Yes, have always found that the game I don't have it is the game I get screwed due to not having it. and again yes just in BJC, in vanilla better off saving the points and taking Jazz.
That's interesting. I used her in a few games but quickly realized that there are better options for a single specialist in the 30 points range and that White Noise more or less gets useless when your main attack pieces are equipped with an MSV.
You should have a non-MSV hunter too, with access to a repeater. Short-range it's the Vostok or PiWell, long-range it's the Tsyklon... Anyway, she shoots "good", has a pitcher, can be a Lt, has Cybermask as an option (NFB with her mimetism-6... and with White Noise), and if you need to cross a zone an enemy MSV has covered, she can make it happen (the chimera can too, but I think they are different units with only that as a common role XD)
I miss my 6S+Repeater+Shotgun 'Tates. Backline 'tate is waiting to hack sneakybois was always nice...expensive, but like a sniper that never gets used, but alters the opponent's play quite a bit. also, interventor hacks through a frontline 'tate's repeater to spotlight a target just around the corner. Coordinated order with 'tate and GML-bot. Move 'tate into shotgun range and idle the bot, then wait and see what they do. If you declare BS attack, they are eating shotty and GML, or you can spray with teardrop, or you can do another hack if they are a HI or some such. It was fun. Now they are FAR less useful, but people got that price cut they wanted xD (and no, not completely useless, but not what they were for the few of us that use them). Now to use them you have to play Infinity40k and fireteam up some 'tates.