Didn't Bostria mention that TAG raids is supposed to be their biggest project on terms of model size? And considering Megalodron there is a fair chance that these TAGs will be in different scale and incompatible with Infinity.
Came back to check out TAG Raid, found out it's another limited-time-only Kickstarter; while looking into that caught up with the new reveals on MO and was severely disappointed. CB shafted Order sergeants; teutons, KotSH and KoM and the KoJ is just a lazy Aquila guard conversion. I don't want to even get into O12 anymore because of Defiance KS. And it's not looking good for CJC and with the design scale still not completely leveled off, I think I'm going back into hibernation.
well, i just added crimson stone, tankhunter autocannon (though i own the old one), new 0-12minis and agent dukash to my top buy list. new infinity kickstarter about tags; yep im going to back the F out of it!
Sorry, genuine question here, but what impact does Defiance have on your decision about whether or not to get into O-12?
Bostria mentioned a really big mini for this DeathTAG thing. IIRC, A few years back, Magno ran some event at GenCon involving a huge mini every called 'Fiddler', or something, and a bunch of Raichos. I'm wondering about a possible connection. Will the huge mini be inspired by 'fiddler' ( If I have the name correct.) Multi player means 3 or more players, to me. I'm intrigued. TMI, bro, TMFI. Also, you use the term "man-buns'. it may mean something other than what you intended. And if you have one, I guarantee that you made your grandfather weep in despair the first time he saw you with it.
Between not paying attention the armchairphilliacs and being tired... no idea who you mean. Green Smith? With a lot of imagination, and by mental association of his bearded boss getting some people into trouble for shooting at a range. Define all. 5? 10? 15? Like if KS exclusives/"no wholesale" were not a problem by themselves, killing the FLGS one FOMO at a time. I think you are mixing games, Raichos were against monsters with lots of teeth, and Fiddler against normal soldiers. Unless there was a third game. That was the 28mm one (out of production for years) IIRC. 15mm version is out of stock anyway, but still listed. Both resin.
Sculpt variety is important to me, even if i'm only ever going to be putting 15 max models on the field, having some pleasant pose variance amongst the copy-cat profiles strengthens my immersion that each peace is a miniaturized person. I'm ok with an exclusive launch mini or seasonal promo but the amount of minis for 0-12 locked behind the Outcast expansion is what CB was packing into starter sets some years ago. I bought into Wildfire then the kickstarter landed and couldn't justify spending even more. Instead of holding minis hostage CB should have had enough confidence in the rules and the lore behind the game to sell the system but they didn't. P.S The Zeta was a massive miss especially compared design-wise across all the TAGs that were being released next to it. If your going to have one arm dedicated to holding AND shooting the gun just integrate them together. The pilot doesn't need to reload(not that he could without getting out anyway) so what are you doing with the other hand? Let's not forget that If i want my Kappa SWC I gotta throw down for a whole starmada pack. I guess Saekkonit is doing good business still. I'm just angry with the consumer unfriendly hoops. I mean for gods sake the orange forum skin is STILL broken after how many YEARS since the forum nuking?
Hmm, alright. I guess as a Combined player who was collecting the Shasvastii resculpts starting with Wildfire, I guess I viewed the Defiance minis as bonus additional models. I feel like you can make a pretty compelling (both visually and mechanically) army from just the general release models. To each their own, however, and I’m sorry you had a negative experience in that regard.
Climbing, using tools/different weapons, hitting people. Hands are useful things. The sketchier part of mech design has always been the legs and high centre of gravity.
Please God, No! Give us both boxes! While you are at it tian gou (with mad traps) and Hundun rocket launcher blisters, and long yas pretty please. And when I am wichlisting... I would love me some shrouded BSG, noctifier ML and Malignos blisters.
Obviously: Shang-Ji Multi Rifle + Chain-Colt, Jujak Spitfire, Jujak Missile Launcher, TinBot (Firewall)
Koni I am begging you and I will pay any price Are the fireteam rules getting updated? I can't take the pain any more! the paaaaain