Feeling the army in heart

Discussion in 'Access Guide to the Human Sphere' started by Angry Clown, May 20, 2021.

  1. Angry Clown

    Angry Clown Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2018
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    there are some armies i own and play some i admire from outside.
    I feel myself Aleph and tohaa in heart but minis dont like at all. i like the fluff of them very much. I always wanted to see Aleph in Ghost in the shell style. but.. same for tohaa , i want to see better minis.

    But personally i like the minis of TAK and love to paint them alot.

    Can you say that u feel you belong to an army or you dont mind at all ?
    Golem2God and Daniel Darko like this.
  2. Lareon

    Lareon Well-Known well-knower

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I do.
    I started my Infinity career playing Nomads. They were (and are) a very nice army, but while I enjoyed them a lot, I always felt they were not the "right" army. Then, after few years (and few tests with other armies) I landed on Haqqislam. And it was love at first sight.
    Aside the miniature aspect, it was the first time I really felt it was my army. More than the simple playstyle, it was the way each unit really clicked with my way to plan a strategy, and to solve the issues in the game.
  3. chromedog

    chromedog Less than significant minion

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I pick my models based on whether I like the look of them. If I have enough to make an army out of, bonus.
    I don't see "myself" in my armies.
    They don't have to "resonate" with me.

    OTOH, there are always game armies or factions that due to some inbuilt wiring in me, that I will never play. Anything based on a "Russian" theme, for example. I blame my Hungarian father for this.
    Golem2God likes this.
  4. Cthulhu363

    Cthulhu363 May his passage cleanse the world.

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I love the fluff and models of NCA. Bolts were my favorite unit before they were cool *insert hipster meme*. But could never get them to work for me. I then moved to CA. Same thing. I loved the fluff and models, but lost more than i did with NCA.
    Now i have landed on NA2. Druze pulled me in, and now i'm trying to build all NA2 sectorials. I love everything about my mercs. While i still don't win a lot, it just feels right.
  5. Danger Rose

    Danger Rose The Wrecking Belles

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Oh yes, Haqqislam is that for me. I have Bakunin, JSA, Dahshat and O12, but I always end up gravitating towards Haqqislam and its Sectorials. QK and the Odalisques were my first love. I'm now giving Ramah Taskforce a try.
    Golem2God likes this.
  6. saint

    saint Charming, but irrational

    Nov 23, 2017
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    "Mud and blood" is very much my chosen aesthetic for pretty much any game; so Ariadna was a given but there was something about FRRM that really did call to me, I looked at every other faction and sectorial that was out at the time and nothing appealed quite the same and its still definitely my favorite.
    Golem2God likes this.
  7. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    I play a lot of factions, but N3's NCA felt like home. It doesn't anymore though; the Hacking changes and Fireteam power creep hurt it badly in its performance for my favoured high-tech playstyles and aesthetics. I'd probably be forced into something like Corregidor or CA to recreate my old style, and I can't stand their minis and fluff. It's actually turned me off the game a bit, I can't work up the energy I used to have for Infinity anymore because I've lost the army that fit for me.
    Golem2God likes this.
  8. regelridderen

    regelridderen Dismember

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Aleph have awesome models. The original Achilles and the Marut is why I signed up for Infinity.

    That said, my new TAK looks amazing :D
    Dragonstriker and Golem2God like this.
  9. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    @SpectralOwl Don't despair. The landscape can & will change. Things will get better for NCA. I say you should keep your NCA army for the foreseeable future. I bet you will be glad you did when the sectorial gets in the spotlight again with new models for units like the Auxlia.
  10. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I'm both happy and sad at reading this. I can understand how the way an army plays just doesn't fit how you want to play them despite the models. Sounds like you and @SpectralOwl have something in common besides liking the same army, NCA.

    Hey @SpectralOwl do any of the NA-2/Merc sectorial armies fit you? Foreign Company has a couple of NCA units in their selection.
    Cthulhu363 likes this.
  11. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    As for me personally I'm a hobbist/modeler first over a player. I usually choose an army (rules/playstyle) for a major conversion project first. Models are considered for the conversion process. But there are some factions that I like most of their original designs that I feel no need to change that much or at all.

    I feel more inline with @chromedog and his thinking of not seeing myself in an army, as in placing myself into the force itself. Though I do admit that when picking a faction for itself alone or for a normal conversion project, lore is important. If I mostly agree with the faction or sectorial's goal that would be a plus. But completely agreeing goal/moral wise I feel is near impossible. More so of which side do you lean more towards. Like how @chromedog doesn't care/like Russian themed armies there are some themed forces based on real world history or the fictional history of the universe that I won't choose based on my personal bias.

    I love making a story behind the forces I build or at least a character or characters in the force. The story is more important to me since it is what keeps me invested in building or, if possible, playing the force. Even if the playstyle is not up to my personal wants in gameplay the personal lore of the force takes precedence over that. In other words if the army I'm playing is a NCA force lore wise I'm not going to play them as another faction or another sectorial like Varuna even though they are both in the same faction. I'd rather create a force for Varuna then use NCA units as Varuna units. Unless I'm proxying or using a NCA unit's body in a conversion for a Varuna unit.

    Out of the main factions of Infinity I like PanO the most as a whole, all the sectorials. The other factions have bits & pieces of units or sectorials I like but PanO's selection I mostly like in design & options without changing/converting. If I was born into the Infinity universe I think I'd end up in PanO out of all the other factions.

    The other factions sectorials I do like are:
    MRRF & USAriadna= MRRF is the sectorial that got me into Infinity. The Loup Garou being the model which caught my eye. USA's model design is higher on my personal list than MRRF and I've used quite a few USA models in conversions. Mostly for my Roman Aleph force.
    Western Roman themed Aleph & Eastern Roman themed Military Order= Just as I mentioned above, Steel Phalanx as the Western Roman legions & Military Orders as the Byzantine Empire. Taking the Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard's Death Masks and using them for the Knights' heads.

    Genestealer Cult/Corrigdor= This is just an idea I've been toying with. No idea if I will actually try to complete it. Seems silly but it could be fun.
    Nomads have neat looking models across their board, Tunguska's Securitate & Bakunin's Moderators design's combine together nicely. As for playing the Nomads I don't have an unction to build a force. Though I do have alot of Genestealer Cult bits I've gotten over the past few years but playing them in 40k never applied to me as their playstyle is not my cup of tea. Corregidor has units that use weapon options that the GSC units also use. Flamethrowers & Shotguns. I don't think any other sectorial in Infinity as a whole has as many units that use flamthrowers (light & heavy) as Corregidor. The HI units like the Evaders could be Aberrants, the Intruder a Kelomorph, Acolyte Hybrids as Mi units like Wildcats & Neophyte Hybrids as LI units like the Alguaciles, the Genestealer Patriarch would be the sectorial's T.A.G.s

    Corregidor Nomad: "So you guys from Bukunin huh?" The Neophyte Hybrids turned to look at each other then back at the Human.
    Neophyte Hybrid #1: "Yes."
    Corregidor Nomad: "Figures. Bukuninites are pretty weird at times."
    Neophyte Hybrid #2: "Oh yes. You should see the rest of our Brood." The other Hybrid gave his brother a nudge. "But we are Human just as much as you."
    Corregidor Nomad: "So how have your folks handled life on that crazy ship? Whats your occupation?"
    Neophyte Hybrid #1: "We are adjusting.."
    Neophyte Hybrid #2: "Growing exponentially beyond our wildest.." Stopping due to feeling his brother boring a hole through his head with his eyes. "Dreams."
    Corregidor Nomad: "Sounds like business is good."
    Neophyte Hybrid #1: "Yes. We are miners by trade."
    Corregidor Nomad: "Really? The group I'm attached to is heading out to the Human Edge on a mining contract. Some of your Brood should head out with us." Both Hybrids stared at each other upon hearing this news.
    Neophyte Hybrid #1: "You truly mean that?"
    Corregidor Nomad: "If you guys are as good as you say sure. I'd doubt you have many opportunities were you are currently stationed."
    Neophyte Hybrid #2: "Pfffttt..like there is mining on that floating lightshow."
    Neophyte Hybrid #1: "We are in the middle of adjusting into our new home. The Magnus has proposed that we look into a bio-hacking for our clan's future. Praxis was an incentive of her idea. We await Grandfather's decision on the matter. We would be nothing without him."
    Neophyte Hybrid #2: "As in we wouldn't have existed without his actions."
    Corregidor Nomad: "Well if your Grandfather agrees let me know and I'll tell my guys and gals we are getting new co-workers."
    Neophyte Hybrid #1: "Oh splendid."
    Neophyte Hybrid #2: "I think we will all get along very well with each other. Like family." Earning another nudge from the other Hybrid.
    Corregidor Nomad: "Sounds good. Hope to hear from you again soon."
    Neophyte Hybrid #1: "As do we fellow Nomad. As do we." Both Hybrids turn their backs and began walking away.
    Neophyte Hybrid #2: "I can't believe our luck. Grandfather will be pleased with our success."
    Neophyte Hybrid #1: "We will be able to split the Cult and increase our chances of survival in this..strange system. If one group falls the other shall remain. The Children of the Calling King shall bide their time until our Progenitor's brethren descend upon these celestial shores. The name of that blessed fleet our Grandfather graciously revealed unto us..Apollyon."
    Neophyte Hybrid #2: "Wait..wasn't the name Cadmus?"
    Neophyte Hybrid #1: "Why would you think that?" He began to curiously look over his supposed "brother" suspiciously.
    Neophyte Hybrid #2: "Oh..no reason..of consequence."
  12. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I'm surprised no one has mentioned JSA.
    Golem2God likes this.
  13. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Good point. That is an interesting shock.
  14. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Both WhiteCo and FoCo are close, but ultimately NA2 as a whole is very dependant on its Core Fireteams while I prefer the Vanilla playstyle in most circumstances. My old NCA were chosen more for the extra Hexa AVA, Deva and Garuda access alongside a big Overclock-enabled web of defensive REMs and backed by some of the game's best HMGs. I also nearly universally dislike CB's Characters, in mini, fluff and crunch, so that doesn't help me get into NA2 either.

    If I did swap to Mercs, it'd be WhiteCo, for the better solo stuff (Tigers, Guilangs, Nisses, Danavas) and improved Hacking.
    Golem2God likes this.
  15. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I can understand that way of thinking. None of the characters have endeared themselves to me either.
  16. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Wait, I don't understand, what's wrong with CBs character design? Only character I'm uncertain of is Musashi cause he's effectively a Domaru. BUT, I love JSA more than everything else.
  17. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    It's purely subjective, at least in my case. I prefer simpler designs with full helmets to the complex loadouts and exposed heads of most Characters, and I just don't tend to like the fluff pieces attached to them- they tend to be a bit full of "this guy is SO COOL" even by CB's standards.
    chaos11 likes this.
  18. wuji

    wuji Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Ahh, so far as complex loadouts I think that is useful or useless depending on circumstance. Aesthetics, you're right are purely subjective. As for "this guy is so cool" or the coolest. I wish CB wouldnt write the characters as if they're the best in all of humanity. I wish it was more written as the best of their unit, the best on their planet, or like a brief blurb of medals and accommodations and listing off each feat. Like Silver Star for Gallantry when Joan all by her self charged a bunker held by a squad of Suryat and managed to capture their Raktorak for interrogation. Or a commodation for outstanding discipline and courage for reconnaissance behind enemy lines during the battle of such and such for Uxia.
  19. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    A slightly different way of looking at it could be that all of this is in-setting military propaganda and, as such, massively exaggerated.
    If you consider that these characters die just as easily on the table as generic troops, you can even make a plausible case for this and I'm glad that chars in Infinity don't play like uber heroes in other games.

    But yeah, I totally see where you are coming from.
    Golem2God likes this.
  20. InventorofSoup

    InventorofSoup Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2018
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    There is always Raoul Spector's fluff of literally him dying a lot doing insane tasks. He is cool and suicidal.
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