If Skirmishers are getting boxes now, give me some mutant cross box of 2 guilangs(hacker+fo) and 2 Hundun (HRL+SMR).
Mototronica is TAGs, Omnia Research Corp is armor like the new Saulos MkII for the Sepulchre Knights. They also do the Armiger MkIV for the Knights of Justice.
Thank you. I clearly need to brush up on my lore. ;) But I did remember that there were some specific armor models mentioned recently.
Well pretty much the worst I thought was happening with the Varangians, is. So we are very unlikely to see any more of them anytime soon or ever. I'm also not very enthusiastic about the axe. But it is on theme as a CCW for the Varangian Guard. The Trinatarian's look fantastic and get there own box. That's pretty unheard of for Skirmishers. As @burlesford said before. I'm baffled why they got a box and the Varangians didn't. Both are units you are going to taking 1-3 when you take them. Certainly the Varangians who are in 3 different factions. Enjoy Pan-O MO looks to be getting some long needed love. I don't even play Pan-O and I'll probably pick up the Trins Cyberghost design looks excellent. Though it's seems a bit odd he has his CCW out. Definitely still gonna pick him up though. I've been using Hecklers. Though they actually arent super off in design. Really wish we'd see that Visor style on more O-12 units.
They can do another Varangian as some preorder bonus for a book or a box starter but yeah unfortunately thats wasteful and more expensive and unless there are more a fireteam would look same-y unless you get conversions or suitable proxies (Highlanders etc)
I kind of love the depiction of the Cyberghost with the Para CCW like that. It's only a shame that I'll never try to actually use it... Out of interest, is it the design of the axe you don't like or the choice of an axe as the weapon? Pers'nally I'm hoping the BSG isn't welded on to the back so it can at least be removed
The design of the axe is fine. I'm not much of a raw battleaxe sorta guy. But the fact the single has it is more of the issue. I'm much more favorable to a CC flavored model when its the fourth sculpt of a unit, ment to be a universal one to double up on the other three in a set. Or be something uncommon they couldn't cover. ie : 5+ loadouts and only 4 models in a set. So cover the common ones and then a universal for everything else or duplicates. I personally really hate having identical duplicate models on the table. And do my best to have every one be as unique as I can in pose or weapon. CB has been making this harder and harder with the way most models go together now. And no other range has a scale quite like Infinity so headswaps are extremely hard to do and make them look nice.
Ah right, got ya. I do think that it is entirely appropriate in the case of a warband with well below average BS rating and well above average CC rating. However, just like with the Shaolin you kind of want 2 to 4 of them in a list so releasing them as singles (and with Varangian shown with the less used profile) shows a small lack of gaming sense from CB's side...
lack of gaming sense (doubt), but empresarial sense over 9000. Every one will buy it since is the only one existing. And later, the same people will buy another sculpt because is the most used option
Or they could have released one with two equipable options, and then another different posed one with two options later. And I would buy two of each, have no duplicates, and have a more positive opinion that CB is at least paying a bit of attention to what the customer wants and uses. And bonus. When they decide to one day combine them to save SKU's they've got the easy makings of an entire box Really every single unit blister should have at least two equipment options. One of the few times they kinda did this was with the Highlander Grey HMG. Who got two pose options for his HMG. I hate that I bought 3 of him just to get extra arms for future conversions. I've done similar with the Spec Ops boxes.
I went for the less harsh accusation ;) That said, there have been some upsets with N4 from N3 that have caused a strong re-evaluation of profiles. Just an example: Krit went from zero to hero for Yu Jing and the fact that he was released without a primary weapon was a small stroke of genius. On the other hand Hulang was released with the best profile first only to have it flipped to the least preferable profile. Not everything is straight forward. But with these warbands they could easily sell well as boxes or duos. If they wanted to price-gouge us by trickle feed releases they could've released e.g. Shang-Ji as single blisters instead of putting them in a box like that.
Sorry I didn't see this before. Unfortunately they didn't keep up with the hype. After the Kaldstrom set and Beyond Kaldstrom, they came out with nothing for for Winter Force or White Banner. They both got re-pack Booster Packs of existing figures for Code1. Both of those could have been new figures for C1 and the Sectorals like they did for O12. That was a missed opportunity to get sales to both C1 players and veteran Infinity players.
...I'm not sure you read my post. My point was precisely that, after getting hyped-up players to buy into WinterFor and White Banner via Operation Kaldstrom, there was no need for CB to keep releasing new models for those sectorials. Once a player has bought into a sectorial, particularly with a significant investment like Kaldstrom, they're going to keep playing it. They're not going to shelve all the models they already bought, and go buy a different sectorial instead, just because they haven't got a Shang Ji yet.
I did and I think you are missing my point. They should not, in my opinion, have just left it to those two releases. CB could have had more sales if they came out with some more. It's all about the sale of figures. They make nothing on people playing. The game is a way to get people to buy figures. Kladstrom and White Banner/Winter Force are no longer the "new thing". I'm pretty sure the sales for the Shang Ji would have been better last year than this. In marketing, much of it is about timing. And with the action packs, they lessened the buyers for the product by doing re-packs instead of new figures. Edit: I'll add in that the Trinitarians are going to do very well since they came out right on the heals of the MO. This was done right. It's not because they are fantastic rules, and they are the standard great figures, it's because they are the hot thing right now.
A closer look to the Teuton-Box brings another problem to light: The sword swinger has a SMG holsterd and in the shop he is also listed as SMG. Now we have a box of three and a spec op. Fine so far, but ... when you look at their profiles, you see the standard one, the Lt. and the tinbot are all LSG and PF. So we got the only SMG profile in the box, wich is the SO. Why? It would be better to prox the SO with a LSG (read: prox one out of 3) than the other way (prox three from three). Why they make it so hard, to play their game WYSWIG? Yes: I am aware that this is only a small detail, but this were easy to avoid: Let the side weapon out of the sculpt, but it near the PF or even get rid of the SMG layout at all (too late). And why this box is nearly double the price compared to the Karakuri (3 minis)?