And if someone voices a critic, "just proxy, man"... Well, a Chimera is a sufficiently modified human (bio and tecno) to require an engineer (ever wondered why the Clockmakers are *the* best engineers in the game, as efficient as an Aleph Aspect but cheaper, even limited to a single discipline? They learn with Chimeras. With the Pupniks present and under control. Unless you botch something while fixing the Chimera, in which case you fail as a clockmaker... and as a living being xD). So assuming they keep the reproductive functions (the organs... more than likely they all do. Possibly even adding stuff...) it could be possible. But it's Bakunin, so at the very least I'd bet for some ex-vitro fertilization and development. The mother would be bored if unable to "play" for more than a few days, so months are totally out of the picture... Because O12 would trust a servant race of a bunch of refugees who bought a mercenary company and go around the Human Sphere doing stuff to provide fire support to the forces protecting interstellar shipping... Besides, the Helots are cheaper, use standard PanO weapons and are trained to do so, can be easily controlled with their pressure suits, and are local...
If the Tohaa...your ONLY ally against the EI...come up and say “We’d like to help maintain the security of the Sphere, even in our diminished state. Here are some of our heavy weapons specialists.” Can you diplomatically say no? Do you even want to? Just put them on pirate duty. Protect the sphere from the dreaded Yuan Yuan. And they may also be harboring terrorist sympathies.
But then... isn't it crossbreeding with just a basic, mk.1 human, with merely a few fancy bits glued on? Sure, Bakunin certainly would find someone to sell such recordings to (I'm more than certain they do that, having grafted-on the most bizarre add-on bits to various human ...and not-so-human beings, on an everyday basis -as long as there is a clientele willing to pay enough for that)... But that would be oh so boooring...
You are talking about a sectorial who uses Tian Gou knowingly and willingly. As far as shady-as-fuck units go when it comes to international cooperation, anything Yu Jing with Holomask is quite far up there...
It seems more likely that Starmada wanted reinforcements from all the allies, and the Tohaa sent the Chaksa to fill in for them. Otherwise, Starmada would probably want some Tohaa anti-Shasvaasti forces, and I guess the Tohaa didn't want to do that. Obviously it's just fitting a new mini into a wider audience, but since I like Chaksa, I don't mind. I prefer them over Tohaa for sure. :)
Sometimes you need to send people to infiltrate the dangerous groups. And not everyone has (read: "knows and can issue orders to") a Fiday by their side... XD Heck, the Tian Gou are the best holomaskers out there at this moment, none of us know how they look! XD We have post in Paradiso, they can help there protecting our "critical personnel" (AKA "banished to Antarctica") YOU try to keep a Chimera entertained and "docile" (that is, not destroying everuthing out of sheer boredom) for months!
Chocolate and strange foods, and an unhealthy collection of subscriptions to several streaming services is a start... Kindle Unlimited gives a hand too. Let's be real, the true test is not the prenatal time. It's the first postnatal year, and the hazmat training on minimal sleep.