I’m sure this has been answered before but I’m have trouble finding anything. The active player declares a move and moves towards the an enemy model.The enemy declares dodge as their ARO. The active model declares dodge as their second skill. Is this a face to face roll or two unopposed dodge rolls? If it isn’t a face to face, which player has to make their movement from dodge first. I could have sworn I has seen something that said that the active player chooses who goes first whenever that distinction it matters but I can’t seem to find it in the rules now.
Not even an FAQ, it's part of the Dodge rules in the book. Also Dodge vs Dodge won't be a F2F roll as the troopers aren't directly affecting each other.
Thanks. I’m not seeing anything in the FAQ that says the Active player moves first. It looks like the FAQ is where the bit I remembered seeing came from. “Do you need to specify all details of a Skill when declaring it? For example where the target is for a BS Attack, or where the template is being placed for White Noise? Yes, with the exception of the target’s position, which is chosen in the Resolution step, before measuring Ranges. If the order of declaration is important, the active player chooses who declares first.” I think that would apply here. EDIT: Someone else posted the bit from the dodge rules that I must have read half a dozen times without it registering. Active player moves first.