And the Riot Grrl, but in an offensive haris offers a cheap AP weapon... sadly, the only wildcards in Bakunin are atm the common ones (the wulver, the tsyklon and the vostok). So you are forced to get 2 longarms and the vostok for an offensive Haris, but... riot grrrls... Also, the tsyklon thread is another one ;) Yeah, I always mix those two weapons in the forum (never on the table, there I read the list all the time XD). In spanish, I mostly use the wildcard "lanzapatadas" (potato thrower) when talking about ML/HRL, since no unit I can think of has access to both.
I actually used them with a degree of succes, just once, in Looting and Sabotaging. g+oIc3Rhcm1hZGEAgSwBAQMBhR4BAgAChR4BAQADhR4BAQA= Haris to boost a Dam 16 AP Exp Autocannon. Admittedly I should have field two Crushers to destroy AC2. The game went pretty good anyway.