My Starmada EXP/Thoughts

Discussion in 'O-12' started by D_acolyte, Mar 30, 2021.

  1. D_acolyte

    D_acolyte Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2018
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    I have been trying to rap my head around the Starmada list, some things I have seen worked in it:

    1. This is not a HI focus forces. Raptors are probably the best bang for your buck in the list especially compared to all the other groups that have cheap HI or can put HI in a cheap link. I also find that because the HI lack a weapon with neutral range bands pass 24 inches I do a lot of my initial fighting with other models in order to get out of my deployment zone.

    2. This is possibly a LI focus force. Nyokas and Kappa can work well for either the offence or defense of the force. I had some success in my few games with a 2 HRL Nyoka core and an HMG in in a Nyoka haris, yes lots of wild cards where used.

    3. There are a lot of good solo expendable profiles, crushers and law keepers for example. These models are sacrificial as most of them will die at some point but if you can spend them to take out key enemies then it is worth it. If you plan to go, first always consider Andromeda for this, otherwise crushers for defense/harassment/offence if you have the LRL and law keepers for ramboing.

    4. Parvati is too much of an auto include. Unless you are strapped for points, trying to do 15 orders in a list, or dislike playing Aleph unit for some reason (like it is your other army) it is hard not to take her. She can be key to some HI haris or cores. A cheap blue coat, Parvati and a bronze red fury is 107 and 98 for Parvati, a cheap psi cops and beta trooper spitfire with tin bot. Both harises can do some work but Parvati with some tinbot are also great.

    5. I fine if I want to bring armor I tend to look at the Zeta. I did not see much talk about this on the forum but the HRMC now has NO range negative for shooting pass 32 inches till it ends at 48, though I may be reading the wrong section of the forum. This means you can fire fight missiles and snipers at their common range bands at only a minor disadvantage or shoot at an HMG or HRL when they have a disadvantage. I could see the Zeta with this change entering a good number of my list. Parvati is very good at supporting the Zeta, in fact I feel Starmada is good at that in general with some hardy buffer units and effective li links.

    6. Networking is important, by that I mean Oko, Kytta, and Fuzzbot are important. I am not joking when I say I see a lot of MSV on the battlefield. From lone models to those embedded in a fire team, you say it and it is probably on the field vs me because I historically like smoke and mimetism on my models. To counter this I tend to deploy in a second combat group some repeater bots and a Cyberghost because whitenoice is great at saving me from MSV. Just be sure to bring a KHD as well because people will try to kill the Cyberghost, a Tian Gou is often good for this job.

    7. One thing in Starmada that reminds me of Steel Phalanx is that there are no hidden deployment; if we want some hidden surprises then we have to go with combat jump or parachutist. I have not used the Knight of Santiago (it is on the list to) yet but the Crusher and Noyka have done well. I find the deciding factor is the mission and how many midfield Crushers I have. The main problem is that all people for this role is to fill this role we are taking AVA from other profiles of these models, do I want a drop trooper with BSG or a forward deplorer with a multi rifle or LRL.

    What has your Starmada experience been? Any points you agree or disagree with?
    #1 D_acolyte, Mar 30, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2021
    Golem2God and miguelbarbo84 like this.
  2. Capo.Paint

    Capo.Paint Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2018
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    I am quite sorry to tell you this, but as far as I know, there is no Varangian-haris in Starmada. It would be really cool, but for now that isn't a thing.

    For your other points I have to admit that most of the time I made completely different experiences and find your points quite interesting.

    1.: Agree, since most of the time there are not enough points to fit more than one Raptor and/or one Beta in your list, as long as you don't go all in with a Beta-link. But Beta spitfire and Raptors are real gold.

    2.: The Nyokas don't get me for what they cost and the Kappas are what you expect: A cheap defensive core-link. The work is done by Crushers, Betas, Andromeda or sometimes Hector. So it feels more to be a MI/specialist-sectorial.

    3.: Agree, especially for the Lawkeeper. Since Crushers tend to be my go-to units to solve every problem, I tend to take two or three in most lists, where at least one will survive, since the job is completely done. That adds some importance to them, so there is not more than one to sacrifice.

    4.: For me Parvati is only worth her points, if there are things to heal/repair and classifieds to be done. In most cases I only need one doc or engineer and better take a Lamda and a Varangian for her points. But maybe I used her too carefully in the past?

    5.: With what Starmada delivers around the Zeta, it is difficult to build a sufficient list around him. There is one LI-list with a Kappa-core, Zeta NCO, three Crushers and AD Santiago, which performed good but may have some serious mismatches. You are missing the Alpha and you are missing the mid-field presence to defend him properly, nevertheless it is a real pain to get rid of, once it has cover.

    6.: I always forget about HD+ on Cyberghosts, so I never really thought about this option, thank you!

    7.: Our AD-options are really cool, even with the odd weapons. I can't remember a game where I could not use them properly. The AD Santiago is a risk, but even if he fails his roll in turn three, you may have enough orders to rocket him up to where you need him. Then the Crusher with his panzerfaust can clear out nearly everything, once he reached a good spot. I am comfortable with letting the opponent dive into my lines, if there is a Crusher waiting to clear the cheerleaders then.
  3. bkromray

    bkromray Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
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    The warbands can form a fire team Harris, they have the skill in the starmada army list. They do not have an ava above two though so you do have to throw in a wild card or something to rounds it out.
  4. Delta57Dash

    Delta57Dash Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2020
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    The Starmada Chart does not list any Fireteams for Varangians, so they can't form the team. It's a bug in Army.

    CB has been rather slow to fix all the army bugs but EVENTUALLY you will be able to go off of just Army, but right now it's very hit-and-miss.

    Until they get around to fixing it, always double-check fireteam rules by the sectorial charts (Available here: )
  5. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    No Fireteams for Varangians in Starmada, remember you need both the skill and permission from the Sectorial chart for a Duo or Haris.

  6. bkromray

    bkromray Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
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    Has it been reported in the bug thread? Not having access to a cheep Harris of smoke throwers is going to make the armies lack of range on quality models even more of a drawback.
  7. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yep, but RAW they still can't form a Haris with just the skill, they need permission from the chart too.

    Edit: We also know new Fireteam rules are probably the next big update to the game, so they could be in there as a placeholder for something.
  8. bkromray

    bkromray Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
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    That would be ideal, the army lacks a lot of tools. All short range high quality models, baring the tag, and I know I really hate trying to throw a single smoke, espically since it will probably be the opening for many games to cover the lack of long range shooting.
  9. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    VarGuard are impetuous so you can get a free smoke throw on 17s each if you deploy them cleverly. They're one of the best solo smoke pieces in the game.
  10. D_acolyte

    D_acolyte Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2018
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    Thank for pointing that out I shall remove that. I really would have thought they would have fixed that as they keep making small changes army what seems every few weeks.
  11. D_acolyte

    D_acolyte Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2018
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    I agree the Raptor and Beta are great solo actors. Even the Bronze if you need a solo rock is good. Number 1 is because I started O 12 to try playing with heavy infantry and Starmada does not do it I feel any better on average then the vanilla. This makes me sad.

    I can see where Nyokas seem expensive, partly because they are but I have had a few cases where the +1 damage really helped in a few games. Especially on the multi rifle parachutist.

    Parvati is nice because of repairing herself on an 18 so I can be risker with her and if you are running low on models or want a doctor/engineer in a link. The SMG with +1 burst can also be dangerous on the attack if the board allows it.

    I can see where the Zeta can get really bogged down with that list you gave. I tend to do a core, 1-2 crushers (trying to avoid the mimetism nwi Aleph uses), zeta and an engineer.
    Bellow is the army code of my last one I used, it was ok. Really wants to go first. It is an 8/5 order split but I may move people around, I found the lawkeeper ate a lot of orders from my tag so may move that into group 2 and the oko into group 1 or go 7/6:

  12. bkromray

    bkromray Active Member

    Jan 28, 2021
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    I had impossible levels of bad luck with mine. 6-8 orders in 10 games were smoke failures. The second dice would, at least, cut that in half.
  13. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Nyokka definitely appear to be the intended backbone of the sectorial, kappas are hardly worth the time though, in my testing they really don't stand up to what is running around in the game at the moment, were it mid N3 they'd be great but N4 has kind of made the basic line infantry defence core obsolete.

    The Zeta is great, and has always out performed expectations every time it sees the table and like the raptor is great when you aren't taking a strategos LT like saladin or more likely hector. However I find when ever I start building a starmada zeta list it will inevitably morph into a vanilla list almost entirely due to the increased AVA in Vguards and the razor so as to give it some forward defensive pieces.

    It is very Similar to SP in that it has a lot of the same focus and limitations however unlike SP it doesn't have as many of the bonuses, such as wide spread smoke and ODD to get it up the table, it relies on the pano approach for this but without the long-range fire support nor the defensive options of either of these armies.

    I have found the sectorial to be fairly lacking when you arent take one of if not both Hector and Parvatii, it very much feels like the entire sectorial is balanced around those two. though when I go back I intend to experiment a bit more with a nyokka based army as opposed to a kappa one and see where that gets me, but on the whole it definitely feels like something is missing and there is a few decisions that leave me scratching my head at at least when compared to other contemporary sectorials.

    The +1 damage is surprisingly useful, a dam 15/16 HRL is great and so is the dam14 Multi rifle but the real winner is the chaincolt, due to it being a dtw allowing it to bypass cover means arm 4 stuff has a 55%ish chance to take a wound against it and it just gets worse for lower arm stuff from there making it great at digging out most things you see running running around and between the climbing plus and in some cases parachutist its not that difficult to leverage.
    D_acolyte likes this.
  14. miguelbarbo84

    miguelbarbo84 Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2018
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    I agree with most of the comments!

    Not really sure about running around with Nyokkas on their own, but will need to try, I guess. I just think they have a bit too much CC bloat and it would have been great if they had true CC capabilities OR, better still, remove CC and give them dogged, for example.

    I don't care too much about the severe drawbacks of this army in regards to repeater coverage (outside of drones), long range fire superiority pieces and Camo/HD... but balancing these around Hector, Parvati, Andromeda and even Casanova just put too many Stars in my Armada.
  15. Captain_Rose

    Captain_Rose Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I'm finding that Starmada are very good if you can build speciically for the missions. The Knight of Santiago KHD combat jump profile can achieve so many classifieds and mission objectives, I'm finding he is taking a lot of places in my list. I initially thought I'd struggle with Starmada for Highly Classified/Countermeasures - but actually it is so easy to take specialists who can do everything and get to where they need to be with relative ease, I'm finding those missions a bit easier.

    The real hard ones are the likes of Biotechvore, which I have struggled with - 8" deployment and not having any great long range firepower to duel the enemy is tough.
  16. Kreslack

    Kreslack Unknown Ranger lead the way!

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I feel kinda baffled as too why Starmada has 3 very similar line infantry units.

    Any one of them could have been axed and replacd with something better. I really don't think I'd notice all that much if they did. They really should been given a bit more to make them more interesting. Rather then all slightly step on each others toes.

    My suggestion would be to beef up the Nyoka a little bit. Remove Kappas, and throw a hacking device option to the Blue Coats.

    All three are so lackluster right now. I only Take Nyoka's because the other two can't link with Hector. And even then only the HRL and HMG.

    I'd probably give the Nyoka's +1 ARM, dogged, and swap courage with religious. Probably lower their CC to 16 if they aren't going to have a MA skill.
  17. Phayton

    Phayton Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Bluecoats ar in my opinion the best Linetrooper for starmada I´ve tested so far. They are screaming for a Harris with their build in Sixth Sense, are excellent Anti Camo and Anti Impersionater units and almost untouchable in CC.

    Also a "cheap" Core with two Bluecoats, two Kappa Hacker and a Kappa HMG or Psy-Cop MSV1 for active firepunch seems legit.

    Maybe pair this with Epsilon or Zeta for longrange firepower and two Varangians (one of the best units in the game imo). Then I´d fill the rest with Saladin/Cho, Crushers, etc. depending on leftover points.

    All in all I think Starmada has a hard time against Toptier factions or on open tables. Just my opinon after some games and listtesting with them.
    Lightforge likes this.
  18. Lightforge

    Lightforge Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2018
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    I keep tinkering with lists for Starmada but always end up playing with Vanilla O-12 instead. Just way better options and great board control. The fireteam options in Starmada just aren't worth the sacrifices in troop selection imo.
    Time Bandit likes this.
  19. miguelbarbo84

    miguelbarbo84 Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2018
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    The basic FTs are rather disappointing and mostly serve as fillers for the wildcards because they don't have too much appeal on their own, that's true.

    Hector and friends make brutal cores and that's mostly it.

    Anyway, if you don't like to rely on characters too much you can always go for bluecoat + Bronze links like this one:


    The Bronze can shoot against almost anything with 5 dice and total immunity, the psicops against camp and the bluecoats will make a great defense (or shoot 3B adhesive). You can disguise the TG as Shona or whatever, to lure hackers or keep certain units away.

    The TR HMG can be used in active and reactive, and Nyokka + Millicent can play the guided game.

    This is better with Parvati in the link, anyways....
  20. Time Bandit

    Time Bandit Vulnerability (Total)

    Feb 21, 2019
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    What's the answer to tags? Red fury+1 has an effective damage of 3 against a zeta in cover. Generally that's one of the three big issues with Starmada for me: 1 the lackluster fireteams aren't worth trading away gold-standard O-12 units like the Gangbuster; 2 Starmada is limited to close gunfighting, without really seeing the big bonuses to balance this shortcoming that you see in other similar sectorials; and 3 you're crutching on CC or order-pool gutting when you run into tags because they're running a bit light on those heavy weapons that shine in N4.

    Such a strange sectorial! If I didn't know better, looking at it with new eyes, I'd assume Starmada was an outdated sectorial left over from an earlier iteration of the game and in dire need of a reboot. (I could be completely wrong on this, having only played them a handful of times.)
    Tourniquet and miguelbarbo84 like this.
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