So by the illustration of the tiles, Tag Raid is a small scale board game? I like and don't like at the same time. Why the F is Bakunin getting Chaksa? They have no need for them in my opinion. Sure they don't have much long range but they hardly need it.
I'm excited for TAG Raid, having it set on dawn offers some nice space for fun rules and expansions. Such as crazy weather patterns playing havoc with a tags systems, ai controlled locals such as kazak spetznaz teams arriving to commit acts of sabotage or even antipode packs pissed that the tags have wandered into their territory. Heck since the CA Onyx forces have arrived on dawn they could show up as well.
or if you look from a N1 dawn player perspective: more factions have access to the precious autocannons :P
Well, I'm not interested on TAGRaid, and the Big Daddy example doesn't really appeal to me. I *hope* we won't see the Army flooded with civilian mining miniTAGs with this KS, at the very least... Tinbot for the Shang Jisus... so we have that one and Tai Sheng's. At least, now we can proxy the PARA perimetral weapons for the Kanren... Assuming the profile won't change, well, Bakunin (and frankly, I'm quite pissed about this shameless "we have not forgotten Bakunin exists" token move, and the Missile Launcher Riot Grrl is 32pts), and maybe O12 (I'm assuming it's the vanilla, and not a sectorial, so Oktavia is present as competition) have little to no use for those, but WhiteCo & Svalarheima have cheap wildcards they can throw away in a haris with the autocannon one. Of course, we are talking about BS12 no visor no mimetics 1 wound troops, with bioinmunity so they can use their ARM3 instead of BTS0 (if that's not an overcost...) and PH12...
Finaly - Shang Ji HMG and two buddys to support him, the cool guy will serve as FO that will give all three TA now I hope the the Tinbot will be different from the one in TaiĀ“s Blister. That will make my Yu Jing heart happy. Still no Tian Guo and Ye Mao Hacker but now I can play the Shang-AP-HMG without a proxy (indeed, I refuse to proxy it by now). Teutons ins a box with a Spec Op - the look is quite good - I like. Wild Bill with Contender looks nice, but I got the lim.ed. already :-) he waits for paint since beginning of 2020 and I guess he has to wait a little longer. Shona in regular looks okay, I will get her for SWF and for Aristeia (the plastic one has a floppy sword). The Hellboy-guy looks ... a bit odd. The AC gal is not so far away from her ancestor.
somewhere on the forum there's a good converted tank hunter with the male body and right arm(and weapon) of the OG ac tankhunter
I'm only interested in TAGraid if we get to blow up the entire planet of Dawn in a horrific wonderful accident after discovering some secret voodoo tech that the Triumvirate left behind, thus reducing that misbegotten lump of a world to its constituent atoms and then we send the resulting cloud into a black hole. Hasta Nunca, Dawnititos! Oh noes, what of the werewolves? Collateral damagebenefit. Shang Ji, very nice.