For those interested, I've uploaded my Montesa Knight helmet on Thingiverse for everyone to download: Montesa Knight Helmet I'm open to suggestions to improve it, I hope you like it!
^^^Cannot like this post enough. Let the CA overrun Dawn and wipe 'em all out. Damnable space-hicks, the lot o' them. It's a huge improvement.
I sure enough that Correggidor box will have Alguacil and I hate that.I already have 3 of them and they don't see a lot of play, thank Jaguars. At least I hope new sculpt it's different enough to use the old ones like Jaguars.
They get new availability in sectorials, there's an ARMY update on May 14th. Maybe there's a buff, but nothing was said.
Very interesting how the Shang-Ji box was presented as 3 miniatures (watched video without sound, might've missed something) Edit: Uh... is that HMG dude carrying a heavy pistol? Doesn't look like the Multi Rifle dude's pistol and doesn't quite look like a regular Yu Jing pistol, either... And it's funny how the HMG dude didn't get a sword while the other two did
new yj tag yayyy shang ji are awesome, although disappointed that the boss sculpt that was made for that failed statue is not for HMG anymore Bill looks silly with the modern weapon, I think he should have an oldschool winchester or something
The TAG game is supposed to happen "in a mining context", be "industrial, gritty, rusted". Game is happening on Dawn! The game will be "an arena" happening on hexes. Measuring tools will be still used for movement and shooting. The hexes are more for "CB being able to design complex events that happen in the game".