In the fluff the bikes are Boltacorps Impalas originally designed for rangers in the Great Arboreal Reserve, so real life off road bikes are the perfect inspiration.
Inspiration? Bultaco? (Montesa) Impala? Set blender to 11 and rip with no end in sight! Double helmets (head shrunking tribes are wanabees compared to this), yet they miss the oportunity of new levels of tactical rock and dynamic pose. Spoiler: Jumping the plaza Tactical hill. And that guy needs a 40mm, minimum, base for the legs when dismounted.
Thanks for everything, there was normal amount of tactical stones and other terrain parts. On this miniatures I like it. Better less tactical stones but in the right places (and not like with new Kassandra Kusanagi) And to be honest, I like extraHeavy infantry unit) The only thing is helmet in the helmet of montesa. And even this is ok, cause My friendtold me: “Wait... it’s a meme thing...” in this case everything is fine)
DHL are by far the best locally (UPS had all clearances halted because they were months behind paying their customs fees) but still don't fill me with confidence.
I just remember when I lived in Bolivia... I was one of the lucky folks in my zones, I could count on one hand the packages that went missing in Aduanas...