To explicitly target this, is this not preference but an actual rule that allows you to know which models deploy separately and which models deploy simultaneously? Meaning that it is public information to ask if one of 2 is real and the other is a cause of minelayer?
I mean, we're veering further and further into implausible hypotheticals here. First of all, I think we're all agreed that nobody is actually recreating entire lists at the table. (I've heard of it being done in TTS games only). Second, if someone did want to recreate their opponent's list, they wouldn't have time unless the opponent named every model as soon as it hit the table. So if you don't like the idea of your opponent constantly interrupting your deployment so that they can recreate your list on your time, just tell them you'll give them a rundown once your deployment is done. We're at the point now where we're talking about a hypothetical where an opponent is so keen to recreate your list that he demands that you name every model the first time you put it on the table, arguing that it's "deployed" at that moment. Surely nobody has ever made that argument for that purpose.
Whether or not moving a model once you place it is allowed is ambiguous; the coherency rules allow for at least some adjustments to take place after you measure ZoC.
I mean, I could place little markers instead to denote the places I'm considering deploying my models, move them around as desired, then replace them with the actual models once I've made up my mind...
I would never handle Infinity deployment like tournament chess and say that once you let go of a piece, its position is final. I’m just pointing out that that part of the rules is somewhat underspecified, and in particular I’m responding to a bit where I felt like @kinginyellow was overstating how strict deployment is. Edit: upon rereading the quoted text, I think I misinterpreted things and got their intentions backwards. Sorry!
To respond to the other part as double post cause I'm bad at dealing with complex responses from phone xD The difference is that I would prefer to finish my thoughts on how I want to deploy my list without interrupting myself talking about what each model is and what their skills and stats are. So revealing public info is a standard in my area after they are all done. And because the part this was dealing with is talking about entering in my opponents list into army, not having to answer piecemeal to prevent the opponent from being able to enter the list would be an advantage as you could have time to enter theirs but not vise versa. And while that concept is a bit asinine, I find this desire to do so the same so its on brand.
To remind everyone, CB's response on this topic is "we can't ban people from using the app." The TOs and WarCors who are promoting the idea that looking at Army during play is cheating are just power tripping. They're the same people who were banning people from various online forums for posting articles from GameTrade when Uprising was happening; they think they outrank even CB on this topic.
As a small aside, simply saying the unit names of the miniatures you put down does help speed up the game as it allows your opponent to prepare their own setup or first turn while you deploy.
I think that was hearsay, though. But I hope you can prove me wrong and link the statement, as it would provide the definitive answer the OP has been looking for.
Your argument is completely undermined by the fact that the truth is the vast majority of Infinity players can't do what you describe. As I said, these people don't exist in any significant quantity for it to be relevant to the discussion. Trying to argue that memorising infinity profiles is the same as speaking a language is a fucking dumb argument.
Plenty of people will develop into that skill if the dumb interpretation of private information would be codified. Man, you know what would be great? A function in Army where when you were participating in a tournament, it sent an alert to the TO if you looked at Army while it was going on, so they could DQ you.
I'm still clinging to the hope that we have misread, because it's one of the most outrageous things I have seen on this forum, maybe ever.
Idk, someone posted a couple post above that someone was DQ'd from a tournament for wanting to know what a Sphinx could do. Edit: Oh, we're talking about the same thing, lol, yeah.
That's what we're referring to. It's also weird, considering an S6 TO Camo marker could also be an Anathematic.
That would be great, but I'd just settle for knowing how the bit about Cost and SWC being Private Information is meant to work, even if that answer doesn't even hint at the fact that Army may or may not exist.
@wes-o-matic answered: "Consider any piece of information on a player's Army List that is not explicitly Private as Open and knowable to all" Open and Private Information does not cover information from other sources than a Player's Army List. So information about YOUR Trooper's Cost and SWC is Private but information about A Trooper's Cost and SWC, derived from a different source than your Army List, is neither Open nor Private: rather it is outside of these definitions and as, such, is as freely accessible as etiquette allows.
Okay, you've got to elaborate just a little bit of this because otherwise it's just going to lead to a bunch of speculation. Did the player playing the Sphinx complain to the TO, who then disqualified the player who asked about the Sphinx? Is that what you are implying happened? I mean, ideally this would be a feature that Army could handle natively. Being able to beam your opponent a courtesy list via their ITS PIN would be an awesome feature. They could even build in a feature to reserve a model via the app so your opponent would have access to all the public info on the table when they began deployment. If not, how long does it take to pump a courtesy list into army? A couple minutes at most? No, the majority of players don't do this. It doesn't mean that they can't. I mean, as someone who has both learned a second language and memorized points costs of Infinity profiles, they've got more in common than you think. In both cases, you're creating a mental mapping between an arbitrary symbol and a value.
Or it's a guy with a Decoy. Or it's a set of three markers, each of which can technically be guy / decoy / mine.