You know I completely forgot the satirical connotations of the expression "Modest Proposal" when I put this together, despite studying the text in high school. I could have done something funny with it... Oh well, poor children are better off as Kuang shi anyway.
Lol that A hole that brings back a whole team of jannisaries after you spend a turn putting them down. Last turn in a mission needing points on the board.
I actually bought Kaldstrom a few days ago, and finally got access to a bit of WB's fluff. It describes the typical doctrine of the army as relying on its Heavy Infantry as its spearhead troops with a focus on CQB, with specialised units to skirmish and open paths to advance while LI act as support and reinforcements. Explains why Ye Mao are seen as so bad; they're supposed to be jumping through midfield clearing rooftops and developing positions in a Sectorial with AVA4 Guilangs. That's just not a role a DZ-bound troop built for Fireteams is ever going to be able to fill here. Really got to agree with any proposal to let Jujaks form their own teams, that seems to be on-brand for WB given the theoretical focus on HI with close-in weapons for spearhead duty.
Let no man talk to me of these and the like expedients, 'till he hath at least some glimpse of hope, that there will ever be some hearty and sincere attempt to put them into practice.
Yeah, CB's recently addicted to the box - can't blame it, since blisters does affect stock problems. But I can live with that box with such sculpted monk, and with their Buddhist Monk robes they really look awesome.
That's a bit deeper into English literature science than my education (or 5 minutes of Google) really allows to penetrate. All I'm getting is that it's a response to the proposal? Though I'm left wondering about the original post given that context. It's lacking the hyperbole of the original Modest Proposal, or indeed much of the hyperbole you'll find in any thread dealing with faction balance on the forums.
I'm kind of annoyed that they went for a resculpt of something that, while pretty old at the moment, still has a working sculpt while White Banner is still so starved of such vital pieces, while at the same time releasing two massive dumps of MO in a row. Besides, let's face it, we're all just using Liang Kai as a regular Shaolin anyway, so we've already got the more modern sculpt we need.
Really? I've been using Liang Kai as a human missile against key units, since he can cover up the board fairly quick and does hit like a brick even activating berserk.
In my case it's nothing more or less than me wanting to quote the original Modest Proposal in a thread titled 'Modest Proposal'. The original post in this thread might have been an unintentional reference, given it makes no mention of selling the children of yu jing players to panoceanians to eat in a ragout.
Yeah, he's not quite an autoinclude for me but he's very close. If nothing else, him and a shaolin for smoke is as good as you'll get to hard counter an enemy Avatar for the cost.
It'd be pretty cool if he could actually chill with his monk homies. Especially since he forgot to bring his own goodies to the party.
Aleph in both sectorial can doctor+ eng. Parvati is wildcard in oss and machaon + acmon in myrmidon link in phalanx.
When they teased shaolin monks during kaldstrom hypeweek they had fireteam special with liang kai counting as shaolin. I was sooo hyped for a special fireteam that makes shaolin become regular or at least able to spend irregular orders in this special link (hungriest had similar rule in morat in n3 iirc). But then we found out it's duo that can't use irregular order -.-
Releasing models for this 1y old sectorial would be my modest proposal. I like the new monk render very much, but if I had to choose, I'd rather take one of the missing models .
This would be the most exciting news of my day if I hadn't gotten the news earlier that I get a COVID vaccine tomorrow. I don't know what it says about my brain that "possibility of cool army mans" is in close competition with "access to lifesaving vaccine." Yikes.
This is because I built Gao and started painting him last week to use as a Shang Ji. You're fucking welcome. Goddammit.