Starmada Playstyle/ Bread and Butter Combos (?)

Discussion in 'O-12' started by FriarTuck, Apr 17, 2021.

  1. FriarTuck

    FriarTuck New Member

    Jul 29, 2020
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    Hey, I’ve been a lurker and player.

    I have fallen in love with the Starmada models and am trying to convince myself to buy them!

    could someone sell me on their playstyle? What I mean by that is explain what makes them different and what their “ go to “ combos are, please

    My main experience has come from Varuna and a little bit of Steel Phalanx
  2. InMac

    InMac O-12 #Bureau Aegis

    May 24, 2018
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    - They lack on fireteam options long range weapons in form of strong profiles like HI or Mimetisim.

    - Poor midfield presence or defence, not compared in O-12 vanilla.

    - Also, they are expensive options but... they shinny in mid-short range scenarios.

    - Just 1 single Epsilon to pick.

    - No cammo markers presence like in vanilla O-12.

    - Easy to learn how they works but, very hard to play, isn't comfortamble for a new players.

    - Vanilla O-12 have the same tricks and better ways to play in every ITS missions but, without fireteams. And more easy to learn for new players or funny for veterans.

    - They don't have Counterintelligence, in an army want's for play with 10 miniatures list in majority times.


    - They have nice basic sinergyes, like smoke+shoot, cyberasked troops, white noise, good hackers.

    - Pretty nice fireteams options with some profiles and characters. Like the PsiCops MULTI marskman linked and TianGou Jammer, also the Kinght of Santiago machine.

    - Hector linked in a five man team with plasma rifle.

    - Andromeda, Parvatii and Crushers. Also having a nice TAG like the Zeta, not the best but carrys a HMRC in a solid ARM with climbing plus and remote presence (no manpiloted) he gains extra lvl inconscious state for get ressilence staying in the board to recover him.

    - Good range weapons in medium-short firefights in a close quarters scenarios, also strong CC profiles, like Andromeda, Varangian Guard and Shona Caranno as the cheapest and good picks.

    - Balanced profiles in BS and WIP, a lot of type weaponry and specialist, pretty cool.

    - Easy to collect with some packs and blisters, like Starmada action pack with Octavia as the 4thº Kappa for the missile launcher.

    - Cool paintstyle and miniatures.

    - Men/lads, droids and REM themed party together. Like in vanilla O-12 :))))

    In my opinion, Starmada have the 40% or less chances for play in ITS scenarios for now, i assume they have the funtions as Steel Phalanx does, but with more shooters options and nice fireteams options to go. O-12 and his unique sectorial for now, Starmada, its about mixing some armys in the game, and that's its pretty fun sometimes, you have a lot profiles to remeber as Pano, Nomads, Aleph, Yj, Haquisslam and Ariadna troops, also.. they personal stamp and essence in O-12, the gluegunners boys.

    Anyway, i have a bunch O-12 army in my collection, also Starmada and i like so much their fluff and style. If you love them and you want collect them all, just do it :)
    Golem2God and Time Bandit like this.
  3. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    The problem with Starmada is that outside a good couple of minis, they're basically vanilla O-12 with fireteams and far less options. Vanilla O-12 is one of the (or the?) strongest vanilla faction of all currently, able to counter and match-up against deadly fireteams, align lot of bodies/orders combined with multiple pieces that can either protect strongly the midfield, infiltrate, be hidden, drop, good range and BS, etc. While Starmada loose a lot of this due to fireteams and a poorer choice of troops.

    Yet, they're still good, but lack of originality and they might be trickier to play to get a good hold of them in most situations (but they get some of the best profiles like Santiago Knight).
    Golem2God likes this.
  4. Saber117

    Saber117 Member

    Aug 12, 2020
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    My experience with Starmada so far can be described in one word as "rough".

    I've found my issue is that I want to create a core team that can hold the midfield and also has a harris team that can punch through enemy units. So my issue is that by the time you take a core team (that isn't just kappas) and a Harris (with anything worth taking) I never have enough points left over to give them enough orders to do anything because everything is so expensive points-wise (with the teams). So I end up overextending one team, which is then just hunted and gunned down very quickly.

    I am by no means a good player though so could just be my terrible playstyle, my experience with vanilla O12 has been much better though. Much easier to have a couple of good units running around and doing things without needing to take everything in a single fireteam which gets wiped out by one good play by your opponent.

    Edit: Don't let what I say stop you from buying the Starmada minis though, they look great. Most of the units do pretty well in Vanilla lists in my experience. Staramda's issue on the table is more how restrictive the lists tend to get due to wanting to fit in fireteams and a lack of vanilla picks.
    #4 Saber117, Apr 19, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2021
    Golem2God, Kreslack and Time Bandit like this.
  5. wes-o-matic

    wes-o-matic Meme List Addict

    Dec 22, 2019
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    Coming from building Invincible Army lists, which often clock in at less than 15 troops and have to work with similar restrictions of “all my stuff is cool but spendy” I honestly think Starmada is in a pretty good place, but it has the same problem as other high-cost-per-trooper armies, which is that you can’t fit every tool you’d want into a list and if you try you start to reconsider just playing Vanilla.

    I’ve been on the business end of a list made up of a Zeta, Kappa core with hacker and ML, Saladin and Cho, and a Crusher, and frankly it was rough. The Zeta is a beast, and the Kappa defensive link was sufficient to force me to keep my head down while the TAG wandered around putting all my key units into IMM or dead state.

    Starmada can get some good work done, and if you’re collecting it you’ll probably end up picking up enough models to be able to run a Vanilla O-12 list as an alternative. The models are beautiful and the faction is capable of matching strengths with most of the others given the right list and player.

    Try playing around in Army with some lists and see if anything you come up with looks fun to play.
    Golem2God likes this.
  6. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Except IA brings more orders and resources to the table than a SM list and pretty much every other army at 15 bodies. most of the time I build an SM list I end up switching over to vanilla anyway.

    How so? in my experience most of the time the kappa team hits the table the gunner gets removed the second something glances in it's general direction, I don't think I have ever seen anyone be scared of it in any degree.
    Saber117 likes this.
  7. wes-o-matic

    wes-o-matic Meme List Addict

    Dec 22, 2019
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    Dunno what to tell you, the link wasn’t a death star or anything but it was deployed in a position where none of the tools I had available to challenge it directly were viable, so I had to play around it, and by the time I could have developed a good counterplay all my useful troops were glued down or dead. All it had to do was keep me away from one area of the board by making other moves better options for a little while, and it worked.

    Not everything has to be an Avatar to get results?
  8. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    No it doesn't, however given the current state of the game a linked basic LI gunner is so severely outclassed, especially once you consider what the new standard is when it comes to defensive teams.

    Understandable, that just hasn't been my experience with them so I was curious, the ML far too easy to get under the 24" and just total it.
  9. Time Bandit

    Time Bandit Vulnerability (Total)

    Feb 21, 2019
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    I think a kappa link has some legs in a zeta list as well, Wes. It's not nothing, being able to field a decent tag, a full fireteam with redundancies, a CoC, some nice defensive units, an msv, smoke, an HD+, and an evo hacker all in one list. I think Starmada might have better luck just accepting there's not many shexy things it can do, and embracing the fact that they are pretty decent at efficiency instead. I do find it annoying that Starmada doesn't get Monstruckers though, as they're a great fit for the Zeta's climbingplus, and I feel having a Zeta in one of your two lists might be quite important in N4.

    Here's the kind of list I had in mind: 7 possible team members, Cho can hide as a second Adh Bluecoat, a ML for aro if need be, lots of templates for defence, and a choice of msv MMR or HMG to go on point for the Kappas.

    Tourniquet likes this.
  10. miguelbarbo84

    miguelbarbo84 Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2018
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    As others have said, Starmada is somewhat awkward and you'll notice instantly that it lacks long range fire superiority, mainly against armor, repeater coverage, Hidden deployment, etc.

    As with any other sectoral you have to look mainly into fireteams, which once again are a bit odd as they rely on wildcards and require a special perspective. Summarising, I'd say your bread is Parvati and your butter is Bronze / Hector / Beta or all of them onto the same toast:

    Parvati can heal 2w of your HIs on 15s and engineer on 18s (even herself? This I'm unsure).

    Bronze red fury can shoot 5 dice dmg 14shock on 16s and when he loosses, shrug off missile launcher/MSR/K1 as those count like normal ammo. If he looses even more, read Parvati above.

    Hector can shoot 4 dice plasma at 16s even from longer ranges with x-visor, or explode anything on melee, and withstand 2w +nwi. Then again, Parvati him up if needed.

    Betas can shoot on 16s with mimetism -3 and have 2str+ 2unconscious states. Parvati WILL repair them eventually.

    All of this comes with climb +, etc.

    Then add varangians for smoke, bluecoats for glue and Andromeda/Crushers as really nice AD/Infiltration options.

    Here a few armies you could try:


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