stuff there was in the old PC, but it could be that the hijacked one becomes a backdoor... or even worse, the enemy captures/neuters the new one and turns on the old one, with some extra programs to infect the whole network.
I know this is a complete shot in the dark, but I have a feeling that we might see a new Hector relatively soon, before a SP remake that is. He's a linchpin choice in Starmada and his sculpt is fairly old (2016?), even though it holds up pretty well. I can picture a similar reasoning for a remake as with Saladin, maybe in a new o-12 specific attire, maybe even a new symbol/loadout specific to Starmada.
February 2016. However, he is full 3d, and was released after Achilles V2 (Hoplite Armor), which is still veing produced by CB. And then came the Proxy Mk4 HMG and HRL in the male posthuman box (box #2), which is the same sculpt. All are 3D sculpts. so I doubt he will be resculpted sometime soon. Atalanta, still on production, is a more likely candidate for a resculpt than the still new Hector.
Fair enough, does Atalanta have any cross faction use? My suspicion comes mainly from CB wanting to support Starmada further, considering it is a fairly recent sectorial.
Funny enough, Outrage is from 2017, so that exclusive Jethro is slightly older than Hector XD. Andromeda is more or less from that time too. Again, there are no Dasyus currently being produced, however. In that regard, the Sophotect is MUCH more urgent than Hector, since she is present on Imperial Service, with the Garuda & Dakinis. But other than that and the Danavas in WhiteCo, I think no Aleph Unit is shared.
Devas in NCA and ISS. Nagas, Teucer, Drakios, and Scylla in Acontecimento, Dart in Acontecimento and MO. Dakinis and Devas in O-12.
Speaking of O-12, the Raptor Boarding squad has new sculpt Devabots, so I wonder if the Deva + Devabot box will be replaced soon. I certainly know that the box having old style bots was the reason I never picked it up.
I mentioned the Dakini and Devas in ISS for completion's sake, but I should have mentioned "shared and old enough to need a resculpt", or something like that. Devas and Dakinis were resculpted with Coldfront, Acontecimiento is Out of Production (so it' would be strange to resculpt those Aleph units), and Dart has the Aristeia plastic model ("Speedy" skin), the exclusive model for Coldfront, and the general release from, I think, january 2019... So again not a candidate for resculpt XD they would need 2 new devas, and anyway I think the Devabots are "special models". Right now, I think the devabots were sold with the 2 devas box, scylla & drakios box, and now the Raptors? And the only source of Devas are the Dakini SWC box with Jessie from Pokemon, the OSS box with a hacker Deva, and the 2Deva 2Devabot box? Also while the Deva+Devabot can be aligned in several armies, I think the raptors are the only non Aleph unit with the Devabot as syncros?
Hey guys, a question: any news on the new Probots? I see that Bostria mentioned them somewhere: So... any progress / news / hints? Or are they not happening?
Well, in the Freak Wars seminar, during the QA section someone asked if we could expect new stuff for Aleph or reesculpted SP, Bostria simply answer with a yes, so I still mantain hope that those probots are somewhere in the production line
I listened to the seminar (although spanish isn’t my native language) and believe Bostria confirmed new sculpts for both Aleph and Steel Phalanx 2022. It is the very last question.
Probots have officially gone to Last Chance in the store, will be gone at the end of October. https://store.corvusbelli.com/wargames/infinity/miniatures/probots-evo-repeater-combi-rifle