Jingwei Mobile Enforcement Division - 2021/03/22 Full Colour

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Weathercock, Mar 16, 2021.

  1. Weathercock

    Weathercock Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    So with the previous thread about ISS needing a TAG, I kind of got an idea. And then an idea lead to an itch. And then next thing you know... well...

    Point is, if the old adage about converting a model as sacrifice to get CB to make a proper version is true, it'll hopefully pay some serious dividends here.

    Anyway, I took my original profile concept and refined it a bit, simplifying things and also changing some loadouts to make it more relevant to some of the real issues ISS faces.

    I also really wanted to do a deep dive into the aesthetic elements that I think make Yu Jing, and to a greater extent, ISS really tick as a faction.

    Jingwei-TAG-dossier.jpg Jingwei-Detail-Linecorrect.jpg

    "In the aftermath of the Japanese uprising, the Imperial Service was disgraced. Not only had they failed to properly anticipate and prevent the uprising altogether, but they had also proven themselves woefully unprepared to deal with the level of resistance that was brought to bear against them.

    Faced with a new, modern reality of insurrectionists armed with heavier duty equipment provided from outside sources, as well as increased public scrutiny both nationally and abroad, the Imperial Service was forced to reconsider their approach in an ever more chaotic and dangerous world. To combat this program, the Imperial Service developed the Jingwei Mobile Enforcement Division as not only a vanguard for their new enforcement strategy, but also as a symbol of their renewed vigour.

    First and foremost, the Jingwei light TAG was designed for urban combat, often in populated areas. With this in mind, the greatest hurdles in the TAG's development was not only mobility, but also an aversion to collateral damage in spite of the need to deal with insurrectionists wielding military-grade equipment. For this reason, high burst fully-automatic weaponry was eschewed in favour of highly precise, high powered weaponry instead.
    One of the more advanced pieces of equipment built into the Jingwei is an improved Kuang Shi control device. Thanks to the already advanced control interfaces available to the TAG, the Jingwei is able to command its own support units directly, allowing it unprecedented control of any battlefield situation.

    The first Jingwei pilots were originally pulled from the same academies as prospective Crane agents, drawn from the groups of students who showed combat proficiency and discipline, but lacked in the capacities needed to succeed as judicial agents. For them, enlistment in the Jingwei Corps allowed them their own personal chance at redemption, something that is not taken lightly. In time, the Jingwei training regimen and its pilots have developed into a more distinct and complete entity within the ISS, but the decisiveness and resoluteness that came to define the unit has only grown stronger.

    As the Jingwei's namesake suggests, the pursuit of Imperial justice is a long and arduous process, and each step forward is just a single rock in an endless ocean of turmoil. But with each move forward, the Jingwei paves the way for security and stability in the State Empire."
    #1 Weathercock, Mar 16, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2021
  2. chaos11

    chaos11 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'm not in a position to comment on rules, just wanted to say that that dossier is really well done.
    Barrogh and Dragonstriker like this.
  3. Youshang

    Youshang Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    This needs to be a thing. It's time to show some love to the IS. Come on CB!

    Loving the idea of Kuang Shi peripherals. <3
    Barrogh likes this.
  4. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    The rules look interesting but I would make some adjustments, but the dossier is very nice indeed!
    Savnock likes this.
  5. Goorie

    Goorie Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2019
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    I am loving this! The design is beautiful, infinity need more ISS style sculpts.

    Also, I like the profile. It feels really fresh and yet something ISS could make use of.

    Make it happen!
  6. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    wait did you draw that?
  7. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I think there's a tonal inconsistency between having a Kuang Shi peripheral and a riotstopper.
  8. Someone

    Someone Active Member

    Mar 16, 2018
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    The artwork is exceptional, really well done.
  9. Weathercock

    Weathercock Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    For what it's worth, I started on it a few days before TAG Raid was announced. Fun coincidence though.
    the huanglong, Fed4ykin and chaos11 like this.
  10. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    Outstanding work on that dossier. I really like the general idea as well, especially the Kuang Shi.
    How did you envision the MSR? Does it just hold the weapon like a normal trooper or is it a shoulder mount?

    I don't see it. The ISS make ample use of MadTraps and there is tactical value in adhesive ammo beyond its non-lethal nature.
    #10 Knauf, Mar 16, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2021
  11. Willen

    Willen Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    It is really amazing. One super small thing that jumped at me, the legs/feet seem more align with agile superjump YJ troops, were for most climbing+ troopers we have been seeing the "clawed footsoles" like in the Zencha.

    Love it anyway, amazing work.
  12. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well it looks really good
  13. TemporalDistortion

    TemporalDistortion New Member

    Oct 1, 2020
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    What a cool idea! You've clearly put a lot of thought into this!
  14. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    IMO, it's that the riotstopper is on the same unit. I think it makes sense for ISS to have riotstoppers, but I don't think it makes sense to have them on certain units. Riotstoppers make sense for the lower level agents (chiefly Zhanying) that are often tasked with working along side the Yu Jing police forces, or Bao since they shouldn't be trusted with stuff designed to be lethal. This TAG seems more along the lines of a suppression/oppression device more associated with the higher level agents to me, those tasked with rebellion suppression, military law enforcement, and countering military black ops, and that implies lethal force to me which the use of Kuang Shi (hopelessly running to keep up with the TAG) does enshrine.

    As a minor aside, if there's ever a Remote Presence TAG for Yu Jing, I think it's this one.
    Knauf likes this.
  15. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Ok I chuckled at that mental image.

    From using mixed move link teams it hasn't been that bad though, the stragglers tend to catch up when the primary slows down to shoot at shit.
    Mahtamori likes this.
  16. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Honestly I'd also take the Kuang Shi peripherals on the MSR version as well if I had the option.
  17. fatherboxx

    fatherboxx Mission control, I'm coming home.

    Jan 18, 2018
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    loled at the image of Gorgos and this guy engaging in a pokemon battle of peripherals

    But in serious, great, flaworful and balanced profile, a sidegrade of Blue Wolf with ISS signature traits
    Mahtamori likes this.
  18. Knauf

    Knauf Transhumanist

    Mar 3, 2018
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    I see, that's more of a contextual issue then, which does make sense. The alternative would be a Pulzar or E/Marat, with the former being somewhat in line with ISS [B+1]?, while E/M is really not their thing. Heavy Flamer is too generic imo.

    As for the slow Kuang Shi, they'd probably have to be non-peripherals, so they can freely use their second MOV instead of idling, whenever the TAG goes Move-Shoot. Or make them Kuang Shi 2.0 with 6-2 MOV just for this unit, even though that somewhat hurts consistency. They are losing their impetuous order, so might as well give them something to make up for it.
    #18 Knauf, Mar 16, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2021
    Mahtamori likes this.
  19. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Really nice work on the dossier.
  20. Savnock

    Savnock Nerfherder

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Great work, on the dossier, the illustration (REALLY GOOD work there), and the rules. Rules-wise you mostly resisted the urge to make it too uber: that's great. The low armor and medium BTS are good signs of restraint. The MSV1 would be unique on a TAG so far and perfect for ISS. Climbing Plus is good, but you could consider restricting that to the sniper version if you want to save points (because your Kuang Shi buddy won't be able to climb anyways).

    The idea of a multi-role TAG with a ground version for police-actions and a sniper version for support is really cool.

    Police action version could use a few tweaks though:

    The Heavy riotstopper seems perfect. Keep it!

    [Edit: the gun is good, ignore what I was saying about a Spitfire instead.]

    Like others have said, a 6-2 profile for the peripheral kuang-shi isn't a bad idea.

    2 Kuang Shi peripherals are also a bit much: one peripheral per TAG is the standard so far, for some pretty good design reasons. For Kuang shi this would be especially true, because they are basically also perimeter weapons.

    Maybe change that second profile to have another unique role instead. Heavy shotgun and a panzerfaust +1B maybe?

    I also think the Para CCW is an excellent idea, very thematic. EXP paired with them is a bit much though, again outside the profile of a force that takes prisoners. Maybe give it DA instead (which will also be cheaper).

    MA2 is also a bit much on a TAG in a sectorial that isn't CC-oriented. Even MA1 on a TAG is a lot. I would advise dropping MA altogether, to keep the TAG cheap and fit the ISS theme. Maybe give the pilot some police-ish gear, like a light riotstopper or a Para CCW instead.
    #20 Savnock, Mar 16, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2021
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